days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Bargaining Reopener Updates

Bargaining Reopener 2019 Update

As a follow-up to our last bargaining update on February 1, 2022 (CLICK HERE), the Union would like to keep you informed as to our next steps.  We will now engage in Interest Arbitration this week.  We anticipate that this arbitration will be the last step in process to seek resolution and a renewal of the April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2022 Collective Agreement. This process is as outlined in the 10-Year framework MOA (CLICK HERE).  The Union and Air Canada have three days scheduled with Arbitrator Vince Ready which is commencing tomorrow.  Each party has filed detailed legal briefs.  This process is extensive and comprehensive and a culmination of many months of negotiations.  The Arbitrator will review the submissions of both parties and at an undetermined date, will render his decision.  We are hopeful there will be a portion of the proceedings where members can attend and will advise once the Arbitrator has determined the process for member participation.

We wanted to note that the framework MOA limits the proposals that can be brought forward, and specifically limits cost increases to Air Canada Mainline. During the Bargaining and Mediation phase of this re-opener the Union and Employer were able to reach agreement on a limited number of proposals. The intention of both parties is that the interest arbitration award will include those agreed to changes in addition to whatever gains are made as per the decision of the arbitrator.

Here are some highlights on items the parties have agreed to:

  • Clarity that a Mainline reserve blockholder is entitled to 12 hours crew rest before/after training sessions or travel to a training session
  • Provide further flexibility to Mainline reserve blockholders on the minimum number of GDOs withing PBS
  • Comprehensive Proposal on Reserve at Air Canada Rouge
    • Switch to a regular blockholder and reserve blockholder framework similar to Mainline
    • Increase MMG to 80 hours for reserve blockholders
    • Ability to waive certain blocking rules regarding days off pattern for both regular and reserve blockholders
    • Increase to minimum GDOs and UDOs for reserve blockholders
    • Increase to minimum crew rest at home base for reserve blockholders
    • Elimination of ability for crew rest on layover to be reduced to nine (9) hours
  • Housekeeping proposals to fix grammatical errors or omissions from previous rounds of bargaining

The Union is bringing forward four non-monetary proposals for Mainline and two monetary proposals for Air Canada Rouge. The Company is seeking a number of concessions.  Due to the sensitive nature of this type of proceeding we are limited to what information can be provided. We are seeking direction from Arbitrator Ready relating to what information can be share with the Membership.  We intend to fully educate and inform the entire membership once the decision of Arbitrator Ready has been provided to the parties.  We will provide more details as to how the process will unfold when we are able.

Bargaining Reopener 2022 Update

Further to the above noted Interest Arbitration process for the 2019 re-opener, the Union last week advised Air Canada/Air Canada Rouge of its intent to enter into bargaining for the next “Reopener” as per the Collective Agreement.  The process is the same as the current 2019 re-opener.

The Union was required to serve notice for bargaining prior to March 31, 2022. Stay tuned for next steps as we fully intend to survey the membership. It is important to your Bargaining Committee that your voices are heard.  We want to seek guidance from you on the issues that you would like to see addressed keeping in mind the limitations set out in the 10-year framework MOA.  We will not move forward with the next round of negotiations until the current round is completed.

In solidarity,


Pension Committee Update – March 2022

First, we hope this bulletin finds you all healthy and well.  We also would like to welcome back all of our colleagues who were laid off and wish you all the best for 2022.

Second, we want to take the time to thank Hugh Chetwynd and Karim Sheir for their years of service to the membership on the pension committee.  We wish them the best in their future endeavors.

As members of the Pension Committee, we are here to help you better understand the what, the why, and the how of your pension plan. Below are the quick answers to most common questions we get from the membership. We hope this helps you get started.

Your pension benefit is extremely significant and is the second largest benefit after your pay.

CUPE members are participants in one of 2 types of plans. Members hired prior to November 7, 2011 are participants in the Defined Benefit (DB) Pension Plan and members hired at Mainline and Rouge on or after November 7, 2011, are participants in a Hybrid Pension Plan which has 2 parts: a DB portion and a Defined Contribution (DC) portion.

If you would like more information about your pension and how it fits in with your financial planning, please find the “Pensions 201” bulletin on the Air Canada Component of CUPE website:

If you are a DB member requesting information about your pension amounts, please make sure you have a current estimate from the online calculator.

For DB plan members:

  • Log in to select HR Connex
  • Under Retirement select HR Connex Pension
    • Select the tile: Project Your Retirement Income

For Hybrid DC plan members:

  • Log in to select HR Connex
  • Under Retirement select
    • HR Connex Pension (DB Portion)
    • My DC Pension (DC Portion)

If your pension questions are not addressed satisfactorily, please call the Employee Care Team at 1-833-847-EMPL (3675).

  • Option 4: Pensions
    • Option 1: DB plan (Alight)
    • Option 2: DC Plan (Manulife)

DB members including Hybrid mainline and Rouge members can also schedule a call with an Alight pensions agent for personalized service following the above path.  Members on a Hybrid pension plan can buyback/payback for their DB/DC pension by just speaking to a representative at Alight.

