days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Voluntary Extension and Reserve

(This applies to Air Canada Mainline only)

The Union has been contacted regarding specifics around the voluntary extension process when on reserve.

We have compiled some information below to help make this process easier for you to understand and follow.

Should a reserve member wish to volunteer for voluntary extension, one of these 3 conditions must be met:
• The Maximum Monthly Limitation (80 or 85 hours) has been reached;
• No Reserve availability days remaining in the month (ie C or R days); or
• You have been released pursuant to Article B8.11.01.

B8.11.01  An employee who, at the termination of his/her last duty period, has accumulated seventy-seven (77) or more hours of flight time credits, and has at least two (2) scheduled reserve duty days remaining will, at his/her OPTION, be released from further reserve duty in that month provided s/he cannot be assigned at that time. If s/he is assigned a pairing s/he will be released on those reserve duty days not involved in the assignment. The option to decline such pre-assignment as per B8.28 does not apply.

You cannot volunteer for VE on inviolate days off (GDO’s).  You can only volunteer on non-inviolate days off (RDO’s).

Any hours flown on voluntary extension will be paid over and above your MMG (75 hours).

Reserve blockholders can forfeit up to 3 non-inviolate days off (RDO’s) for VE but you must still maintain a minimum of 10 days off per month.

Reserves can volunteer for a pairing that operates on an overlap into reserve days in the next month.  However, hours flown into reserve days in your next reserve block month will be absorbed within your MMG and will not be paid over and above your 75-hour MMG.

When operating a pairing on voluntary extension that overlaps from one reserve month into another reserve month, your maximum monthly limitation in the second reserve month does NOT get extended to 100 hours.  This also applies if operating a VE pairing on an overlap from a regular block month into an RSV block month.

If you have any questions with regards to the Voluntary Extension process or other reserve concerns, please reach out to your local or to

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

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