days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Update on Bill C-409

On June 20, Conservative MP Lianne Rood tabled Bill C-409, a private members bill (PMB) to amend the Canada Labour Code, to ban unpaid work for flight attendants. The bill isn’t perfect, but nevertheless we are encouraged to see a bill tabled in Parliament less than three weeks after our lobby day on May 30, 2024. It shows our advocacy is working and we have support across the political spectrum.

There is some important context to keep in mind with respect to this bill. The Conservative Party did not consult your union on this legislation. They drafted and tabled this bill without ever picking up the phone to ask us what kind of legislation we wanted to see – and it shows. While it’s better than nothing, there are big gaps in this bill that need to be addressed.

The day after the legislation was tabled, we requested a meeting with MP Rood but have not been offered a meeting yet. That’s also disappointing. Earlier this week, we held meetings with the federal NDP to discuss how we can amend and improve this bill, and work together to expedite this bill before the next election. As always, we appreciate the constructive and supportive role the NDP has played in keeping our issue on the frontburner in Parliament.

We must also keep in mind that the Conservative Party has never been a friend to workers, unions, or flight attendants. The last time a Conservative PMB was passed into law was the anti-union Bill C-377, a bill that tried to kneecap the labour movement by burying unions in paperwork and public financial disclosures. Many of us will also remember the last time the Conservative Party made major legislative changes that affected flight attendants, they changed the passenger to flight attendant ratios from 40:1 to 50:1, making our jobs harder, and jeopardizing the safety of both crew and passengers. In my view, the Conservatives are not genuinely interested in helping us – they are likely more interested in riding the coat-tails and the momentum of our campaign in order to tap into our membership lists in their search for potential voters and donors for the upcoming election. It sounds cynical but that’s just the politics of it.

At the end of the day, we want this legislation improved and passed into law – no matter what party they come from. You can help put pressure on MPs from all parties to pass this legislation as soon as possible by signing a letter to your MP on our campaign website.

I want to once again acknowledge the immense work each of you have put into this campaign, the feedback, comments, and support, you, the membership have truly driven this plane to where we are now.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

Pay Committee

Your Union has been working through the multiple pay issues that we were flagged on earlier this year, and with that we have decided to move forward with a Pay Committee.

As a refresher, the Union has filed multiple grievances over pay related issues (CHQ-24-30, CHQ-24-31, CHQ-24-32, CHQ-24-33, CHQ-24-34, CHQ-24-35, CHQ-24-36, and CHQ-24-37).

The Pay Committee will consist of 3 members at the onset, overseen by the Component President and will be available to review your pay for the last 12 months. This service does not have a charge and will review the contractual pay requirements that you would be entitled to.

For all months received, we will review:
– Expenses
– Hours Paid
– Aircraft-specific Service Director Rate of Pay
– Trip Hour Guarantees / Duty Period Guarantees
– Vacation Pay / Credits
– Minimum Monthly Guarantee Calculations
– Duty Overtime Credits
– Continuous Duty Day credits
– Federal Minimum Wage
– Pay protection vs Reassignment
– Shoe Allowance
– Passport Reimbursement (if applicable)

To allow us to fully go over your pay, you must ensure your globe schedule is unblocked and send the following information and documentation in one email:

  1. Name
  2. Employee Number
  3. Airline
  4. Base

Next, you need to download the following:


  1. Log into ACaeronet
  2. Click on “HR Connex”
  3. Under “$ Pay & Compensation” click on “Flight Summary”
  4. Download PDFs of your last 12 block months under “Flying Block Month”
  5. Return to HR Connex
  6. Under “$ Pay & Compensation” click on “Pay Statements”
  7. Download PDFs corresponding to last 12 months of paycheques under “View Paycheque”

Finally, please let us know:

  1. Do you have any pay issues / claims pertaining to the last 12 months that are pending?  YES/NO? (If yes, attach PDFs.)
  1. Have you filed for a passport renewal (if entitled) in your last 12 months?  YES/NO?

Once you have gathered all of the above information, please attach it to one email, and send to Please do not include any passwords!

Please note, if you have made any pay claims to the company, and they have been approved or denied, please send a screen shot to us for documentation on the shortfalls of the current payroll system.

Once the committee has evaluated your pay documentation, we will advise you by email on how to process; you will need to complete all claims yourself. Once completed, please ensure you reply to the email and advise us of its completion.

Please reach out with any questions to

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

CHQ-rouge-18-48 (Reduction in Health Benefits)

In 2018, Air Canada made reductions to the benefit levels available to Rouge cabin personnel for:

  • chiropractors, massage therapists, naturopaths, osteopaths, and podiatrists;
  • orthopaedic shoes;
  • compression hose; and
  • custom orthotics.

The Union filed a grievance challenging these reductions on September 11, 2018.

