days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Reserve Committee Handbook – May 2019

The Reserve Handbook is a guide to the rights and entitlements of reserve flight attendants, as set out in the Collective Agreement. It is produced by the Air Canada Component’s Reserve Committee, a group of people just like you, living the reserve lifestyle and coping with reserve problems. We’re here to help.
The document covers:

  • Aircraft Report Times
  • Notification
  • Airport Standby
  • Open Flights
  • Cabs
  • Order of Assignment
  • Contacts
  • PBS Bidding Tips
  • Crew Rest Home Base
  • Personal Time Bank
  • Crew Rest Layover
  • Preparation of Blocks
  • Days Off
  • Reduced Block Program
  • Do Not Call Hours
  • Release @ 77 Hours
  • Draft
  • Reserve Types
  • Duty Day
  • Return-to-Base Extension
  • Duty Period Guarantee
  • Sick Leave
  • Duty Periods
  • Special Meals
  • Layover Policy
  • Training Credits
  • Monthly Limitations/Guarantees
  • Vacation
  • Night Flights
  • Voluntary Extension 100 Hrs

NEW VERSION – May 2019 – Reserve Handbook

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