days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Members Returning from Non-disclosure of Vaccine Status Leave

As you may recall, there are some members who did not submit their vaccination status and were placed on leave. This includes members from both Mainline and Rouge. They will be returning to the workplace in the very near future. We wanted to provide an update to the membership about this and to guide those who are returning as to what they can expect.

We have been in discussions with the Company about the logistics of this return. Many foreign countries still do not have exemptions for cabin crew members who have chosen not to be vaccinated. There were many moving parts to this process and our main goal was to ensure a return to work with the least amount of hindrances for the members.

The Union and the Company have reached an agreement on this process. Please see the attached MOA for both Mainline and Rouge, which were signed this afternoon.

Please click here for the MAINLINE MOS

Please click here for the ROUGE MOS

The company will be contacting those affected in the coming days to discuss your return to work and to assist with any questions you have pertaining to it.  All members that require training will have it assigned in the month of August. All Mainline cabin crew have been sent an email with the details of their training except for those who require special initial Training. Rouge cabin crew and all Mainline cabin crew requiring Special Initial Training will receive their training instructions on Monday.

We welcome back our members who were placed on this leave.  Please reach out to the company representatives who will be facilitating your return. If any unanswered questions arise in this process let us know and we would be pleased to assist.

In solidarity,

Return to Work Process

As the pandemic continues, there have been updates regarding the process required for a return to work. This has impacted our members returning from long term leaves such as maternity leaves, etc. Many of you have reached out to us We have heard from many of you and know you have questions and issues with this process. It can be as simple as a question regarding who your manager is or the process for renewing your RAIC.

We are currently working closely with the Company to compile an all-inclusive return to work package that will help members have a smooth transition returning from a long-term absence such as family care, parental leave, maternity leave etc. Some of the key aspects within this package includes the updated network of managers to contact, optional workshop for in-person briefing, and a detailed from-here-to-there booklet. We will update you when we receive more information from the Company. In the meantime should you have any concerns or inquiries please send them to

In Solidarity,

Cassandra Shum
Chair, Component Womens Committee

Reclaiming our Role, Focus on Safety

The Component has been staying actively involved with each turn of events that impacts our members. The COVID-19 virus is still with us, and our members continue to be on the front lines. The latest crisis that the airline industry is moving through once again puts our members front and centre. This means that those at work are now subjected to an increase in aggressive and abusive behaviour from travellers, scheduling disruptions, hotel insufficiencies, crew rest interruptions, RAIC delays, catering shortages, crew scheduling wait times and so many other challenges. This list is long and continues to grow and can sometimes distract us from our work and our purpose.

We thought that now might be a good time for us to refocus and to remember the reason that we are here. Even though we are expected to be mindful of service and the needs of our passengers, our primary function is on board safety and security. We have new colleagues who are working with us, and they are embarking on this new career. They are navigating this new world and using all the safety related information learnt in Initial training and applying it in the real world.  We must show them that despite many distractions, that safety truly is paramount. We are safety professionals above all else.

It is important to remember that during the boarding process you are not required to set up the galley at all – in fact, ePub suggests you should be visible in the cabin rather than congregating at the rear of the cabin or standing in the galleys.

We are our own worst enemies when we pressure our co-workers into cutting safety corners to compensate for the lack of sufficient crew on board. Company generated peer-pressure will not be a compelling defense during any post incident investigation. Nor will the Company ever increase crew complement … why should they? If the crew is getting the job done, who cares how?

We are all responsible to stand up for safety. Protect both yourself and your crew by performing the following duties as outlined in your S.E.P. Manual and the Collective Agreement:

  • Your typical duty period starts 1 hour prior to departure on narrow-body flights, 1h10 prior on wide-body, and 1h15 prior on B777 flights. The employer is within their right to have you start earlier than these prescribed times, as per Article B5.03 and this time is compensated as per Article 5.08.  You are not required to start any duties prior to the start of your duty period – not at the communications centre, not on the bus to the airport, not on the aircraft.
  • At the communications centre you are required to log into CrewLink, check in, and print your self-briefing material for your pairing. You should check your file folder for communications and transmittals. If there is a safety transmittal, you are required to read and insert this prior to boarding the aircraft. You are then required to log into ePub and acknowledge receipt of the new transmittals.
  • You are required to complete all safety checks and procedures prior to boarding passengers. Some of these duties are:
    • Attend a safety briefing with your entire crew. Ensure the pilots brief you on flight conditions, taxi time, etc.
    • Have up-to-date publications (356 & 378) with a valid Cabin Crew Dangerous Goods Training Certificate.
    • Ensure Emergency Positions & Equipment checklist is filled out, reviewed, and submitted to the Captain.
    • Stow your baggage in designated cabin crew stowage compartments (if there are any service items in your way, call to have them removed).
    • Ensure your seat belt is working correctly: securely anchored, fully retractable, not twisted or frayed, inertia wheel operative, seat belt / harness adjusted to fit and stowed.
    • All safety and emergency equipment is available and ready to use.
    • Ensure that P.A. is functional.
    • Water tanks are full and waste tanks have been serviced.
    • Safety features cards should be checked to ensure they correspond to the aircraft.
    • Safety demo equipment (video and manual) is available and ready to use.
    • All circuit breakers should be checked to ensure they are operative.
    • Verify that there are no suspicious items onboard, including in the cabin, in the galleys, as well as the galley equipment and lavatories.
    • If a Medipak is boarded, make sure it is in its specified location and confirm with the Captain.
    • Ensure white tamper evident seals are in place in the lavatories.
    • Ensure galley equipment is secured and operative.
    • Ensure door areas are clear and available for emergency use.
    • Ensure cabin curtains are open and secure.
    • The Company also suggests you verify that there is no grease on any of the oven racks and no paper products in the ovens.

Every time you get on board, ask yourself this question … Safety or service first?

We acknowledge that although some of the information above is from a previous Union bulletin, it still rings true today. There could not be a more perfect time in history to be reminded of the value of the work that we do and to take pride in it each time we don our uniforms. Our work matters and it is time we reclaim our power and the meaningful recognition that is deserving for our colleagues here at home and around the world.

Look after one another, report safety and security issues as required and remember the one crew concept, it’s there to ensure safety will remain our guiding principle.

In solidarity,

Update – Increased Onboard Service

We would like to provide an update on the onboard service reintroduction topic in our bulletin published yesterday found by clicking HERE

We have heard from so many members on this issue and your sincere emails and correspondence are not falling on deaf ears. We are gratified to see how eloquent and hardworking our members are and their ability to describe what is really going on onboard.

We had constructive conversations with the Company today and they have also commented on the letters that they have received.  They are currently re-evaluating the service introductions and will provide an update early next week. We promise to provide any news as soon as it comes available. We are proud of our members and the fact that they take pride in what they do and can communicate directly with us and the employer to foster meaningful practical changes.

In solidarity,