days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Secretary Treasurer Report – February 2022

Please see the updates below:

Banking and Investments
As of February 1st, we currently have 3 GICs as outlined below:
•    $1,012,500 – Two-Year 1.25% GIC, maturing Dec 17, 2022.
•    $1,012,000 – 18-Month 1.20% GIC, maturing Aug 03, 2022.
•    $1,200,000 – One-Year 1.00% GIC, maturing May 06, 2022.
In addition, we have just over $1,100,000 in Savings earning an interest rate of 0.60%.

Belfield Update
The replacement of the office roof was completed in August 2021 without any major issues. Throughout the fall the office got more use with the partial return of some staff and committees using the office space for in-person work. We were also able to recall all of our IAM represented employees.

Statement of Operation
Q1 and Q2 2022 (July 2021 – December 2021)
Please see below the Unaudited Statement of Operation for the first half of the 2022 Year End which ended on December 31st, 2021. With the impressive number of recalls over the period, we have returned to a surplus position after the last two years of deficit. The current surplus actually covers our recorded deficits, which in essence means our finances have broken even from the COVID-19 pandemic at this point.

Our external auditors completed our 2021 Year End Audit this week without any issues, and very little adjusting entries which resulted in a lower annual audit fee. The Statements still need to be approved by ACCEX at our next quarterly meeting. In addition, the three Component Trustees were present in the office last week and were able to complete the 2015 Year End Trustee audit. The results of their audit and my reply will be shared in a separate communication from them.

As announced earlier this week, I will be taking a temporary leave in order to complete a 6-week assignment as a CUPE National Servicing Representative. Local 4091 President Guillaume Leduc will be stepping in during this time and will work with our bookkeeper to ensure the smooth running of the Component finances. I have full faith in Guillaume’s abilities and will only be a phone call away.


In Solidarity,

Alex Habib
Secretary-Treasurer, Air Canada Component of CUPE

Recall Notices – February 17, 2022

The Union is happy to announce that the Company has just advised us that there will be 237 recall notices going out shortly for Cabin Crew positions at Air Canada Rouge.

This recall will involve the return of Rouge employees who choose to remain on layoff rather than accept a recall to Mainline, as well as the return of some of the Rouge employees temporarily working at Mainline.

One thing to take note of with these recalls to Rouge is that some Rouge employees who were temporarily working at Mainline will become permanent Mainline employees through the most recent flow-through award and will receive notification as such in lieu of a recall notice.

The recalls to Rouge will take effect on March 3, 2022.  You must accept your recall within 7 days. If you are a Rouge employee temporarily working at Mainline and receive a recall notice, you must accept your recall back to your point of layoff and there is no option to remain at Mainline unless you were awarded a spot at Mainline through the flow through process. This is as per article 17.07.05 which states: When recalled to the point of layoff, Air Canada Rouge Cabin Personnel must return to Air Canada Rouge with their full Air Canada Rouge LOU 55 rights.  Upon return to Air Canada Rouge, Air Canada Rouge Cabin Personnel will be assigned to the Air Canada Rouge pay rate that corresponds to the total years of service accumulated at both Air Canada Rouge and Air Canada Mainline.

All members being recalled will be notified via registered letter and will also be advised via Company email.  Please check your recall notice for more details. To ensure delivery of your recall response we suggest using your Air Canada email account.

Do I have to accept a position back to my point of layoff?  Can I decline the recall coming back to where I was laid off from?

As per Article 17.16.04 the following is applicable:

17.16.04  If the employee is notified of a permanent assignment at the point of layoff, s/he must accept, and report for duty within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date notice was sent. An acceptance of permanent assignment at other than the point of layoff shall be optional for the individual concerned; however, should s/he accept, s/he shall report for duty within twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date of registered postmark. This time limit may be extended by Air Canada or Air Canada Rouge, as applicable, under extenuating circumstances.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for clarity on the process or any concerns that you may have.

