days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Recent Work Refusals

Yesterday a bulletin was issued from Jon Turner in regard to the recent work refusals titled: Transport Canada determines Direction is being complied with in regards to recent cabin crew ‘Right to Refuse Dangerous Work’.

As per the Canada Labour Code, danger means any hazard, condition or activity that could reasonably be expected to be an imminent or serious threat to the life or health of a person exposed to it before the hazard or condition can be corrected or the activity altered.  If you feel this is the case, you have the right to refuse, this has not been removed, and you cannot be disciplined or lose pay for exercising this right.  No one can prevent the exercising of this right except for a government safety investigator following an investigation, and no one should be encouraging you not to if you reasonably believe there is a danger.

There are currently 527 “unresolved” health and safety complaints logged by Cabin Crew, primarily dealing with COVID-19, ranging from concerns regarding mask compliance, to onboard service, to missing clean care kits.  This is a concern.

There were 5 work refusals at Air Canada Mainline and 3 work refusals at Air Canada Rouge, primarily related to onboard service, but also in regard to no potable water on board, mask compliance concerns and no safe places to eat on board.

This is all due to the fact we are seeing service return close to pre-pandemic levels.  The employer left off saying that they listen to our feedback, but what we have seen is that our voices have fallen on deaf ears with the Employer, Transport Canada and the Federal Government itself.  If everything we do is to be safety first, why is the employer not mitigating the risk, the risk that is there and has affected many crew to date. In a system where the employees are told safety reporting is of the utmost importance, how can the Company reasonably ignore hundreds of complaints from the people who know the workplace best?

We have seen countless Canadian, American and foreign carriers reduce services onboard.  This was done to “ensure the safety of both passengers and flight attendants”, as noted most recently by American Airlines.  We need the same strong position here as well, we need to see we are heard, and see that we are moving towards safer practices because we are valued and respected as employees.

Enough of you have reached out and followed the process outlined to ensure your safety concerns are logged, unfortunately they are not being actioned.

You did your part and got vaccinated, you used all your sick time to stay home and stay safe, you went through countless quarantine periods, countless calls with contact tracing, handed out card after card to ensure mask compliance, contacted your managers with issues of fatigue, stress, loneliness and isolation, and now, all we are asking for is to be regarded like everyone else in Canada, and reduce our contact in the workplace by reducing onboard service.

Your Union will be reaching out to lobby this further; we will ensure the message is delivered. At this time appeals are in the process of being filed related to the work refusals identified by the Company.

For the Union’s work refusal bulletin, you may send a blank email to Urgent non-emergency questions can be emailed to

In Solidarity,

Reporting Issues To Your Union

The Union has received many concerns through email on Drafting as well as the inability to use Last Sold Seats for a multitude of reasons. We also are continuing to collect any mask compliance issues.

Knowing this is a strong concern for all members, we want to remind all of the forms that have been added to both the Air Canada Component App and the Component Website to make it easier for you to report issues to the Union in a timely manner.

The forms are:
1. Short Crewing Report
2. Draft Reports
3. Last Sold Seat Violation
4. Mask Compliance Report

These forms can be found on the Component App under Resources > Member Resources > Forms, or on the Component Website under Resources > Forms.  They can be easily filled out in the app or on the website and immediately received by your Union.

If you have not done so already, you can download the App here:
IOS (Apple) download
Android download

Your login information for the Air Canada Component App is the same as your login for the website,  If you have not signed into the website since we updated it in 2019 you will need a password, which can be obtained by clicking on the “Forgot Your Password” link at the bottom of the website’s sign in section. If you have not received your password reset in 24 hours check your junk email folder. Please do not submit multiple requests in the 24 hour time frame.

In solidarity,

CHQ-rouge-22-06 – Excessive Drafting

The Union has filed grievance CHQ-rouge-22-06 – Excessive Drafting. Click HERE to view the grievance form.

This grievance is based on the last several weeks where we have seen the company drafting to proportions we have not seen in Rouge’s history. We have seen 245 drafts from January 1 to January 11, 2022. This is extremely excessive when we have 358 members currently working at Rouge.

