days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Summer 2022 Reserve Committee Update

There have been an incredible seven phases of initial training for new hire flight attendants completed this year and more to follow. This growth in our numbers means many members are concurrently experiencing reserve for the first time. This comes with many questions regarding life on reserve, including knowing the “how-to” of reserve and one’s contractual rights while on reserve. Your Component Reserve Committee is pleased to announce that our next Zoom Reserve seminar will be conducted on August 18, 2022 @ 10:00h Pacific Time / 13:00h Eastern Time. The initial presentation will last approximately 60-80 minutes and then there will be an open question period at the end of the presentation for everyone’s mutual benefit. All members are welcome to attend. The meeting link is as follows:

We look forward to seeing you there!

With the increase in flight assignments to reserve members this summer it is prudent to review the key rules associated with the upper limit to one’s flying, also known as the Maximum Monthly Limitation. B5.01.01 in the Collective Agreement, summarized on Page 5 of the Reserve Handbook, states the following:

Maximum Monthly Limitation: The maximum flight time limitation shall be eighty (80) hours per month on jet aircraft.
At the discretion of the Company, the maximum flight time limitation shall be increased to eighty-five (85) hours per month on jet aircraft, for a maximum of four (4) months per year.

Please note, that if you take a Leave of Absence or are unavailable for duty at any time during the block month, you will have 2:10 deducted from your MML for each day of your LOA or unavailability until your next reserve duty day (B4.05.01 in the Collective Agreement, summarized on Page 5 of the Reserve Handbook).

Release At 77 Hours (B8.11)
When you have completed 77 or more flying hours and have at least two remaining reserve duty days, you may call Crew Scheduling to request to be released for the remainder of the block month. At the time of your call, Crew Scheduling must either assign you a final pairing or release you from reserve duty for the rest of the month; they cannot ask you to call back later. If you are released, your remaining reserve duty days become RDOs instead. If you are given a final assignment, it is subject to the governance of the Return to Base Extension clause found in B5.01.05.

Return to Base Extension (B5.01.05)
It is possible in a handful of situations to legally fly beyond your MML; one of them is the Return to Base Extension. Let’s look at the contractual language for this found in B5.01.05 and summarized on Page 6 of the Reserve Handbook:

Cabin Personnel shall be legal to operate a flight sequence in excess of the maximum monthly limitation only to complete their return to Home Base in the same month provided that half (1⁄2) the projected flight time and credits for the entire flight sequence does not project them beyond the maximum monthly limitation.

Let’s look at a practical example. Say you have 10 hours available in an 85-hour block month and you are assigned an LHR pairing worth 18:30. Half of the projected flight time credit for this pairing is 18:30 / 2 = 9:15. Because 9:15 is less than or equal to 10:00, this is a legal assignment via use of the Return to Base Extension.

Please also note that the Return to Base Extension cannot be applied for an overlap pairing (B5.01.05.01).

We hope this helps to elucidate these important rules governing your final flight assignments each month. As always, we welcome your questions at should you require further clarification.

Happy travels!

In Solidarity,

Jesse Matthews & Chanelle Gauthier
Co-Chairs, Reserve Committee

Article 5.08 – Post Ground Duty Claims – Policy Grievance Filed for Mainline – WE WILL NOT WORK FOR FREE!

Dear Mainline Service Directors and Flight Attendants,

As a follow up to our last bulletin issued on April 7, 2022 (please click HERE), the Union has since filed a policy grievance, CHQ-22-58 (click HERE).  Members are being denied their post ground duty claims if their pairing contains DPG or THG.

Only Service Directors can submit claims if crew are required to remain on board beyond the 15 minutes after flight arrival (the end of your duty period).   Examples of this include an excessive number of passengers requiring wheelchair assistance, deplaning issues, or post arrival emergency or medical.  For clarity, there is no minimum duration for post ground duty claims and the clock starts ticking for claims after the 15 minutes post arrival time.  You can submit a claim for i.e. 10 minutes if you were off duty at 17:15h (flight arrived at 17:00h) and ended up deplaning at 17:25h.

Air Canada is using the rules listed in Article 5.09 (which pertains to ground service to passengers and is not applicable), to deny post ground duty claims under Article 5.08.  Please note that Article 5.08 clearly does NOT make any mention of duty period or trip hour guarantees nor does it stipulate a minimum duration (30 minutes).  See the article below.

5.08 GROUND DUTY – PRE/POST PERIOD – Where an employee is required to report for duty prior to or remain on duty following the termination of a Duty Period under Article B5.03, s/he shall be paid at one-half (½) of the hourly rate of pay for his/her classification applicable to the duty period involved.

The GROUND DUTY – POST DUTY claims process is as follows:

  1. Service Directors must document the incident in eOBR
  1. Service Directors must submit the claim in eClaim.  (Please note that eClaim currently only references ground duty claims for service provided to passengers under article 5.09 and requires you to respond to questions to continue (see below), however please clearly detail the reasons for the claim in the “description of service” box, also ensuring that you indicate that the claim is for POST GROUND DUTY CREDITS under article 5.08.

(**As per the Company’s December 3, 2021 IFS News Bulletin, the process when submitting a Ground Duty Claim via eClaim has been streamlined and Service Directors are no longer required to contact an IFS Manager (to obtain a signature or an approval), should the claim not be immediately approved. Claims will be automatically shared between base managers and reviewed as they are processed.)

If your claim is denied, please forward a copy of the denied claim, a detailed statement, and any other relevant information to your Local Union Office so that an individual/group grievance can be filed on your behalf.

For Air Canada Rouge, we are evaluating all grievance options and will further advise.

Screenshots from eClaim:

 (Click “HERE” for PDF)


(Click “HERE” for PDF)

In solidarity,

Call for Nominations – Vacancy – 1 Component Trustee Position

There is one (1) vacant Component Trustee position for the remainder of the term ending on January 31, 2023.  In accordance with the Air Canada Component Bylaws, the call for nominations for this position is being issued.

Members who desire to be nominated for the position of Component Trustee, shall file nomination papers, to be received by the Chairperson of the Component Tabulating Committee no later than August 25, 2022 at 16:00 EDT.

Candidates shall disclose their full name and intended position (Component Trustee) clearly on the nomination papers prior to soliciting signatures.

Nomination forms, as provided by the Component Tabulating Committee, must have at least 50 signatures from eligible voters on the “Membership List”.

* IMPORTANT: Due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic, and on an exceptional basis, the Component Tabulating Committee will accept electronic signatures on nomination forms for the vacant Component Trustee position.  An electronic signature must be the member’s actual signature and not simply the member’s name typed onto the nomination form. This will allow for members not actively in the workplace to nominate a candidate for a delegate position. The nomination form must be filled out in its entirety by the candidate, signed off and dated prior to scanning for electronically received signatures. We are doing this to ensure all members have an opportunity to run, as well as ensure all members have an opportunity to collect signatures, with the COVID pandemic in place, many of you are not able to access your work sites or Union offices due to not having a RAIC.

NOTE: For interested candidates, a complete instruction package with nomination sheets will be available on the Air Canada Component website, as well as by request from your Local office, or by clicking HERE. It is recommended that you read the complete instruction package.

DEADLINE:  Completed original nomination sheets must be received no later than, August 25, 2022 at 16:00 EDT at the following address:


Nomination sheets received after August 25, 2022 at 16:00 EDT will NOT be accepted. The Tabulating Committee recommends sending your documentation by registered mail to ensure timely delivery and receipt.

In Solidarity,

Your Component Tabulating Committee