In solidarity,

Nomination Results – Local Trustee – 3-Year Term Position

Local 4091 Candidate Nomination Results

Local Trustee – 3 Year Term

Local  4092 Candidate Nomination Results

Local Trustee – 3 Year Term

Local 4094 Candidate Nomination Results

Local Trustee – 3 Year Term
Pamela Sarkissian – ACCLAIMED

Local 4095 Candidate Nomination Results

Local Trustee – 3 Year Term

Local 4098 Candidate Nomination Results

Local Trustee – 3 Year Term

In Solidarity,

Your Component Tabulating Committee

Component Officers’ Update to the Membership

In our continuing effort to ensure that you are kept informed we want to provide an update on matters which the Union is currently addressing.

As many members may be aware there have been Vacation Over payment letters from the employer sent out to those the company believes have been overpaid for vacation. There are different reasons that are being given for the recouping of this vacation pay. As you may recall the Union filed Grievance CHQ-21-11. This grievance is disputing the fact that for those on Off Duty Status, the Company chose to recognise any vacation period as time off while on ODS (and in receipt of CEWS/CERB), however they did not agree that it came with pay.  These members may have been awarded their full allotment of vacation and may have taken it. If they opted for CEWS or CERB, the employer determined they would not be paying for the vacation days. This is one of the reasons that is being given for a repayment requirement.  We have grieved this and are actively moving forward with this grievance to get a resolution.

There are also those who Air Canada has deemed to have taken vacation despite not having accrued it. We are especially incensed by this because it would have been preferable for our members not to have been awarded this vacation if they did not have an entitlement to it.  It is the duty of the employer to advise and inform its employees of these circumstances. We are also disputing the assertions of the employer that some members were not entitled to this vacation. As with all things of this nature we will be relying on the members to assist and remedy this to any degree possible. We recommend that anyone who has been impacted by this write to the employer to request a complete and detailed breakdown of why and how it can be that they are required to pay this vacation time back. This includes a breakdown of all the vacation days, as well as a breakdown of the statutory days.  You will also want to confirm the wage rate being used. Armed with this information we recommend that you provide it to your local Union office who will then review the detailed breakdown to determine next steps.  It is not acceptable to be told by any organisation, bank, or institution that you owe money and must pay it back if a clear explanation of this alleged debt is not provided in great detail.  Further we have been made aware that the deductions started prior to the explanations being given. We would not accept this from anyone else and strongly believe that the employer must do a better job of outlining the specifics of the overpayment as well as advising members in advance of removing pay.

The Component Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Habib, has accepted a temporary assignment as a CUPE National Servicing Representative. This assignment will run for six weeks. In his absence Local 4091 President Guillaume Leduc will be providing support to the Component to ensure that the duties of the Component Secretary-Treasurer position are carried out.  Local 4091 Vice President Natasha Stea will ensure that the Component Executive has full representation at all ACCEX meetings. This is in accordance with the Air Canada Component Bylaws to ensure a smooth running of the Component finances.

Meetings with the Council of Unions continue in relation to the Share Trust Agreement.

As noted in our previous updates this is a very involved process which requires attention to detail and numerous approvals. It is also a highly complex undertaking and the Council of Unions, and their advisors continue to work through it for the betterment of their respective memberships.  Until a full agreement is reached, agreed to, and confirmed, further information is not available on this, but once it is, the membership will be made aware.

The Union has been advised that flow through offers went out yesterday. We are also aware of the error with the list and have been assured that the Company is working to rectify this error as quickly as possible. In addition, we are anticipating this offering as well as increased flying this summer will trigger recalls to Air Canada Rouge. This will involve the return of Air Canada Rouge flight attendants who are temporarily working at Mainline, as well as the return from layoff for those who didn’t accept the temporary assignment at Mainline. Once we know the timing and numbers for recalls, we will be sure to advise.

