days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Bargaining 2025 Rouge and Mainline

We have received emails and enquiries about the design of the 2025 Air Canada Component Bargaining Survey. Some of our member enquiries are about why we have combined the priorities of Mainline and Rouge. The reality is that we are ONE bargaining unit with ONE Collective Agreement. Our collective priorities have been consistently identified by you with a focus on pay increases, expenses, pay for all work performed, pensions, crew rest and benefits. Our survey will solidify these priorities and give us a map forward. There are a myriad of other Collective Agreement articles that require improvements. This includes both Rouge and Mainline. Our goal is to raise the bar for all members and for US. Together we will prevail. When we are unified as one cohesive bargaining unit, we will become a force to be reckoned with. At this point in our history, we must come together side by side, both Mainline and Rouge colleagues.

To ensure that the optimum number of members were able to fill out the survey we extended the deadline to June 20, 2024, at 23:59 EDT.  That deadline is fast approaching, so if you haven’t already done so, please make sure that you take the time to complete the bargaining survey.

If you still have not received the survey link, please email You will receive a notification when the link is sent. Ensure you include your Name, Email, Base, Employee Number and Airline. Having all of this information will help to expedite the process.

As we previously advised, the survey is only one of the consultations we will be having with members in the coming months.  There are also road shows planned:

– YVR – July 8, 2024 from 10:00h to 12:00h PT (Sheraton Wall Center)

– YUL – July 16, 2024 from 10:00h to 13:00h ET (Marriott Airport Hotel In Terminal)

– YYZ – July 23, 2024 from 10:00h to 13:00h ET (Sheraton Gateway Hotel – O’Hare Room, YYZ Airport, Terminal 3) *New Location*

– YYC – July 30, 2024 from 10:00h to 12:00h MT (YYC Airport Silver Dart Meeting Room)

These road shows can be attended by any member, from any base and will be done in person.

In solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee

Hotel Committee Update – Summer 2024

As we enter into the busy summer 2024 flying season, the Hotel Committee would like to bring awareness to some of the topics that our members have raised with us. We would also like to welcome all our new hires to Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge.

This is a valuable tool and is the Union’s official channel for bringing concerns forward to the company for additional follow-up when required. It can be found as follows:

Air Canada Mainline: Air Canada portal in Globe under Crew Scheduling & Planning.

Air Canada Rouge: ACaeronet – click “Rouge” tab – under In-Flight Service – Manuals-Forms – CrewCare.

These reports are monitored daily and provide valuable information to the Union and the company as well as our many Hotel and Ground Transportation vendors. Once a member has started a file, the Hotel or Transport provider will provide a response, via your Air Canada e-mail account. We ask that you please be factual and polite when describing your issues, as these reports are monitored by the company. For any minor issues you encounter during your layover, they should be brought forward to the hotel staff at check in or during check-out.  If it is not resolved, you can follow up through a crew care report.

We now have access to the Crewcare app, which can be downloaded onto your smartphone and will allow easy access to file your reports.

It is always important to utilize all of your locking mechanisms on your door, to ensure you are safe, once inside your room. Guestroom doors should be self-closing, but always take a moment once you exit your room to ensure that the door is fully locked behind you. Many of our partner hotels have card key access installed in elevators for guest safety. Please do not allow anyone without a room key access to the elevators. In the case you feel unsafe, request that front desk staff have someone available to escort you to your room.

Onboard the aircraft, we have an expectation of our passengers to treat the crew with respect, please remember to extend the same treatment to Hotel/Front desk staff. We have seen an increase in many of our hotel partners reaching out to report crew members behavior to the company. Generally, rooms are pre-booked, however in the case you would like to change your room, please wait until other colleagues have their keys and then a request to move, if possible, can be made.

Split Crews
Globally we are in a position where demand for hotel rooms exceeds supply. This is especially true in many of the more popular European destinations like London and Rome. We currently have stations where marketing has added additional flights once a contract has been signed with the hotel / transportation supplier, this has added a challenge in securing additional rooms. In all cases our contracted vendor is approached to take the extra inventory, however when this cannot be done, we have been asked to split the crew between two or more hotels. The Union has done its best to ensure that both hotels are of the same quality, and that a suitable, alternate location has been determined.

Ground Transportation
The Union and the company endeavor to use the safest and quickest methods to deliver you to your layover accommodation to ensure your crew rest is maximized. Vehicles should be clean, smoke free and drivers should demonstrate safe driving skills i.e. obeying posted speed signs, no additional stops. All vehicles should have seat belts that are well anchored, not ripped or frayed in order to best protect the crew. We remind all of you to always wear your seatbelt, this is for your own safety and the safety of the other members in the vehicle. Any issues related to unsafe cars, vans, limos, buses and or chauffeurs should be reported using crew care.

The Union was advised that due to increased security measures as well as lengthy travel times to and from the city center, that corporate security recommended a displacement for the period covering the summer Olympics. We agreed to the re-location and participated in the process for securing alternate accommodation, that had many of the amenities that are preferred by our crew members within walking distance. Public transportation to and from the city will be covered by the company, please keep and submit all receipts for reimbursement.  Please refer to the Company issued bulletin for additional details.

Crew Sign in sheet
As you are aware, the Hotel sign-in sheets have not been in seniority order, and we have been working with the company to fix the issue.  We are pleased to report we should have the issue fixed in the foreseeable future.

