days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

MAYDAY, PM Trudeau!

The Airline Division of CUPE is calling on Prime Minister Trudeau to help Airline Workers. We as Flight Attendants have been on the frontlines of COVID-19 from the onset and we have had very little consultation from our Federal government. Our industry is on life support and we find ourselves with no real plan from Mr. Trudeau and his government. Please join us in having our members’ voices heard and our stories shared.
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COVID-19 – Airline Employment Membership Survey

On March 13, 2020, Canada began to enter a global shutdown due to COVID-19. With countries shutting down, closing borders and air travel ceasing, tens of thousands of flight attendants around the world have been laid off or furloughed.

Some members are currently in the CEWS programs, others are collecting EI benefits. Recall periods for CUPE’s various airline locals range from 2-5 years.  With lengthy recall periods and the lack of information from the government on what supports may be available to workers who may be affected by COVID-19 for periods that stretch past eligible EI periods, CUPE is interested in hearing from you.

CUPE has heard from its airline membership that members are currently exploring temporary options for employment.  CUPE can assist with finding other temporary employment options of interest by working with the government and employers as we are already working on other projects such as: Just Transition, Improving Long Term Care, increasing childcare access, and improving education resources.

We have put together a short survey regarding COVID-19 impacts and employment. You can access the survey here:

This survey is anonymous, and answers will not identify individuals in any way.

In solidarity,

Your Airline Division Council of Presidents

Staffing Update – February 3, 2021

We were advised moments ago that Air Canada Rouge will be suspending operation effective February 8, 2021. This will result in the remaining active membership that is currently working at Rouge being placed on layoff status.  As one cannot mitigate their own layoff, and there are no positions remaining at Rouge, and no one junior at Mainline, there will be no bumping or mitigations offered. More information will follow once official layoff notices are issued.

For Air Canada Mainline, at this time we have not been advised of any layoffs however there has been discussion on this and we will keep you posted once we have more information on how any staffing surplus will be dealt with at Mainline.

This further staffing surplus is a direct result of the continued restrictions placed on air travel by the Federal Government and their unwillingness to put in place a safe and reliable strategy for resuming air travel.

We understand there will be many questions, rumours, and thoughts on this.  Please reach out to your Union, do not rely on rumours and please be there for one another.  These are unprecedented and very challenging times.

In solidarity,

Mitigation Update 3

The Union was advised today of the programs, attached below, that have gone out as a form of mitigation to ALL members, Mainline and Rouge, who are active or on layoff.

If you are interested in resigning or retiring from the Company, please review the attached programs that have been made available from Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge.

Air Canada Mainline Mitigation Program
Air Canada Rouge Mitigation Program

The Union has not been advised of the required staffing levels for the weeks and months ahead but have been updated by the company that they are currently reviewing them and will advise when they have any information to share.

In solidarity,

Interruption of Legal Crew Rest at a Layover Station (B5.05.01, Note I)

The Union is extremely pleased to announce that we have received a positive arbitral decision from Arbitrator Elizabeth J McIntyre upholding a group grievance whereby Air Canada directly contacted crew members during their minimum legal crew rest at a layover station.

The Union argued that the Collective Agreement language in Article B5.05.01 Note I, (negotiated in the 2015 round of bargaining) is very clear, and that during the minimum legal rest period, the company cannot directly contact crew members for any reason. And furthermore, the company is only permitted to leave a silent message in the crew members’ rooms advising of any changes to their schedule during the minimum legal rest period.

The company argued that during the minimum legal rest period, they could directly call crew members 2:30 or less prior to flight departure if the 2:30 or less fell within the minimum legal rest period.

Thankfully, the arbitrator agreed with the Union’s position and upheld the grievance as follows:

  • After careful consideration of the evidence and the submissions and for the reasons set out above, the grievances are allowed.
  • I therefore declare that the Company violated the collective agreement when it directly contacted the grievors during their rest periods on September 27, 2018.
  • I further declare that the grievors are entitled to continuous pay for the pairing in question and applicable premiums…”

Please CLICK HERE to see the entire award for more details.

To make sure you understand your rights:
When on a layover at Mainline, and anytime during your minimum legal crew rest period, the company CANNOT directly contact you, for example: they cannot call you on your cell phone or on the hotel phone. They can only ask the hotel to leave you a silent message in your room.

We would like to especially thank our Vancouver Local President for bringing this case forward and helping us reach this incredibly successful outcome. We would also like to thank our Grievance Committee and our grievors who worked on this case which was presented on November 27, 2020.

In solidarity,