days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

World AIDS Day

This day is a day to pause and reflect on how a disease ravaged our industry by felling our colleagues and friends, and replaced their cherished Flight Attendant wings with angel wings far too early in life. There is no denying that AIDS has left a gaping hole in our hearts and very souls.  We …

Crew Bunks

We continue to receive feedback regarding OBSMs and the issue of crew bunks on wide body aircrafts. Contractual crew rest and all additional articles of the Collective Agreement pertaining to crew rest must be upheld. A policy grievance has been filed, however, until this matter is resolved we would like to reiterate the Company’s position. The Company agreed that: 1) Service Directors remain responsible for the sequencing …

Trip Trade System Is On The Horizon

We know that you have all been waiting very patiently for the new Trip Trade system, as this was a popular highlight of the ratified Collective Agreement. What follows is an update as to how this implemented item is progressing, details about the system itself, and a look forward to future phases of implementation, when …