We have tried showing the employer that this is taking a toll on their employees. We know the current reality at Rouge is not sustainable for our members. We were hopeful that the employer would adjust their staffing levels, but they have not. They suggested drafting would reduce after the holidays, but that has not proven to be true. We have heard your concerns about being overworked during a time when there are health and safety concerns regarding COVID exposure. We have heard from those who have worked nearly two weeks consecutively. Again, this is not sustainable and is creating fatigue and burn out for our members.

We hope the company takes our grievance seriously and that they cease and desist this excessive drafting practice.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

Notice of Upcoming Election – Local Trustee 3-Year Term Position

In accordance with Appendix “C” of the Air Canada Component Bylaws, anyone wishing to be nominated for the available Local Trustee position should adhere to the following information:

A Trustee election shall be held every year. (Article C.3.1.b).

Members who wish to be nominated for the available Local Trustee position shall file nomination papers and a completed Oath of Nomination form, to be received by the Chairperson of the Component Tabulating Committee by February 15th in the calendar year preceding the Local Officer Elections. (Article C.4.1)

Candidates shall disclose their full name and intended position clearly on the nomination papers prior to soliciting signatures. (Article C.4.2)

Nomination forms, as provided by the Component Tabulating Committee, must have signatures from lesser of either: (a) Fifty (50) members of the eligible voters on the Local’s Membership List; or (b) Five (5%) percent of the eligible voters on the Local’s Membership List. (Article C.4.3)

The Oath of Nomination form (Appendix “F”) must be completed in its entirety in order to be accepted by the Tabulating Committee. (Article C.4.4)

* IMPORTANT: Due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic, and on an exceptional basis, the Component Tabulating Committee will accept electronic signatures on nomination forms for the available Local Trustee position.  An electronic signature must be the member’s actual signature and not simply the member’s name typed onto the nomination form. This will allow for members not actively in the workplace to nominate a candidate. The nomination form must be filled out in its entirety by the candidate, signed off and dated prior to scanning for electronically received signatures. We are doing this to ensure all members have an opportunity to run, as well as ensure all members have an opportunity to collect signatures, with the COVID pandemic in place, many of you are not able to access your work sites or Union offices due to not having a RAIC.

NOTE: For interested candidates, a complete instruction package with nomination sheets will be available on the Air Canada Component website, as well as by request from your Local office, or by clicking HERE. It is recommended that you read the complete instruction package.

DEADLINE:  Completed original nomination sheets must be received no later than, February 15, 2022 at 16:00 EST at the following address:

Nomination sheets received after February 15, 2022 at 16:00 EST will NOT be accepted. The Tabulating Committee recommends sending your documentation by registered mail to ensure timely delivery and receipt.

In Solidarity,

Your Component Tabulating Committee

Coronavirus Update 44B

This bulletin provides important updates (in red) and supersedes Coronavirus Update#44A issued on Monday December 27th.

Click HERE for a list of all important contacts.

Reporting concerns via health and safety complaints if you have them remains critical. Be as detailed as possible and provide suggestions if you have them. Please know that we continue to collaborate with the company on important initiatives that come directly from your comments ex. Masking challenges, PPE concerns etc.

See below for links to the Union’s reporting bulletins.

The Union is extremely busy, and it is useful that members consult both the information in their FAM as well as the Union’s work refusal bulletin if they have questions about their rights prior to reaching out. You can obtain a copy of the Union’s bulletin automatically by sending a blank email to . This is an unmonitored account.

At ML ALL updated company policies including COVID-19 safe behaviour policy as well as Covid-19 Guidelines can be accessed via ACAeronet > HRConnex > Covid-19 mitigations banner at the top of the screen.

At Rg ALL updated company policies can be found on ACAeronet > Rouge > Human Resources > Human Resources Tools & Forms or on the COVID-19 resources tab.

NOTE:  The company’s COVID-19 Guidelines policy includes a provision for paid leave if you need to isolate in certain circumstances. If your case applies, please reach out to the local for assistance as this may allow you not to lose any sick days up until the date you received your results. We recommend that you: 1) Clearly document how your close contact was determined to have COVID-19: PCR or rapid test; 2) Test date; 3) If rapid test, was a second test performed to confirm etc.

Please continue to let us know of your positive cases by replying to this email.

