days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Recall Notices

The Union is happy to announce that the Company has just advised us that there will be 338 recall notices going out.  These notices will take effect with the July 2020 block month.  The Company has also confirmed that these recalls are all for Air Canada Mainline positions. In addition, those recalled will be recalled back to their home base.

All members being recalled will be notified via a registered letter.  Please note that due to COVID-19, there may be some delays in these letters reaching you. To compensate for this the Company will also be advising all those recalled via Company email and a courtesy call.

We have also had confirmation from the Company that the block hours for July will now be 80 hours and not 85 as planned.

Many of you have reached out regarding the next steps in the process of returning to work.  There has been much information floating around and we wanted to update you on what to expect and what your requirement is in the process.

17.16.02  An employee on laid-off status shall be notified by the applicable company, of the first available assignment either at Air Canada Mainline or at Air Canada Rouge to which his/her seniority entitles him. Failure to advise the applicable company within seven (7) calendar days of the registered postmark date of his/her desire to be considered for the assignment shall disqualify him for the assignment.

Recall notice shall be sent by registered mail to the last address filed with the company.

The Company will reach out to you via registered letter to the last address you have listed with the employer.  You have 7 days to reply to the employer, from the date the letter was post marked.  We have been advised that the letters will go out June 19, 2020.

What happens if I am due for training?
When you are recalled, you will be put into a training class.

Can I be recalled to a base, other than the base I was laid off from?
Yes, as per Article 17.16.03 and 17.16.05, you can be recalled out of base, however you are not required to accept the position.  If you choose not to accept a position out of base, you must reply, in writing, within 14 days from the date the notice was sent.  Failure to reply within this time limit will result in his/her being removed from the seniority list and thereafter s/he shall be deemed to have resigned without notice. 

Do I have to accept a position back to my home base?  Can I decline the recall coming back to where I was laid off from?
As per Article 17.16.04 the following is applicable:

17.16.04  If the employee is notified of a permanent assignment at the point of layoff, s/he must accept, and report for duty within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date notice was sent. An acceptance of permanent assignment at other than the point of layoff shall be optional for the individual concerned; however, should s/he accept, s/he shall report for duty within twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date of registered postmark. This time limit may be extended by Air Canada or Air Canada Rouge, as applicable, under extenuating circumstances.

Please do not hesitate to reach out for clarity on the process or any concerns you may have.

In solidarity,

Voluntary Extension and Reserve

(This applies to Air Canada Mainline only)

The Union has been contacted regarding specifics around the voluntary extension process when on reserve.

We have compiled some information below to help make this process easier for you to understand and follow.

Should a reserve member wish to volunteer for voluntary extension, one of these 3 conditions must be met:
• The Maximum Monthly Limitation (80 or 85 hours) has been reached;
• No Reserve availability days remaining in the month (ie C or R days); or
• You have been released pursuant to Article B8.11.01.

B8.11.01  An employee who, at the termination of his/her last duty period, has accumulated seventy-seven (77) or more hours of flight time credits, and has at least two (2) scheduled reserve duty days remaining will, at his/her OPTION, be released from further reserve duty in that month provided s/he cannot be assigned at that time. If s/he is assigned a pairing s/he will be released on those reserve duty days not involved in the assignment. The option to decline such pre-assignment as per B8.28 does not apply.

You cannot volunteer for VE on inviolate days off (GDO’s).  You can only volunteer on non-inviolate days off (RDO’s).

Any hours flown on voluntary extension will be paid over and above your MMG (75 hours).

Reserve blockholders can forfeit up to 3 non-inviolate days off (RDO’s) for VE but you must still maintain a minimum of 10 days off per month.

Reserves can volunteer for a pairing that operates on an overlap into reserve days in the next month.  However, hours flown into reserve days in your next reserve block month will be absorbed within your MMG and will not be paid over and above your 75-hour MMG.

When operating a pairing on voluntary extension that overlaps from one reserve month into another reserve month, your maximum monthly limitation in the second reserve month does NOT get extended to 100 hours.  This also applies if operating a VE pairing on an overlap from a regular block month into an RSV block month.

If you have any questions with regards to the Voluntary Extension process or other reserve concerns, please reach out to your local or to

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

COVID-19 Update – Face Coverings

In recent weeks we have had excellent discussion and collaboration with management on the topic of personal protective equipment (PPE). Many of you have reached out to us recently expressing confusion or concern regarding what needs to be worn when or that wearing PPE may come across as unprofessional or uninviting to our passengers.

We have prepared the following bulletin to address some of these issues, which have been discussed with the company. Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly, your Health and Safety Committees or Safety Management.

A new normal:
We mustn’t feel uncomfortable or ashamed of wearing our PPE. It may feel strange or silly and it can certainly make social interactions more difficult, but these are merely new challenges that we must and will overcome. As our new Vice-President of IFS, Jon Turner, stated in his most recent message “… Seeing your PPE gives our customers great comfort knowing that you are trained safety professionals”.

