days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

As A Matter Of Fact – Tip Of The Week – The Different Types of Grievances

There are different types of grievances filed by the local Union and the Component.  They are, for the most part, individual, group and/or policy grievances.

In the case of an individual grievance, the subject-matter of the grievance is personal to the employee. These are filed by your local office.

For example: a member was not paid correctly for a specific pairing

A group grievance is filed when several individual grievances are brought forward as a single complaint; one grievance is filed, and all the names of affected individuals are attached. These are filed by your local office.

For example: a group of members at your local on a specific pairing are not being paid the check-in/check-out gratuity allowance properly

A policy grievance is a complaint by the union that the action(s) of management (or its failure or refusal to act) is a violation of the agreement. This could affect all who are covered by the agreement. These are filed by the Component.

For example: the company has failed to follow the definition of a “downtown” hotel when it chose hotel accommodations.

RAMQ Benefits Update

As discussed last week, we were looking for health insurance alternatives for those laid-off considering the Quebec requirement that you maintain prescription drug coverage.

We have spent a great deal of time working with our benefits administrator to try and work out a cost-effective prescription drug plan that can be offered to members in all provinces. We are very close to finalizing the plan arrangement and will have further details next week.

However, Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge informed us earlier today that they too will now be offering a lower-cost plan that meets the Quebec requirements for prescription drug coverage. We are very happy to hear that our members concerns were acted upon and that this plan will also be available to members in all provinces.

For members at Air Canada Mainline, more information will come out in your Air Canada email and you should be able to adjust your Benefit Status Advice (BSA), if you have already selected. Please be sure to check your Company email which you still have access too while on layoff.

For members at Air Canada Rouge, more information will also come out in your Air Canada email. Members must complete the NEW Layoff Benefits Continuance Form, even if you have completed the old form.  The deadline for Rouge members to advise of their intention to continue benefits has been extended to June 26, 2020 at 0800 EDT.

In solidarity,

Component Officers’ Update – Week of June 8, 2020

We are providing this bulletin in an effort to update you on recent developments and to provide answers to some of the questions that we have been receiving. This is the time that we want to make sure that the constantly evolving landscape is one in which our members are well informed. There are many choices to be made and, in some circumstances, very important ones.  If you are armed with knowledge it provides an opportunity for you to make an informed choice. We will continue to be here for all of the membership.

EI Works Share Program – Reduced Block Program (Mainline Air Canada)
We have received an update from Air Canada with regards to the EI Top Up for those on RBPs.  Air Canada has confirmed that they will not participate in the EI Work Share Program as it is too costly.  The Union has had multiple conversations with the government and was assured that they would assist Air Canada in applying for the Work Share Program for our members if Air Canada was interested.  We have spoken to Air Canada about this numerous times and find that we are perplexed as to why the EI Work Share Program is not able to work for them considering it has in the past and the government is willing to assist them.

Uniform Deduction
Initially the Company was planning to recover any balance owing from the final pay cheques of our soon to be laid off members. We followed up with Air Canada and asked that these deductions not take place due to the added financial stress this deduction could have for those on layoff. Air Canada has agreed, and any remaining balance will not be deducted from your final pay. We consider this to be a small relief for some.

Benefits Status Advice – (Mainline Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge)
For those on layoff status at Mainline you should have a received a Benefits Status Advice email from HR. This will show you the options and cost to maintain your benefits for the next twelve months.

For those of you on layoff status at Air Canada Rouge, you should have already received an email outlining your options for benefits in your company email.

Air Canada Cargo Discount
Many members have reached out to inquire about a cargo discount. This would help them to get personal items back “home” from their commuter homes or temporary homes while they were awaiting a transfer back.  As we know the industry often has us uprooted from our homes to start our career.  This can be a huge cost for many.  The cargo discount is currently only available to active employees and once laid off this discount stops.  We have had conversations with Air Canada about this as it makes sense to allow those laid off to access this discount. We are hopeful Air Canada will be able to offer the discount for a period of time. As soon as we have more information, we will let you know.

