days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

WIP – Top Up Reminder – Reduced Block Program 2021

(This applies to Air Canada Mainline only)

As a result of additional mitigation offerings, the Reduced Block Program (RBP) will continue to be offered to members who wish to Top-Up their earnings in the event that they are unable to return to full duties at the end of the RBP due to an unforeseen disability. The Request and Payment must be completed within 45 days of the commencement of the Reduced Block Program.

Members participating in the Reduced Block Program have the option to top-up their WIP insurable earnings at a flat rate of 35 hours per month. The Top Up is only applicable in the event that you become totally disabled from doing your job at the TERMINATION of the RBP. No Top-up applies during the RBP. If you continue to be disabled after the termination of your RBP, top-up would then take effect and your earnings would be calculated using the additional 35-hour top up.

Using the February block month as the commencement of the RBP and May block month as the termination of the RBP, earnings are based on the average of your previous 3 months Earnings as reported by the Employer.  NOTE, the block month in which you book off is not part of the calculation.

Therefore, if you Book Off in the April block Month, your average 3 month earnings will be  based on the January block month, 75 hours, February block month, 40 hours, and  March block month, 40 hours. If you if continue to remain disabled into the June block month, your 35-hour top up hours will be added to your monthly WIP benefit.

Using the February block month as the commencement of the RBP and May block month as the termination of your RBP, earnings are based on the average of your previous 3 months Earnings as reported by the Employer. NOTE, the block month in which you book off is not part of the calculation.

Therefore, if you Book Off in the June block Month, your average 3 months earnings will be based on the March block month, 40 hours, April block month, 40 hours and May block month, 40 hours flying pay plus your 35 hours of top up.

Payment Calculation
The 35-hour top up is based on your hourly rate x 2.30%, members contribution plus the Employer’s cost of 1.07% as well as applicable taxes.

Please NOTE – January Earnings are not available until Mid-February; therefore, you may not receive the RBP cost until closer to the end of the month of February 2021. As long as your request has been requested within the 45 days, your submission will be honored.

Contact Centre and Payment Options 
Manion’s contact centre number is 1-866-532-8999
– press 1 for Plan Members.
– press 5 for Coverage and Eligibility, you will then be connected to an agent.

If you have additional questions, please contact the undersigned.

On Behalf of The Board of Trust,

Stephen Morash
Administrative Consultant

NOTE:  All Policy Booklet information can be accessed on the Air Canada Component of CUPE web site

Manion, Wilkins & Associates
Plan Administration
626-21 Four Seasons Place
Etobicoke, Ontario
M9B 0A6

Switchboard: 416-234-5044
Toll Free Line:  1-800-663-7849
Fax: 416-234-0127
Contact Centre: 1-866-532-8999

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