days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Recall Notices – December 2020 – Rouge YMQ (Montreal)

The Company has advised us that there will be 60 recalls for Cabin Crew positions at Air Canada Rouge in Montreal (YMQ) for the December 2020 block month. As these are new recalls, they will be offered to the most senior members on layoff status. The letters will be sent later today.

If you intend to accept the recall to Air Canada Rouge you must respond to it within 7 calendar days. Please be sure to review all information about the working conditions at Air Canada Rouge before you accept.  Take your time to review the information and be certain that you understand what this role will entail.  If you require any clarification or information, we encourage you to reach out to us directly by email so we can get back to you in a timely manner.

If you do not wish to accept a position at Air Canada Rouge you have 14 days to advise of such in order to be eligible for future recalls. You must reply to the recall notice to maintain your eligibility for future recalls. Please note that declining a recall to Rouge will not affect your seniority and you will be eligible for future recalls to both Mainline and Rouge that are offered in the future.

All members being recalled will be notified via registered letter.  Please note that due to COVID-19, there may be some delays in these letters reaching you. To compensate for this the Company will also be advising all those recalled via Company email and a courtesy phone call.  Please check your recall notice for more details.

As a reminder the Collective Agreement says the following about recalls:

17.16.02  An employee on laid-off status shall be notified by the applicable company, of the first available assignment either at Air Canada Mainline or at Air Canada Rouge to which his/her seniority entitles him. Failure to advise the applicable company within seven (7) calendar days of the registered postmark date of his/her desire to be considered for the assignment shall disqualify him for the assignment.

Recall notice shall be sent by registered mail to the last address filed with the company.

Please see the below questions and answers regarding these new recalls:

I have already turned down a position at Air Canada Rouge, why am I receiving a recall notice again?
As per the above article, an employee on laid-off status shall be notified of the first available assignment at either Air Canada Mainline or Air Canada Rouge. As this is a new recall offering it must be once again be offered to the most senior members still on layoff status. You again have the option to accept or decline the recall. Please remember that you must still decline within 14 calendar days in order to maintain your name on the seniority list and be available for future recall notices.

I accepted a position at Air Canada Rouge in Toronto, will I be able to transfer to the Montreal base?
Unfortunately not as you accepted a recall to the Toronto base. As per Article 18, base transfers are not actioned while members remain on laid-off status. In addition, as the initial recalls to Air Canada Rouge in Toronto went fairly junior, there is no guaranteeing that the recalls to the Rouge Montreal base will go as junior.

Why are there no recalls to Air Canada Mainline for December?
At this time we have not been advised of any, but this does not mean it is definitely off the table. There could still be recalls to Mainline as the timeframe for recalls to the point of layoff is shorter then the recalls process to Rouge. In addition, the 291 members who took the 6-month SPLOA that was offered during mitigation will be returning to the workplace in December increasing the active Mainline membership. We have requested that additional SPLOAs be offered and to date have yet to hear back from the Company.

As we are hopeful that recalls will become regular monthly occurrence, we have created the following chart that we will update with each round of recalls:

We want to make sure that you have all of the information available to you so that you can make an informed and appropriate decision. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for clarity on the process or any concerns that you may have.

In solidarity,

As A Matter Of Fact – Tip Of The Week – Timeline for Filing a Grievance

If you believe there has been a violation of your rights under the Collective Agreement and you are unable to resolve it with a supervisor, you have sixty (60) days (excluding weekends and statutory holidays) to file a grievance. (Art. 13.02) Grievances that are not filed within the above timelines run the risk of being dismissed by the Arbitrators.  If you have concerns or questions about a timeline issue, please reach out to your Union Local for guidance.


Air Canada Rouge members who believe there has been a violation of their rights under the Collective Agreement can approach a supervisor in order to resolve the situation. If the employee fails to resolve the matter or chooses not to approach a supervisor directly, he or she may approach their Local Office who will enter in formal discussions with the Company on his or her behalf in order to attempt to resolve it. Once these discussions have taken place, and the matter remains unresolved, a grievance may be initiated by the Union. A grievance must be filed within 15 days of the last discussion with a management representative (L55.19.03.01). Grievances that are not filed within the above timelines run the risk of being dismissed by the Arbitrators.  If you have concerns or questions about a timeline issue, please reach out to your Union Local for guidance.

Air Transat Acquisition

We were made aware minutes ago that Air Canada has concluded an amended agreement to acquire Transat A.T. Inc. at a lower share price of $5.00. Please click here for a copy of the press release. The acquisition is still subject to regulatory approvals including the ongoing approval process of regulatory authorities in Canada and the European Union.  This amended agreement clearly demonstrates Air Canada’s continued commitment to acquire Air Transat.

We will be having further discussions with the Employer next week and will update the membership as more information become available.

In solidarity,

Coronavirus Update 27

The Union wishes to update you regarding the following COVID-19 contact tracing issues:

Notification of exposure mid-pairing
Following consultation with the Union, the company revised its contact tracing process effective September 1st, 2020. After implementation, many concerns were raised by our members.

The Union is pleased to inform that the company has agreed to a recommendation from the Montreal Workplace Health and Safety Committee to make the following changes effective immediately to its contact tracing process:

  • Members notified of a confirmed case onboard a flight they operated will be returned to home base in the most efficient way possible (they will not have to complete their entire pairing).
  • Whenever possible, the affected employee will be provided the option to deadhead. This may not always be possible due to minimum crew requirements.

Notification of a COVID-19 case in the workplace
Following discussions between management and the Union, it is confirmed that in the event that the company is notified of a confirmed COVID-19 case in the workforce, contact tracing will be actioned immediately according to established guidelines from the PHAC.

This involves notifying any employee who may have had contact up to 48 hours prior to the ill individual experiencing symptoms (the pre-symptomatic contagious period), or 48 hours prior to a positive test in the case of someone who is asymptomatic.

Notification Delays
The Union has received your concerns regarding periodic delays in notification between the time a flight is posted to the website, and when our members get called by the company.

Upon detailed review with both the PHAC as well as management from Corporate Safety and In-Flight Service, please note the following:

  • As soon as the company is notified of a flight with a confirmed case, they immediately confirm the flight and passenger data for accuracy and action the contact tracing process if it all checks out.
  • There are sometimes major discrepancies/issues between information provided by the federal and provincial health authorities leading to necessary follow-up. The Union has reviewed lengthy communication detailing the fact that this can take a fair bit of time for the Company to rectify, as they must work with up to 3 different levels of government.
  • Examples of details that would be considered major red flags requiring verification include: reported seat assignment that doesn’t exist on the aircraft type, a name/seat assignment that doesn’t match the manifest, a flight number that doesn’t match the cited destination, a flight number that doesn’t match the direction Ex CDG-YUL vs YUL-CDG etc.

Should members see a flight listed and be concerned that they have not received a call from the company’s contact tracing team, the Union and company now have a process in place to seek clarification. Please contact us directly so that we can assist.


In solidarity,

Training Bidding for the November 2020 Block Month

*The information in this bulletin is subject to change.
Please refer to the official information from the Cabin Crew Training team.*

A REMINDER TO CREWMEMBERS:  If you just bid training by Type, your Training will be awarded at that line. Please see examples below.


For more information on bidding with PBS please contact your local PBS Representative

Click HERE for a printable, and downloadable, version of this bulletin.