days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

A Message From Your Component Officers

Coronavirus, Staffing and Bidding

We completely understand that with the influx of information and restrictions being reported in the media related to Covid-19 (Coronavirus) it can be overwhelming and that you may be feeling very anxious at this time. We have been in constant communication with the Company this week but have very limited information at this time related to overall staffing concerns continually being raised. We want to let you know that as soon as we are consulted with any new information, we will be advising the membership immediately.

There is no denying that at Mainline the April 2020 block hours are lower than previous years. This will likely result in high numbers of reserve cabin crew, so please be mindful to back up your April 2020 bid with a reserve bid. Please reach out to your Local PBS Committees if you need assistance with this.

Flow Through Postponed
(Rouge to Mainline)

Coronavirus, Staffing and Bidding
We completely understand that with the influx of information and restrictions being reported in the media related to Covid-19 (Coronavirus) it can be overwhelming and that you may be feeling very anxious at this time. We have been in constant communication with the Company this week but have very limited information at this time related to overall staffing concerns continually being raised. We want to let you know that as soon as we are consulted with any new information, we will be advising the membership immediately.
There is no denying that at Mainline the April 2020 block hours are lower than previous years. This will likely result in high numbers of reserve cabin crew, so please be mindful to back up your April 2020 bid with a reserve bid. Please reach out to your Local PBS Committees if you need assistance with this.
Flow Through Postponed
(Rouge to Mainline)
The Union has also just been advised the upcoming flow through classes from Rouge to Mainline have been postponed. You will be hearing from the company directly. We know that this abrupt change of plans is both stressful and aggravating for those expecting to start their training within such a short period of time. We want to assure you that we have reached out to the Company and secured pay protection and guaranteed weekends off for the current block month. We will be in touch if more information becomes available. While we are more than happy to provide support to our members affected by this situation, we feel strongly that the company needs to hear from you directly. Please reach out to with your concerns, and cc your local at so that we can compile and track.
We realize that this situation evolves by the minute and has unintended or unknown ripple effects. We continue to follow up on each one of them. The moment we have factual news to share, trust that we will.
In solidarity,
Your Component Officers

We realize that this situation evolves by the minute and has unintended or unknown ripple effects.  We continue to follow up on each one of them. The moment we have factual news to share, trust that we will.

In solidarity,

PBS – Enhancements/Changes

Effective March 12, 2020, the next update to PBS (Release 20.1) will be installed. The information below is to bring you up to date on the changes that this update will feature.
As with any update to PBS, you should clear your browser’s cache and web data

NOTE:  Unless otherwise indicated, all changes apply to both Mainline and Rouge. In some cases, the Mainline or Rouge screen will be displayed however the functionality is the same or similar.

The “Old” User Interface remains in effect. Once the end of support for this interface has been determined you will be advised of the end date along with a pre-determined “sunset” period of no less than three (3) months.

Please click HERE to view an in depth bulletin that deals with this subject.

International Women’s Day 2020

March 8 is International Women’s Day — a day to recognize women’s achievements and acknowledge the challenges we continue to face in the quest for gender equality.

This year, let us be #EachforEqual, because an equal world is an enabled world. We invite you to help promote gender equality through your thoughts, words and actions.

Our history, as a profession, has come a long way in understanding and valuing women. Globally flight attendants – previously called air hostesses – were once seen as sex symbols. Their bodies used as advertising for airlines, selling their image as a promise of a good time on-board. While we have come away from this barbaric practice, we are still not a fully harassment free profession. CUPE is committed to addressing and preventing sexual violence at work and recognizes that everyone has a right to work in a safe environment. Did you know that 43% of women still experience some form of sexual harassment at work? That is unacceptable. Let us challenge ourselves now to question stereotypes, to fight the bias that our profession carries and to really treat each other with respect and dignity.

Collectively we have made many strives to ensure that as flight attendants we have equality in pay, job security and job progression opportunities and it is vital now to ensure equality in other areas for women and those who identify as women.

Beyoncé once said, “We need to stop buying into the myth about gender equality. It isn’t a reality yet.” But I promise you that together we CAN make it a reality.

