days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Reserve Committee Update – ACU Performed On Days Off

ACU performed on days off must be paid over and above MMG – Reserves please double check pay summaries and eclaim if not properly paid
As you  may be aware, in 2015 the Union resolved a grievance (CHQ-14-51) involving the incorrect payment of Air Canada University (ACU) when performed on days off.  ACU when performed on days off is to be paid over and above Minimum Monthly Guarantee (MMG) for both reserves and regular blockholders.  See applicable Collective Agreement article below:
5.11.05 Additional Credits – Pay credits applicable under the following Articles shall be credited in addition to the minimum monthly guarantee.
Article 5.07 – Premium Pay
Article 5.08 – Ground Duty – Pre/Post Duty Period
Article 5.09 – Ground Duty – Service to Passengers
Article 5.10 – Ground Duties – Days Off Only
Article 6.04 – Training Credits – Scheduled Days Off
Employees who performed their ACU training on days off and who were not paid over and above their applicable MMG were to submit an eclaim.

Since the resolution of this grievance,  eclaims are still required as the system for proper payment for this issue is not automatic.  
We wish to remind all crew members, especially reserves, to check their pay summary to ensure that ACU performed on days off is paid over and above MMG.  This is particularly important if a reserve did not complete their 75 hours.  For reserve blockholders, please refer to your “minimum guarantee adjustment” section of your pay summary to make sure your ACU training credits were not absorbed within your 75 hour MMG guarantee. Keep in mind that if you flew your 75 hours on reserve, your payment for ACU should be paid correctly as it would automatically be applied over and above your 75 hours. It is only in the event that you have NOT flown your 75 hours that you should double check that your ACU payments were not absorbed within your MMG payment.
See an example below of the section you should be reviewing on your pay summary to make sure you were not incorrectly paid.  Below you will see someone who flew 1800 minutes (30 hours), therefore if ACU was performed on days off, it should be paid over and above the 75 hours and should not be reducing your minimum guarantee adjustment amount.  The values below are accurate in regards to the minimum guarantee adjustment, i.e. 4500 minutes – 1800 minutes = 2700.  


TOTAL PAY MINUTES 1800  (minutes you actually flew = 30 hours)
MINIMUM GUARANTEE ADJUSTMENT 2700  (the difference you are paid to top you up to your 75 hour MMG)
If you need assistance, please bring your pay summary into your local union office or contact

In solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
Reserve Committee Chair

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