Click HERE to view slides to help you maneuver on the HR Connex website.

PLEASE NOTE: Members of the Rouge plan do not have access to HR Connex Pension.  Information on your plan can be accessed by contacting Alight directly.

Your Pension Committee wishes you all safe flying. Please reach out if you have questions at

Best wishes for 2022,

Your Component Pension Committee

– – – –

Did you know?

The Air Canada Pension plan is worth around $24 Billion.
On the Toronto Stock Exchange, Air Canada is valued at just around $8.4 Billion. (Based at a share price of $23.54 on March 21st, 2022.)

The Air Canada pension plan is 3 times bigger in value than Air Canada itself.

Recall Notices – March 18, 2022

The Union is happy to announce that the Company has just advised us that there will be 252 recall notices going out shortly for Cabin Crew positions at Air Canada Rouge.

This recall will involve the return of Rouge employees who choose to remain on layoff rather than accept a recall to Mainline, as well as the return of some of the Rouge employees temporarily working at Mainline.

One thing to take note of with these recalls to Rouge is that some Rouge employees who were temporarily working at Mainline will become permanent Mainline employees through the most recent flow-through award and will receive notification as such in lieu of a recall notice.

The recalls to Rouge will take effect on April 1, 2022.  You must accept your recall within 7 days. If you are a Rouge employee temporarily working at Mainline and receive a recall notice, you must accept your recall back to your point of layoff and there is no option to remain at Mainline unless you were awarded a spot at Mainline through the flow through process. This is as per article 17.07.05 which states: When recalled to the point of layoff, Air Canada Rouge Cabin Personnel must return to Air Canada Rouge with their full Air Canada Rouge LOU 55 rights.  Upon return to Air Canada Rouge, Air Canada Rouge Cabin Personnel will be assigned to the Air Canada Rouge pay rate that corresponds to the total years of service accumulated at both Air Canada Rouge and Air Canada Mainline.

All members being recalled will be notified via registered letter and will also be advised via Company email.  Please check your recall notice for more details. To ensure delivery of your recall response we suggest using your Air Canada email account.

Do I have to accept a position back to my point of layoff?  Can I decline the recall coming back to where I was laid off from?

As per Article 17.16.04 the following is applicable:

17.16.04  If the employee is notified of a permanent assignment at the point of layoff, s/he must accept, and report for duty within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date notice was sent. An acceptance of permanent assignment at other than the point of layoff shall be optional for the individual concerned; however, should s/he accept, s/he shall report for duty within twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date of registered postmark. This time limit may be extended by Air Canada or Air Canada Rouge, as applicable, under extenuating circumstances.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for clarity on the process or any concerns that you may have.

In solidarity,

WIP – Continuation Of Coverage During Absence From Work – Effective April Block Month

Prepayment of premiums is not required for an absence from the payroll of fifteen (15) calendar days or less.  Prepayment of premiums is required for an absence from the payroll of sixteen (16) or more calendar days for one of the following reasons.  You must prepay the required premium in full within thirty (30) days in order to be eligible for benefit consideration following the end of any of these periods:

1. Leave of absence granted: (such as personal, educational, maternity, child care, bereavement, or jury duty) other than inability to meet medical standards (IMMS), your coverage may be continued for a maximum duration of up to 24 months;

If you have elected to keep your coverage in force and you become totally disabled during the 24-month period, the elimination period will commence on the date you are scheduled to return to work.

2. Lay-off: your coverage may be continued for a maximum duration of up to six (6) months. Should you become disabled during the six-month period, you will not be eligible for benefit consideration unless you are recalled from lay-off status.

If you have elected to keep your coverage in force and you become totally disabled during the 6-month period, the elimination period will commence on the date you are scheduled to return to work;

3. Suspension: your coverage may be continued for the duration of your suspension.

If you have elected to keep your coverage in force and should you be eligible for benefit consideration, the elimination period will begin on the date you are recalled to work;

4. Strike or lockout: your coverage will be suspended during the strike or lockout but will be reinstated once the strike or lockout has ended and you have returned to active work.

If you are in receipt of disability benefits under the contract before the strike or lock-out, benefits shall continue during the strike or lock-out.

Should you become totally disabled during a strike or lockout, you will not be eligible for benefit consideration.

Should you not prepay the required premium, your coverage will lapse and will not become effective until you return to full-time active work as a flight attendant.

To ensure continued coverage for up to 24 months (six (6) months during a lay-off), you must make the first required premium payment within 30 days from the commencement of the leave of absence. The date payment is received by MANION will determine your on time payment.

For more information regarding prepayment of premiums or to make arrangements for prepayment of premiums, please contact MANION by phone at 416-234-3511 or toll free at 1-866-532-8999.

If you are on vacation and become disabled, the 7-day elimination period commences following the date first not available for work at the completion of your vacation.