Remember that the rise of women is not about the fall of men. Let us be a generation that expects gender balance and fights to achieve it. Let us be #EachforEqual.

Happy International Women’s Day from your Air Canada Component of CUPE.

In Solidarity,

Rebeca Woodward
Chair, Component Womens Committee

RAMQ – Vision Care

Please note that this applies to Quebec Residents only.

Dear members,

Below you will find an excerpt from a recent Flash message from the ClaimSecure site announcing changes in the province of Quebec. (To view the bulletin Click Here):

Quebec’s RAMQ program recently added Vision Care funding to provide financial assistance for children under the age of 18. Funding is available for any purchases made on or after September 1, 2019. This program provides a $250 grant, every 24 months, to any child under the age of 18 following the purchase of prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses from a Quebec optician or optometrist. Residents must apply for the reimbursement and will be sent a cheque for the full $250 regardless of the actual purchase amount; it does not vary based on the cost of the purchase.

ClaimSecure will start enforcing the program for any purchases made on or after January 1, 2020. Members submitting Vision Care claims for dependents under 18 will have their claims automatically reduced by the $250 grant allowance with a cutback message of ‘Provincial funding applied.’ They will not have to provide any proof of obtaining the funding. Their private plan parameters will then be applied against the remaining cost of the expense.

The example in the bulletin however does not speak specifically to the coverage available in our plans at Mainline and Rouge.

Here are examples below:

For Mainline:

The Mainline Air Canada Flight Attendant plan provides Vision Care (Frames and prescription lenses or prescription contact lenses, prescription sunglasses, safety glasses and goggles when dispensed by a licensed optometrist, optician or ophthalmologist) at $325.00 every 24 consecutive months per covered person from the last date of purchase.

An eligible claim is submitted for $400.00. The $400.00 claim is reduced by the $250.00 grant allowance leaving a claim submission amount of $150.00. The co-insurance* is applied and the claim is paid at $150.00 leaving $175.00 remaining in the coverage available to the plan member.

NOTE: This is provided no other claim has been paid within the previous 24 months.

For Rouge:

The Basic plan at Rouge provides Vision Care (for glasses, contacts and laser eye surgery) at $150.00 every 2 years.

The Extended plan at Rouge provides $250.00 every 2 years.

Taking the same example from above, a $400.00 claim is reduced by the $250.00 grant allowance leaving a claim submission of $150.00. The basic plan would reimburse the remaining $150.00 of the claim. The extended plan would cover the remaining $150.00 of the claim and leaving $100.00 available for reimbursement of future eligible claims with the 2-year period.

NOTE: This is provided no other claim has been paid within the previous 2 years.

*Co-Insurance – (co-payment) Co-Insurance refers to medical services or supplies whose reimbursement is limited to a certain percentage or dollar amount. This means that the plan will reimburse up to a certain percentage or dollar amount and the covered individual will be responsible for the balance.

In Solidarity,

Your Component Benefits Committee

President’s Update – March 2020

A330 – Crew Rest
The Union is well aware of the issues with the A330 and the limited to no space for taking contractually allotted crew rest. We need your reports please. If it is a concern to you, make it a concern for your Union. We require a copy of the PIL, FIN, Flight, and Date. If crew rest seats were available, that is where rest can be taken, if they are not, we need to know, for EACH flight. Write “A330 – Crew Rest” in subject line, include the info and click send. We are an email away, and appreciate each report received.

B737 Max Update
Since CUPE has attended Boeing in Seattle, we have had very limited interaction on this aircraft with Air Canada or Boeing. There has not been a lot of information to come forward as there is not a lot of movement with the aircraft. We are committed in our position that the aircraft must be safe and introduced with all concerns addressed. We are aware of new concerns that have come out in the media and have them noted to ensure we are aware and advised. Once we are fully briefed and updated, we will keep all advised.

Study on the Aircraft Certification Process
Recently, we were contacted by the House of Commons Standing Committee for Transport, Infrastructure and Communities to appear before the Committee in view of its study of the aircraft certification process. This is a great opportunity to give our view on the process and to answer any of the questions the Committee has. I along with Theresa Mitchell, Vice-President, will appear before the committee on March 24, 2020.

