days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Call-in Days in December: a message from your Reserve Committee

Dear Reserve Members,
As the holiday season approaches we wanted to reach out and let everyone know that your Reserve Committee will be accessible and monitoring email.
As soon as the start of the December block month started, we have been receiving members writing in about releases on “Call-In” days early on in the month, some members have had multiple days in a row releases.  This is very common for December as the Company wants to ensure they have as much flexibility and legal crews available when the weather gets bad, IRROPS situations and crew availability may be compromised.  Please note that when given a “reserve release” on Call-In days, these days are at no cost, and you are paid for that day as if you were on call.
We tend to get calls asking for clarification on this as members will self notify through Globe.  The Union strongly advises you to follow your Collective Agreement and Call-In to scheduling and have the scheduler show you as notified.  Call-In days are meant to have you Call-In for an assignment the night prior, self notification is not a contractual way to be notified of an assignment.
Call-In, or “C” Days are days that afford you a little more freedom then a “R” Day.  We have outlined where in the contract you can find more information on Call-In days, as well as the benefits they afford you below:

Airport Standby has also been a hot topic as of late, below you will find the specifics along with the Collective Agreement references:
If you ever run into being assigned a third airport standby, you are within your rights to ask if all other base reserves have been assigned 2 already.  If all other members have not been assigned 2 airport standbys, the Company is not permitted to have you operate a third.  Please reach out at the time of assignment if you have any concerns with this so your Union can assist if required.
There are still concerns with meals not being paid out while on Airport Standby, please verify your pay monthly and eclaim if not processed.  If the eclaim is denied, please bring into your Local Union office to have it corrected.
Again, your committee is available 24/7 by email,  We wish each and everyone of you a safe and enjoyable Holiday Season!
In solidarity,
Wesley Lesosky
Chairperson, Reserve Committee 

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