As PPE becomes more ubiquitous, it’s not so much a source of concern for the public as it is a welcome sight and comfort. So, wear both your uniform and PPE with care and pride, like the safety professionals that you have always been!

Cloth face coverings for crew:
As announced in the weekly IFS newsletter on June 12th, the company will be providing all crew with two branded cloth face coverings. These had been requested by many of our members and may be more comfortable for use while in areas off aircraft where physical distancing is easier to achieve, such as waits in the airport, layover hotel etc. You must sign for your pair at your local crew centre.

  • Cloth face coverings do not meet the criteria for personal protective equipment (PPE) and therefore cannot be used anywhere onboard the aircraft.
  • Cloth face coverings may retain moisture after prolonged use and need cleaning to prevent growth of bacteria. For your safety, as well as that of others around you, at the end of the day your mask should be washed with warm soapy water, thoroughly rinsed to remove any soap residue and hung to dry for use the next day.

Surgical masks and N95 respirators are mandatory onboard for all crew:
Since we are employees, and cloth face coverings do not meet the criteria for PPE, the company provides two options for use onboard the aircraft: surgical masks or N95 face respirators.

  • As stated in Insert 293, all cabin crew MUST wear a surgical mask or N95 respirator at all times while onboard the aircraft – regardless of location. This means in the galley, crew rest, cabin, washrooms, and flight deck etc. The only exceptions are when eating, drinking, taking medication, for medical reasons as cleared by occupational health services or during any emergency procedures.
  • A plastic faceguard does not provide the same protection as a mask and cannot be worn alone. If it were a mask, it would be called a mask!

Face coverings onboard for passengers:
As outlined in Insert 293, passengers are required to wear a face covering at all times onboard. Exceptions do exist, but they aren’t a free pass! In a time of rapidly changing policies, it’s more important than ever to know and apply the various sections of the FAM together.

For example, if a passenger expresses having trouble breathing, there is an exception allowing them to remove their mask. But remember breathing difficulty would be considered a medical emergency. You therefore need to follow procedures to request medical assistance and contact STAT MD.

  • A general exemption exists for special needs or unforeseen circumstances at the crew’s discretion. This isn’t license for passengers to disobey Transport Canada mandated policy, but rather an acknowledgement that it is impossible to foresee every possible onboard situation and that you as crew need to be able to exercise critical judgement and adapt accordingly during exceptional circumstances.
  • As a general rule, any medical reason for not wearing a mask must be cleared by MEDA prior to departure or Stat-MD once in-flight.
  • As a general rule, a customer who doesn’t have a valid reason not to wear a mask and who doesn’t comply with crew instructions requires following procedures for disruptive unruly passengers FAM 3.6.1. Remember: the goal is to apply conflict management techniques and achieve compliance without escalating the situation.
  • Appropriate paperwork needs to be filed for any situation where a customer becomes unable to wear their mask during flight (medical forms incl. clearance card / disruptive pax report etc.).

TIP!      Cloth face coverings may make breathing more difficult over time as they get humid from the user’s breath. Offering the choice of a disposable surgical mask instead may be an appropriate solution.

In Solidarity,

Updated Layoff Benefits Continuation Program

Below please find a bulletin that the company recently issued regarding updates to the layoff benefits continuation program.

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Updated Layoff Benefits Continuation Program – NEW Option Coming soon

Last week, each of you received a notice providing information on the benefit continuance options available during layoff. We received feedback from many of you about the terms of this program, specifically around allowing pharmacy benefits only and we thank you for taking the time to write to us. We heard your concerns and are working with our Claims Administrators to develop two options: one that includes comprehensive health coverage and one that includes coverage for prescription drugs only.

Next week, we’ll be sending you more details on the programs, including the enrollment period, costs, and how to prepay your premiums. Please note that for those of you that have made your selections already, as to whether or not to participate in the benefits continuation program, you will have your selections voided in order to ensure everyone has the opportunity to select the best option suited to their needs. For employees who have already submitted cheques, we will review your file pursuant to your revised elections and communicate with you accordingly.

Please note employees placed on Layoff status, your active benefits are extended until the end of the month of the layoff. Prepayment will be required for the following month.

Please continue to monitor your Air Canada email for additional information.

We understand this is a very difficult time, and we are here to answer any questions you may have. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you require clarification or support.

Happy Pride Month!

Each year in June we celebrate the LGBTQ2+ community.

Everyone deserves to feel respected, accepted and empowered to be themselves. So, let’s continue to embrace diversity and inclusivity and push for continued progress and equality.

While Pride month will look a little different this year as events take place virtually, the celebrations will still continue.

Happy Pride!