days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

A Message From Your New Component President

Dear Members at Air Canada Mainline and Air Canada Rouge, I wanted to get a bulletin out to you on the first day coming into office.  It has been a week of much research, communication, discussions, and positive brain storming for our future! The last few weeks have been challenging for all within the Union, …

Component Election Results – 2019

The voting has closed for the Component elections and the results of the election can be found below: Component President Wesley Lesosky Component Vice President Theresa Mitchell Component Secretary-Treasurer Alex Habib   If you participated in this Component Officers Election, you were issued an anonymous voting receipt code (accessible only online). The results & breakdown …

Trustee Report & Secretary-Treasurer Response Re Supplemental Pay

Air Canada Component Trustees’ Report & Recommendations: Dear members, In October 2018, two members contacted the Component Trustees to request assistance to look at the supplemental pay for the current Component President, Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer as outlined in the Air Canada Component of CUPE (ACC) Bylaws. The members were concerned that standard and previous practices …

1 Day Left To Vote!

1 DAY LEFT TO VOTE! – REMINDER – COMPONENT OFFICERS’ ELECTION 2019 VOTING CLOSES JANUARY 24th at 12:00 pm EST   The Air Canada Component Officers’ Election will close at 12:00 EST on January 24, 2019. The candidates running for Component positions are: Air Canada Component President Patrick Ciccone Wesley Lesosky Marie-Hélène Major Laurent (Larry) …

The People’s Republic of China (PRC)

On January 14th, Global Affairs Canada advised that travellers to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) exercise a high degree of caution due to the risk of arbitrary enforcement of local laws. To be clear, there has been no recommendation against travel to destinations in the PRC or any of its territories. That said, this …