days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Component Secretary-Treasurer's Report November 2017

Dear Members, As per the Air Canada Component Bylaws, it is my responsibility to update the membership as to the Component finances and the work I have been performing as the Component Secretary-Treasurer. The current term started in February 2017, and has proven to be enlightening, eye opening and challenging at the same time.  I …

Contribution Holiday October through December 2017

Your Board of Trustees has approved a Contribution Holiday and the Employer was contacted in July 2017 with its 60 day notice as per the Collective Agreement. What this means is that commencing with the October 2017 Block Month through to December 2017 Block Month the 2.30% Wage Indemnity contributions will not be deducted from …

OBSM Update

Dear Members, We have read your frustration, fear and anger. We hear you loud and clear! Thank you to all of our members, across the system, at all bases, for your efforts in letting your Union know your discontent with regards to the Air Canada OBSM program. You echoed the sentiments of many that may …

Crew Bunks

We continue to receive feedback regarding OBSMs and the issue of crew bunks on wide body aircrafts. Contractual crew rest and all additional articles of the Collective Agreement pertaining to crew rest must be upheld. A policy grievance has been filed, however, until this matter is resolved we would like to reiterate the Company’s position. The Company agreed that: 1) Service Directors remain responsible for the sequencing …

Local 4094 Vice-President Vacancy Election

This is to advise that nominations took place, at a Local 4094 (YVR) special membership meeting which was held on September 26, 2017, to fill the vacant Local 4094 Vice President position. The following members were nominated: (Henly) Kaila Henly Kamal Touffaha In accordance with Air Canada Component Bylaw C.8.3, an election must be held. Voting for this position …