Grievance Blitz In YYZ
Often the Union and the Company will meet to go through multiple outstanding individual grievances. They can range from minor discipline to multiple day suspensions to scope work grievances. In February, we started the year off with a productive day filled with 25 grievances. These grievances are dealt with between the Union and Company, and exclude internal or external council. This is a great benefit in moving cases forward, concluding ongoing cases and ensuring the members are represented in a more timely manner.

Mainline/Rouge Grievances
Since January 2020, the Component has filed two policy grievances for Mainline 1.) CHQ-20-07 – LOU 22.01 (Dubai-Change to Scheduled Pairing Extension) and 2.) CHQ-20-08 – Globe Information System (Discrepancies). For Rouge, one policy grievance has been filed CHQ-rouge-20-03 – Abuse of Management Rights – Failure to Adhere to Safety and Security Protocol. As far as terminations and SPD’s, so far Mainline has had 7 and Rouge has had 5.

Unreasonable Service Levels – CHQ-19-63
In order to find a resolve and have real time factual data to mitigate a resolution to the policy grievance, CHQ-19-63 unreasonable service level increase, the Union has asked the Company to engage in a time and motion study to get a true snapshot of our members duties from check-in to check-out.

Bargaining Mediation Update
As we notified the membership back in December, the ninety (90) day period of direct bargaining with Air Canada concluded as an agreement could not be reached at this stage. We now will head into the mediation phase of the 2019 reopener to see if Vince Ready, our mediator/arbitrator will be able to bridge the gap between the Company and Union. We currently have dates scheduled with the mediator to start this next phase of the 2019 reopener for the end of March. We completely understand this process seems to be taking awhile longer than what we have been accustom to, the facts are the “re-opener” is a unique, new process that was introduced in 2015 and something we have not ever had previously. We are moving forward with it, and will keep all updated.

Cathay Pacific Vancouver Base Closure
We were just made aware on March 5, 2020 that Cathay Pacific will close its Vancouver base. This comes during a period of challenges in the bargaining process as well as the Coronavirus. The Vancouver base was the last cabin crew base in Canada after the airline closed the Toronto base in 2019. We wish our brothers and sisters at Cathay all the best in these challenging times and hope they will be brought on with future openings throughout the industry.

Coronavirus – What happens if I was on a flight with a confirmed case?
This question comes up often, daily and is completely valid. The Company will notify the Health and Safety Committee along with myself. Once we are notified the Company will reach out to the crew involved. Members are then advised the date of the incident and that they will be released, pay protected, and off for 14 days. The 14 days is the date from when the incident occurred. It is crucial that if you are showing any signs during this time that you self monitor and self report. The Company has been supportive and on top of reporting the information when advised. This is the same process at Mainline as it is at Rouge.

I want to also point out that your Local Health and Safety Committees, at Rouge and Mainline as well as your Component Chairperson, Jordan Bray-Stone, have been extremely busy with members and the Company with this virus, they have all been excellent communicators internally and Jordan has kept the Component Officers and CUPE National appraised of all situations. This has been great to see and a benefit to all members, thank you.

Vancouver Meet and Greet
The Union is very happy to start up with our quarterly ACCEX meetings, and with that comes the meet and greets for you. We will be in Vancouver, and having a “open door” meet and greet for all members, Mainline and Rouge. Everyone is welcome and we do expect many members to come out, as there are many pressing issues out there. Please come out, bring your questions and concerns and we will be available to discuss. The meet and greet is taking place at the Sheraton Wall Centre Vancouver (1000 Burrard St, in Vancouver) on Wednesday, March 25, 2020 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm (PST), in the Port McNeill Room.

Union Position – Scope Work
It is important that everyone on the aircraft understands the boundaries of their work and not to impede on another unionized workforce’s job description. Our scope work consists of everything from safety onboard the aircraft to the service that is provided to passengers. Remember OBSMs are there for support and guidance, not to perform our duties. If someone is not part of our CUPE bargaining unit and are performing duties that fall within our scope of work, politely ask them to stop. If they continue, please note all the details and advise your Local Union office.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE