days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

New Uniform/Luggage Allotment

Dear members, Your CUPE uniform/luggage and Health & Safety Committee representatives spent over a year working on the new luggage, which was recently announced by the Company. They attended countless meetings and calls with the Company, did work on the joint Health & Safety Committees, and played a vital role advising our Union Executive.  Their …

Remembrance Day

The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.  Every year, Canadians take two moments of silence to recall the sacrifices made by all who have served our country during times of war and peace, especially those who have died in the line of duty. The origins of this date being used as …

OBSM Update

Dear Members, We have read your frustration, fear and anger. We hear you loud and clear! Thank you to all of our members, across the system, at all bases, for your efforts in letting your Union know your discontent with regards to the Air Canada OBSM program. You echoed the sentiments of many that may …

The Situation In Barcelona

Your Component leadership, Hotel Committee, and OHS Committee have been following the events in Catalonia, Spain closely, and are in communication with the company regarding the safety and security of our crews on layover in Barcelona (BCN). Although there has been some civil unrest reported in the news surrounding the recent Catalan secession referendum, and …