days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Call for Nominations – Vacancy – 1 Component Trustee Position

There is one (1) vacant Component Trustee position for the remainder of the term ending on January 31, 2022.  In accordance with the Air Canada Component Bylaws, the call for nominations for this position is being issued.

Members who desire to be nominated for the position of Component Trustee, shall file nomination papers, to be received by the Chairperson of the Component Tabulating Committee no later than October 13, 2021 at 16:00 EDT.

Candidates shall disclose their full name and intended position (Component Trustee) clearly on the nomination papers prior to soliciting signatures.

Nomination forms, as provided by the Component Tabulating Committee, must have at least 50 signatures from eligible voters on the “Membership List”.

* IMPORTANT: Due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic, and on an exceptional basis, the Component Tabulating Committee will accept electronic signatures on nomination forms for the vacant Component Trustee position.  An electronic signature must be the member’s actual signature and not simply the member’s name typed onto the nomination form. This will allow for members not actively in the workplace to nominate a candidate for a delegate position. The nomination form must be filled out in its entirety by the candidate, signed off and dated prior to scanning for electronically received signatures. We are doing this to ensure all members have an opportunity to run, as well as ensure all members have an opportunity to collect signatures, with the COVID pandemic in place, many of you are not able to access your work sites or Union offices due to not having a RAIC.

NOTE: For interested candidates, a complete instruction package with nomination sheets will be available on the Air Canada Component website, as well as by request from your Local office, or by clicking HERE. It is recommended that you read the complete instruction package.

DEADLINE:  Completed original nomination sheets must be received no later than, October 13, 2021 at 16:00 EDT at the following address:


Nomination sheets received after October 13, 2021 at 16:00 EDT will NOT be accepted. The Tabulating Committee recommends sending your documentation by registered mail to ensure timely delivery and receipt.

In Solidarity,

Your Component Tabulating Committee

20th Anniversary of September 11, 2001

On the 20th anniversary of a momentous time in the airline industry we believe that it is crucial to reflect on this day and the profound impact it has had on so many. There were families who lost loves ones and this horrific act caused us to be faced with a very harsh reality.  The impact of this day lives on in us all.  We must remember that complacency is not our friend and that our vigilance will always be required. The job of flight attendant is one in which we wear many hats.  It is an honourable profession and one which bears the weight of many inflight challenges. We are all a little wiser with each passing day and honour those that have come before.

We are certain that those of you who were old enough to remember, can remember exactly where you were and what you were doing on that day.  It is our belief that on this anniversary we can take time to remember and to hug those close to us a little tighter and to vow to never forget those who sacrificed so much and lost so much on that day.

In solidarity,


Coronavirus Update 39

As we unfortunately see a rise in cases of COVID-19 cases on flights as well as  amongst employees, we would like to remind you of some union initiatives as well as provide guidance should you fall ill.

For Rouge members, a version of this bulletin specific to your workplace will be issued shortly.

Mask Compliance:
Mask usage onboard remains one of the primary methods of source control. Masks protect others, so when customers don’t comply it puts you at increased risk. It’s for this reason that you have a requirement to report non-compliance to Air Canada/ Air Canada Rouge using a disruptive passenger e-report. This helps your H&S committees do their work and provides valuable data to the company and Transport Canada so that the problem can be monitored.

NOTE: The most recent IFS news stated that an individual e-report should be filed for each infraction. This is neither practical nor realistic for crew members who are routinely experiencing non-compliance in the high double-digits on many flights. Your Union will repeat its previous message, which also reflects discussions at the company health and safety committees: Any report is better than no report. If necessary, itemize multiple cases on the same flight taking care to make note of the flight number, seat, date and general description of the behaviour. Disruptive passenger e-reports contain many sections for information that you may not have. Complete what you know and submit.

The Union is also asking you advise us here of compliance issuesMask non-compliance form This will allow us to monitor the situation and to ensure we also have clear information on problematic routes and destinations.  This information will NOT be shared with the company in detail, and it does not replace the formal reporting process.

Resources and guidance including when it is appropriate to request compliance can be found on ACAeronet > ePub > COVID-19 Tile > Face covering policy

If you fall ill with COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms:

  1. You must not come to work if you feel ill. Use the company’s COVID-19 wellness check tool Main Page > More News > COVID-19 Updates>Wellness check tool
  2. Ensure to book off and take appropriate precautions if you develop symptoms and to contact if you could have been in contact with any company personnel within the 14 days leading up to illness. This will allow their team to notify any affected workers so that they can also take appropriate precautions. We strongly suggest copying the union .
  3. Ensure to file a work-related injury/illness e-report if you have reason to suspect you became ill due to an exposure at work (ex. If you were notified of an exposure on a previous flight). Only reported illness is tracked and investigated by the h&s committees.
  4. File for workers compensation / WIP if applicable.
  5. On layover, call Medaire (ML) or Allianz (RG) who will evaluate you and provide guidance and medical care if necessary.

A reminder that reporting is crucial to the health and safety process. The Union recently released two bulletins in response to many questions and comment from members. They can be consulted at the links below.

Reporting bulletin

Reporting FAQ bulletin

The Union continues to uphold its members rights by supporting them and has filed an appeal at the Canada Industrial Relations Board to a work refusal decision of no danger related to certain recent service increases.

The Union reminds its members that the right to refuse dangerous work is an individual right and decision. Further information about the work refusal process can be found by emailing and consulting chapter 2 in the FAM.

In Solidarity,

Settlement of CHQ-21-18

The Union would like to advise that we have reached a settlement for the recently filed grievance regarding the Company’s violation of our block rules at the end of the August 2021 block month. To see a copy of grievance CHQ-21-18 click HERE.

The general terms of the settlement are as follows:

  • The Company will apply a 50% premium to flights that had managers assigned to them during the full August 2021 block month;
  • The company will retroactively provide a 100% premium for Voluntary Extension for the entire August 2021 block month. Those that did VE flying at the start of the August 2021 block month will now also receive this 100% premium;
  • The Company will also pay $100.00 per Cabin Personnel who operated a B5 domestic or overseas widebody flight leg that was short crewed during the August 2021 block month.

A full copy of the MOS can be accessed HERE. Unfortunately these changes were not finalized prior to the payroll extract, so will not be included on your August block pay and instead will be included on your October 17, 2021 paycheque.
The Union will continue to monitor drafting and short crewing occurrences and has already seen considerable improvements since the start of the September block month. We are also happy to see a steady stream of recalls continuing over the past few weeks and are very hopeful that the staffing shortages of last month are not repeated.

We continue to appreciate the reports coming in so that we may continue to address the realities you are facing with short crewing, drafting, and health and safety concerns.

In solidarity,