  • If you have symptoms or test positive DO NOT come to work.
  • Book off. You do not need to call occupational health. Provide any relevant workplace contact tracing details to the book-off line personnel.
  • Call Medaire(ML) / Allianz (Rg) if on layover (Click HERE for a list of all important contacts)
  • It is highly recommended to document your illness via rapid tests (two) or PCR method if possible (preferable).

(Without notifications from public health about positive passenger exposure a lot of this relies on common sense, and you ARE permitted to file a report even if not contact traced):

  • File a work-related illness/injury report. Be as detailed as possible about how you may have been exposed to the virus while working.
  • Follow workers compensation procedures applicable to your home province (see grid below for links)
    • If WCB is approved you will not incur any lost sick days/hrs.
    • If WCB is denied, you will incur up to 7 sick days (using sick hours at Rg) and then fall on WIP/Insurance.
      • You will need to consult a doctor and have them fill out the medical portion of the insurance forms if your book off lasts more than 7 days so we strongly suggest having the physician complete these at the same time as the WCB forms (if required) to avoid multiple appointments.
    • If a book-off lasts more than 7 days, you MUST either fall on WIP/Insurance or workers compensation – one or the other. It isn’t optional.
  • Workers who test positive or who suspect they had COVID-19 must inform the book-off line when returning back to work – even if their illness/isolation occurred while on days off.
  • Workers who have satisfied provincial quarantine requirements and who have no symptoms can book back on via the book-off line – they do not need to pass through occupational health.
    • There are two very important exceptions to this:
      • Employees with residual symptoms after having completed their self-isolation period MUST contact Occupational Health Services to receive clearance in order to return to work.
      • Employees who experienced significant symptoms requiring medical evaluation and care MUST receive clearance from Occupational Health Services in order to return to work.
  • Speak to the local (Contact below) for guidance on the workers compensation process and return to work steps once you are better depending on your condition.

(ex. You are confident that you were exposed by a friend who was positive or a child):

  • you will incur up to 7 sick days and then fall on WIP (ML) or Disability Insurance (RG).
    • You will need to consult a doctor and have them fill out the medical portion of the forms if your book off is expected to last more than 7 days.
  • If a book-off lasts more than 7 days, you MUST either fall on WIP/Insurance or workers compensation – one or the other. It isn’t optional.
  • Workers who test positive must inform the book-off line when returning back to work – even if their illness/isolation occurred while on days off.
  • Workers who have satisfied provincial quarantine requirements and who have no symptoms can book back on via the book-off line – they do not need to pass through occupational health.
    • There are two very important exceptions to this:
      • Employees with residual symptoms after having completed their self-isolation period MUST contact Occupational Health Services to receive clearance in order to return to work.
      • Employees who experienced significant symptoms requiring medical evaluation and care MUST receive clearance from Occupational Health Services in order to return to work.
  • Speak to the local (below) for guidance on the workers compensation process and return to work steps once you are better depending on your condition.

The union local offices support members with workers compensation. We have provided the links to the information required to start the process. Follow-up questions should be addressed to the local offices below.

Local Tel: Email Workers Comp Info
Local 4091 – Mainline YUL 514-422-2235 4091 CNESST
Local 4092 – Mainline YYZ 905-676-4293 4092 WSIB
Local 4094 – Mainline YVR 604-295-4259 WorkSafeBC
Local 4095 – Mainline YYC 403-221-2625
Local 4098 – Rouge 905-678-6330
or see 4091 info for YMQ

All Coronavirus Update bulletins can be accessed HERE
Reporting Bulletin can be accessed HERE
Reporting FAQ bulletin can be accessed HERE

We are aware that due to provincial governments rolling out rapid testing to the public, there have been shortages. The company continues to distribute kits across bases where they can be obtained through the crew support centres. Kits may be smaller to satisfy demand (5 per kit), and we remind you that they are for workplace use and that it remains important to upload results to the COVID-19 home testing app.

The Union’s follow-up bulletin on rapid testing with instructions can be found HERE.

Provincial and territorial guidelines and policies are changing rapidly.

The updated list of provincial COVID-19 resource websites and contacts can be accessed HERE.

In Solidarity,