April 2020 Wage Increase – (Mainline Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge)
As you are no doubt aware, the 2020 pay rate adjustment was incorrectly processed and as a result your Union has identified that some were underpaid for flight or reserve duty, sick time, vacation, or other protected credits on April 1 and/or April 2, 2020.

We approached the Company on this issue and were advised that members would need to pay claim for missed time, this was for both Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge.  We decided to see if we could pull and build a file for all members, across all bases to capture what they are owed.  We had our Central Site Reps Karen and Tyler build a list and captured over 1.5 million minutes of owed time to our members. This underpayment affected 3963 members and was a monumental task. We want to provide a big thank you to Tyler and Karen for their hard work on this initiative.  Now, instead of requiring our members to file individual claims, the company is moving forward with our list. They are verifying it and hoping to have it finalized in time for the July 17, 2020 pay.  For those of you that will not have any pay coming from Air Canada on July 17, 2020, your pay will be held back, and payable upon request.  This is being done to avoid creating any potential issues for those of you who may be in receipt of CERB or EI.

I am Laid Off how do I find out what I can qualify for?
The government has set up a link that will walk you through all available options Federally and Provincially:

We truly believe that we will weather this storm together and that our greatest strength lies in the unity that we have created. Through constant communication and cooperation our Union and its members will find our way through this together and will emerge stronger than ever. Please reach out to us if you have concerns or questions. We want to make sure that all members have the knowledge and the tools to navigate these uncertain times and have confidence that their Union has their best interests at heart.

In solidarity,

Training Bidding for the July 2020 Block Month

(This applies to Air Canada Mainline only)

*The information in this bulletin is subject to change.
Please refer to the official information from the Cabin Crew Training team.*


For more information on bidding with PBS please contact your local PBS Representative

Click HERE for a printable, and downloadable, version of this bulletin.

WIP – Top Up Reminder – Reduced Block Program 2020

(This applies to Air Canada Mainline only)

As a result of the mitigation process, The Reduced Block Program will continue to be offered to members who wish to Top-Up their earnings in the event that they are unable to return to full duties at the end of the RBP due to an unforeseen disability. The Request and Payment must be completed within 45 days of the commencement of the Reduced Block Program.

Members participating in the Reduced Block Program have the option to top-up their WIP insurable earnings at a flat rate of 35 hours per month. The Top-Up is only applied in the event that you become disabled at the conclusion of the RBP. NOTE: No Top-Up applies during the RBP, it only comes into play at the conclusion of your RBP, and if you continue to be disabled, your top-up would then take effect and your earnings would be calculated using the following example:

Book Off – March 2020 – earnings based on Dec 2019/Jan 2020/Feb 2020 flying pay.
Dec flying hours – 38
Jan flying hours – 36
Feb flying hours – 34

For the three months, December, January and February, your 3 month average flying hours would be equal to 36 hours. You would be paid 36 hours through to the termination of your RBP in 2020 as long as you continue to meet the definition of totally disabled from your own occupation as a Flight Attendant. If you remain disabled and continue to qualify for benefits beyond the termination of the RBP, and if you opted to top-up, based on the calculation below, your disability payments would go from 36 hours to 71 hours per month.

The top up for the RBP is 35 hours, and is based on your hourly rate x 2.30% plus the Employer’s cost of 1.07% as well as applicable taxes.

Please contact Manion to make prepayment arrangements. NOTE:  this is only for Air Canada MAINLINE members.

Please communicate with Manion’s contact centre for RBP rates. This must be done within 45 days of the commencement of the RBP.

Contact Centre
1-866-532-8999 is the contact centre number.
press 1 for Plan Members.
press 5 for Coverage and Eligibility, you will then be connected to an agent.

If you have additional questions, please contact the undersigned.

On Behalf of The Board of Trust,

Stephen Morash
Administrative Consultant

NOTE:  All Policy Booklet information can be accessed on the Air Canada Component of CUPE web site or on the mobile App.

Manion, Wilkins & Associates
Plan Administration
626-21 Four Seasons Place
Etobicoke, Ontario
M9B 0A6

Switchboard: 416-234-5044
Toll Free Line:  1-800-663-7849
Fax: 416-234-0127
Contact Centre: 1-866-532-8999