days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Self Identification Survey

In keeping with their commitment to create a workplace where diversity and inclusion is valued, Air Canada’s People, Culture and Communications branch has launched a self-identification survey. According to Air Canada, the purpose of the questionnaire is to “collect information about its workforce to ensure barriers to employment that disadvantage members of the designated groups are removed.” The information collected, will be used to develop initiatives and measures to promote Diversity and Inclusion at Air Canada as well as to comply with the Employment Equity Act.

The Component Diversity Committee encourages you to participate by completing the questionnaire. The information collected will remain strictly confidential.

The questionnaire was sent to all employees via their Air Canada email. Please check your inbox for the email. You can also complete the questionnaire from inside the Air Canada network by clicking here or from outside the Air Canada network by clicking here (after logging into ACaeronet).

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