Per diems
We do realize that costs have gone up significantly everywhere. It is important to know that our allowances are covered by the Collective Agreement. There is a formula used to determine the meal allowances. It uses a combination of published NJC rates, CPI for food and non-alcoholic beverages as well as local exchange rates. The outcome of the formula has to be greater/less than 5% for the allowance to either increase or in some scenarios decrease.

The energy crisis and new greenhouse gas reduction targets have forced governments in some European countries to introduce new laws. For the move forward you may find that many of our partner hotels will limit both heating and air conditioning temperatures. Each country is adapting its own temperature guidelines.  In the case that you are unable to adjust the heating or cooling system in your room, please contact Hotel staff for help to ensure your room is comfortable.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy summer of flying.  Please feel free to contact us at

In Solidarity,

Melinda Allen & Karen Pritchard
Co-Chairs, Component Hotel Committee

Denial of Drug Coverage Policy Grievance (Requirement to use Generic Drugs/Medicines)

Dear Mainline Members,

As we advised you in November, the Union filed a policy grievance (click HERE) challenging Air Canada’s denial to cover certain medically necessary drugs/medicines by only reimbursing the cost of generic drugs/medicines even when a physician indicates “no substitutions” on the prescription.

We are also challenging Air Canada’s requirement that members undergo the special authorization process when your doctor prescribes you a drug/medicine for which a generic alternative exists.

The Collective Agreement clearly states that Air Canada is to pay 100% of our drugs and medicines yet it is our belief that Air Canada continues to find ways to place hindrances that reduce our benefits. They then save money that subsequently goes directly or indirectly into the pockets of their executives and shareholders.

If you have any examples of these violations that can support our policy grievance, we ask that you contact your Local Office and send them all the required information so that an individual grievance can be filed on your behalf and attached to our policy grievance.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

Secretary Treasurer Q3 Report – January to March 2024

Please see an update below regarding the financial affairs of the Component.

Banking and Investments
As of June 14, 2024 we have:

Desjardins Credit Union :

  • $3,300,000 @ 5.75% Maturing on August 24, 2024
  • $1,100,000 @ 5.75% Maturing on September 19, 2025
  • $1,400,000 @ 4.80% Maturing on February 26, 2026

We also have a balance of approximately $1,800,000 in our savings account, earning 5% interest.

Statement of Operation

Q3 2023 (January 2024 – March 2024)
Please see below the Unaudited Statement of Operation for the 3rd quarter of 2023-2024, covering the period between January 1, 2024 to March 31, 2024.

Highest Earner report Q3:
Jan. 2024 – $11,140.67
Feb. 2024 – $11,790.67
Mar. 2024 – $10,325.33

2024-2025 Component Budget
Our last ACCEX meeting took place in May 2024. During this meeting, the 2024-2025 Component budget was unanimously approved by ACCEX.

I am pleased to announce that CUPE National has granted us a cost-share of $904,000 to put towards specific needs for our upcoming bargaining. The 2021-2022 audit was a necessary requirement for the cost-share application.

The Component trustees are currently auditing the 2017-2018 fiscal year.

Happy flying,

Guillaume Leduc
Secretary-Treasurer, Air Canada Component of CUPE

Continuation of Support Meetings With Dr. Johanna O’Flaherty

It is with great pleasure that your EAP committee is able to announce the continuation of our support meetings with Dr. Johanna O’Flaherty.

Date: June 18, 2024
Time: 12:00 EDT

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 847 1262 9286
Passcode: 421383

We are left with the aftermath of the pandemic, and mental health struggles are still on the rise. As frontline workers who need to be the face forward of the airline, where does that leave us?

Who is here for us?
Where do we stand?
How are we managing?

For the airline industry, the pandemic was disastrous, not only on the ground but also in the air. As frontline workers, cabin crew faced many challenges, often maintaining a smile under the worn protective safety gear. We maneuvered through our workspace while also grappling with worries about our health, job security, and the well-being of our loved ones and those close to us.

Now, as we continue to navigate these turbulent times, the question remains:

Who supports the supporters?

How do we, as the frontline face of the airline, manage our own well-being amidst ongoing stress and uncertainty? It’s crucial for us to find the resources, support systems, and coping strategies to take care of our mental health as we move forward together.

Dr. Johanna O’Flaherty

Dr. O’Flaherty has had a love story for the aviation world since the late 70’s. Johanna was originally a Flight Attendant with Pan American Airlines and went on to develop and manage their Employee Assistance Program for the next 20 years.

In the past 25 years, Johanna has been a catalyst for healing through many traumatic situations. During her career, she’s had the privilege to assist directly with the aftermath of major airline disasters, such as Pan Am Flight 103, 911 in New York, and TWA’s flight 800 near Long Island.

She has recently assisted First Responders and Last Responders, in the aftermath of the Las Vegas mass shooting.

Johanna was also the Vice President of Treatment Services at the Betty Ford Center and has dedicated her life’s work to focusing on the correlation between traumatic situations, addiction, and healing. She is also a certified instructor from the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation and has been featured on ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN.

Johanna is a psychologist, author, consultant and keynote speaker. She’s also just published her memoirs.

Most importantly though, Johanna has been a personal friend, a huge advocate, and an immense supporter of our group of Cabin Crews.

Please join us and check in for an hour!

Your EAP – Cabin Crew-Peer Assistance Committee