We have had the pleasure to be able to communicate with some of our new members. They are part of a new hire class which was scheduled to be online mid-February. Unfortunately, Air Canada has advised them that they are not required until the commencement of the March block month. This has resulted in a loss of pay for an entire two-week period which as you can imagine has created a hardship for them as finding work for a two-week period is limited.  We are sure that many of them gave up jobs to come to attend this training in good faith. We consider this sudden reversal of their online assignment date to be a terrible way to commence a long-term career with Air Canada and we will be continuing to address this and ask that Air Canada reconsider their approach.

We have also had the pleasure of meeting some of the new hires who will be coming online as temps. We encourage all members to reach out and show the generosity of spirit and solidarity that we all share by welcoming them to the fold. We can all recall our first days of flying and the trepidation that we felt.  We can also remember the kind crew members who welcomed us and showed us the ropes. It is through small acts that we can make a big difference for all new members. In the words of Aesop “No act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted”.

Your Union leadership has been consulting with the experts at CUPE National and will be consulting with the Council of Unions and the employer to establish the process for aligning and implementing Pay Equity. As of August 31, 2021, the Federal government’s new Pay Equity Act (“Act“) and the accompanying Regulation are in effect. This new legislation enables proactive enforcement of the fundamental human right to gender equality in compensation – equal pay for work of equal value. The Act recognizes that systemic wage discrimination exists in the workforce. The first deadline was November 1, 2021, when the Employer was required to post a notice in the workplace setting out its obligations to establish a pay equity plan. You can see this notice if you log in to HR Connex link in Aeronet. It can be found under the Pay and Compensation heading.  The pay equity plan must be completed no later than September 3, 2024. Any pay equity adjustments owed must start to be paid out no later than September 4, 2024. We will be working our way through this process and will provide regular updates.

LOU 27
LOU 27 of the Collective Agreement states that :

“The Company will undertake to ensure that a certain bank of economy seats are held as “last sold” for the purpose of crew rest on all aircraft except the B747.  These designated economy seats will be made available to revenue passengers or contingent passholders only after all other seats have been filled.  The number and location of this bank of seats will be determined by the Company.”

It was brought to our attention that the “last sold” seats were not being provided to crew as per this Letter of Understanding. Thanks to feedback from the membership outlining when and where this was happening, we were able to pinpoint some areas of concern in the system. Air Canada did work to remedy this via bulletins to our colleagues at Unifor and other third parties and to date we have not had any further complaints from crew. If you operate a flight and find that this language is not being respected, please bring it to our attention by filling out the online report HERE. These seats were the result of years of bargaining and are crucial in allowing us to have a decent place to sit, away from passengers. We cannot allow this crucial Collective Agreement language to be watered down.  We thank you in advance for working with us to make sure that we monitor this.

The Union has raised the concern with regards to the recent bulletin advising members that assignments would be sent through globe and the requirement to call is no longer.  There has been much confusion from those on reserve and reassignment as to when you need to call or not call.  We are seeking clarity as the bulletin appears to indicate no calls are required at this time.  This is confusing as we have specific “call in times” noted in the Collective Agreement specific to reserve and reassignment.

As many of you know we have members that have been removed from flying due to their vaccination status.  Like all members working as cabin crew at Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge, these members have the opportunity to file grievances if they feel their request to remain active through an accommodation has not been met.  We have spent countless hours consulting legal, researching data on the viability of the grievances, and moving them forward from Level 1 to Level 2.  We have secured our April Monthly Review date to commence the process of mediating these grievances.

In solidarity,

CHQ-22-13 – In-charge (SD) Classification – Application of Wage Scale

The union has been advised by the recent group of Service Directors that the company has decided to not pay members who have flowed through from Rouge the appropriate wage rate as per the Collective Agreement.

As per Article 5.06.01 Where a Flight Attendant moves into the In-Charge classification, s/he will be placed in LEVEL I of the Purser wage scale, as applicable with the following exception: EXCEPTION: Flight Attendants with more than five (5) years of completed service will be placed in Level II.

We reached out to Labour Relations on this, and it was confirmed that they will not be changing this new decision, and they maintain that the new service directors from the 2022 class will be not have their 5 years of completed service reflective for the Level II pay.

Please click HERE to see the grievance we have filed.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE