days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

B737 Max Grounding Wet Leases

As you are likely aware, Air Canada has announced in a recent Globe Bulletin (Click “HERE” to view) that there are changes to the schedule and Air Canada has made a decision to utilize Wet Leases.  Our primary objective in all that we do is to ensure that the interests of our members are protected, …

Your Rights When Booked Off

* This applies to Mainline Air Canada only * There have been recent events that have shown us the need to send this information out once again to inform the members of their rights. The Union filed a policy grievance in 2010 relating to procedures while booking off sick. Arbitrator William Kaplan provided an award which …

Voluntary Training at Air Canada Mainline and Air Canada Rouge

As many members may be aware, Air Canada Rouge is offering voluntary lead coaching sessions, which is a form of additional training that focuses on the lead flight attendant role.  It is the Union’s position that any training should be paid.  Air Canada Rouge has chosen to not pay our members for this additional training. …

Results of the 2019 Bylaw Referendum

The voting has closed for the 2019 Bylaw Referendum and the results are as follows:   Question 1): Do you support the Bylaw Review Committee’s proposed changes of Section 1 (Notification & Compliance)? YES Question 2a): Do you support the Bylaw Review Committee’s proposed changes of Section 2 (Component Expense Policy document)? YES Question 2b): …