If your leave of absence of 16 (sixteen) or more calendar days precedes your vacation and you have not prepaid the premium for that leave of absence, coverage will not be reinstated until you return to active work.

No prepayment of premiums is required when you are absent from work due to vacation or a personal leave of absence of 15 (fifteen) calendar days or less.

The Application for Wage Indemnity Plan Benefits, including the Claimant’s Statement, Employer’s Statement and Physician’s Statement, should be completed as soon as you know you will off work for more than 7 days. Your 7-day elimination period commences from the date of your first flight missed or first reserve day missed, if on reserve.


Employer’s Statement
If not already completed when received, the Employer’s Statement should be completed as soon as possible.

Claimant’s Statement
Email to or Mail the completed claimant’s statement directly to MANION. Do not use crew boxes or leave at the Airport Office.

  • In case of an accident, be sure to explain the circumstances on a separate sheet. (WCB, Motor Vehicle, Home)
  • Ensure you sign and date the Authorization at the bottom of the page.

Physician’s Statement
You must see a physician (MD) within 14 days of your first flight missed or first reserve day missed, if on reserve, in order to qualify for benefits commencing on the 8th day of your disability.

  • Have your treating physician complete the Physician’s Statement FULLY. Most claim delays are due to incomplete medical evidence. Please make sure that the physician’s name is legible and that the address and telephone number are complete.
  • Have your physician clearly indicate the diagnosis, complications (if any), treatment, medication and all dates of visits. – If your physician does not know when you can return to work, an approximate date should be given. Indicating “indefinite” will delay your claim.
  • If you are receiving treatment from any other medical practitioner who is not a licensed physician (MD), you must ALSO be under the regular and ongoing care of a licensed physician (MD).
  • Please sign the Authorization Request. If you do not sign this authorization statement your claim will be returned to you, resulting in a delay.




If your disability arose out of, or in the course of your employment, you MUST apply for Workers’ Compensation (C.S.S.T. in Quebec). However, you must also apply for Weekly Indemnity benefits in the interim. All Weekly Indemnity claims must be submitted within days of your first flight missed or first reserve day missed, if on reserve, regardless of whether you have also filed a Worker’s Compensation claim. Failure to file a Weekly Indemnity claim will jeopardize your entitlement to these benefits in the event that your Workers’ Compensation claim is refused or terminated. Weekly Indemnity benefits will be payable only for a maximum of 120 days from the date of disability while a decision is pending from Workers’ Compensation. Please contact your Regional Office for more information if you are applying for Workers’ Compensation benefits.

When you have returned to work, notify MANION immediately, so that your Weekly Indemnity claim can be finalized.

Your benefits will be deposited directly into your bank account, therefore please submit the Direct Deposit application along with a void cheque when you submit your application.

While you are receiving Weekly Indemnity benefits, supplementary reports will be forwarded to you periodically. Upon receipt, have this report completed and returned to MANION, as soon as possible so that payments will not be delayed. It is your responsibility to provide proof of disability. You must submit proof of disability WITHIN 30 DAYS of your first flight missed or first reserve day missed, if on reserve. If you submit proof after days, it will not be processed unless you can show sufficient reasons in writing for not applying earlier.

The claimant is responsible for having all forms completed and any charges incurred for completion of same. You may submit your claim to MANION by sending your documents in:


Please note: You must advise MANION before you travel at any time during your Weekly Indemnity claim. Out-of-country travel requires written medical clearance from your physician.

When you return to work, you must notify MANION immediately.

Applying for Benefits – Time Limits
Your claim will be processed when the claimant’s statement, the employer’s statement and the physician’s statement have all been received. You should therefore follow up with your employer and your physician to ensure the forms are completed in a timely manner and avoid delay of benefits due to late submission.

It is your responsibility to submit proof of disability within:

(a) 30 days of your first flight missed or first reserve day missed, if on reserve;

(b) 30 days of the termination of your disability benefits under the Employment Insurance Act of Canada in order to reinstate your claim under this Wage Indemnity Plan; and

(c) 30 days of the recurrence of a disability.



On Behalf of The Board of Trust,

Patricia Eberley
Chair/Administrative Consultant

Manion, Wilkins & Associates
Plan Administration
626-21 Four Seasons Place
Etobicoke, Ontario
M9B 0A6

Switchboard: 416-234-5044
Toll Free Line:  1-800-663-7849
Fax: 416-234-0127
Contact Centre: 1-866-532-8999

PBS WebApp Offline Mode

Most bidders only ever use PBS while they have internet access. If you do not intend on using PBS while offline (no internet access), please disregard the following bulletin.

Reminder: ONLY submitted bids will be used by PBS for your award. The Submit function is only available in online mode while you have internet access.

The attached bulletin is directed to those few who do use PBS in Offline mode.

To view the step-by-step process required to use PBS in Offline Mode CLICK HERE.

In Solidarity,

Your Component PBS Committee