The Union and Air Canada arbitrated the grievance before Arbitrator Eli Gedalof on February 26, 2024.

Arbitrator Gedalof issued a decision on June 25, 2024 allowing the grievance. He accepted the Union’s position that the Collective Agreement requires Air Canada to provide Rouge cabin personnel with at least the benefit levels put in place in 2013 following an interest arbitration award that awarded Air Canada’s proposal for those benefit levels.

You can download a complete copy of Arbitrator Gedalof’s award HERE.

The Union will work with Air Canada to implement the decision and ensure that benefit levels meet at least the required minimums.

The Union will provide a further update in the coming weeks.

In solidarity,

Air Canada flight attendants spend hours responding to bomb threat – unpaid!

OTTAWA, Ontario–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The union representing Air Canada flight attendants says a recent bomb threat on a flight – and the fact that the flight attendants weren’t paid for most of the time they spent responding to and managing the ensuing panic – shows just how out-of-hand the abuse of unpaid work is in the airline industry.

An Air Canada flight scheduled to leave Delhi for Toronto was grounded on June 4th after a bomb threat was called in. The crew remained with passengers throughout the ordeal, onboard the aircraft and in a holding area where they were relocated while authorities carried out their inspection.

However, despite being on the clock for over 9.5 hours in a high-alert situation, the crew was only paid for four, because of an outdated airline industry practice of not paying flight attendants for time spent on the ground performing safety-related duties, like pre-flight safety checks, as well as the boarding and deplaning process. CUPE has been highlighting this abusive practice with its Unpaid Work Won’t Fly campaign.

“The day-to-day exploitation of our flight attendants by our multibillion dollar industry is bad enough,” said Wesley Lesosky, President of the Air Canada Component of CUPE, which represents about 10,000 flight attendants at Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge. “But an instance like this, where we are asked to respond to a bomb threat on board an aircraft without pay, is simply beyond the pale and it needs to stop now.”

The union has written to Air Canada requesting that the crew be paid in full for the hours they spent responding.

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Upcoming Bargaining 2025 Roadshows

We are excited about our upcoming Roadshows, and we would love for you to join us! To ensure we have enough space to accommodate everyone comfortably, we kindly ask you to fill out a brief form in the link below indicating whether you will be attending and in which city you plan to attend.

The dates and locations for the Roadshows are as follows:

– YVR – July 8, 2024 from 10:00h to 12:00h PT (Sheraton Wall Center) in attendance will be Carolyn Bugnon, Local 4094 – YVR Base President, Kevin Tyrrell, CUPE National Representative, Wesley Lesosky, Air Canada Component President.

– YUL – July 16, 2024 from 10:00h to 13:00h ET (Marriott Airport Hotel In Terminal) in attendance will be Natasha Stea, Local 4091 – YUL Base President, Craig Smith, Local 4098 – Rouge Vice President, Kevin Tyrrell, CUPE National Representative, Guillaume Leduc, Air Canada Component Secretary Treasurer.

– YYZ – July 23, 2024 from 10:00h to 13:00h ET (Sheraton Gateway Hotel – O’Hare Room, YYZ Airport, Terminal 3) *New Location* in attendance will be Denis Montpetit, Local 4092 – YYZ Base President, Craig Smith, Local 4098 – Rouge Vice President, Kevin Tyrrell, CUPE National Representative, Theresa Mitchell, Air Canada Component Vice President.

– YYC – Calgary – July 30, 2024 from 10:00h to 12:00h MT (YYC Airport Silver Dart Meeting Room) in attendance will be Tyler McBain, Local 4094 – YYC Base President, Kevin Tyrrell, CUPE National Representative, Wesley Lesosky, Air Canada Component President.

These road shows can be attended by any member, from any base and these meetings will be done in person, with your Local Base Presidents, the CUPE National Rep and a Component Officer from that base. We want to be able to have an engaged discussion where everyone feels heard and can seek clarity as needed. This will be more like a Local General Membership Meeting, fully focused on the bargaining process, an overview of what we have identified through the bargaining survey along with presentations on the bargaining process, Unpaid Work Wont Fly campaign, ACCEX Strategic planning going into bargaining and Strike and Lock out education. There will be no zoom participation for the above meetings as we want to encourage open frank discussion after the presentation and we do not want members to be discouraged from honest dialogue and the fear that some may record and share with others.

Following the above roadshows, the Union will also be doing an information session by Zoom to go over what was shared at the Roadshows, along with a recap of additional comments and questions from the meetings from the membership. The meeting will be held in August 2024, more info to come with times and registration. Registration for this event will be open to all members system wide.

Please submit the form by 4:00 pm EDT on Tuesday, July 2, 2024. Your prompt response will greatly help us in planning and ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for all attendees.

Thank you for your cooperation and your support. We look forward to seeing you at the Roadshows!

In solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee