days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Staffing Update – August 6, 2021

Please see the staffing updates below:

Air Canada Mainline Recalls
The last batch of 148 recalls went out yesterday, August 5th, 2021. The deadline to accept these recalls is Thursday, August 12, 2021 at 23:59 EDT. This latest batch of recalls brought us to just over 50% of our members recalled.

Updated Seniority List
Your Union has updated the seniority list with the most recent recalls and retirements using information provided by Air Canada. Please remember that your seniority number will not change, only your ranking is updated on the list as members resign and retire.

*** Please note there may be errors or omissions, if you are aware of any please contact your union. You will also note that those members on leaves but senior enough to avoid layoff will be coded as Active. ***

Click HERE for an Updated Seniority List as of the August 2021 Block Month.

In addition, please see the current retirement numbers below, including the ERIP retirements.  You can also view full details over the past three years by clicking HERE.

Recall Notices – August 5, 2021

The Union is happy to announce that the Company has just advised us that there will be an additional 148 recall notices going out shortly for Cabin Crew positions at Air Canada Mainline.

All members whose point of layoff is at Air Canada Mainline will be recalled to their point of layoff in this batch. This batch of recalls also includes members whose point of layoff is at Air Canada Rouge. As such they will be offered a position at Air Canada Mainline and will have the opportunity to decline the recall and maintain their recall rights.

The recalls to Mainline will take effect on August 19, 2021 for Mainline members and August 26. 2021 for Rouge members and you must accept your recall within 7 days. The most junior member being offered a recall has a 2021 seniority of 25010.

All members being recalled will be notified via registered letter.  Please note that due to COVID-19, there may be some delays in these letters reaching you. To compensate for this the Company will also be advising all those recalled via Company email and a courtesy phone call.  Please check your recall notice for more details. To ensure delivery of your recall response we suggest using your Air Canada email account.

As a reminder the Collective Agreement says the following about recalls:

17.16.02  An employee on laid-off status shall be notified by the applicable company, of the first available assignment either at Air Canada Mainline or at Air Canada Rouge to which his/her seniority entitles him. Failure to advise the applicable company within seven (7) calendar days of the registered postmark date of his/her desire to be considered for the assignment shall disqualify him for the assignment.

Recall notice shall be sent by registered mail to the last address filed with the company.

The Company will reach out to you via registered letter to the last address you have listed with the employer.  You have 7 calendar days to reply to the employer if you intend on accepting your recall, from the date the letter was post marked.  We have been advised that the letters will go out today, August 5, 2021.

If your recall is to Air Canada Mainline and you are a Rouge member, you do not need to accept the recall but you must still reply to the recall notice. In this case you have up to 14 calendar days to reply to the employer advising that you are not interested in the recall but wish to be maintained on the seniority list for future recalls.  Failure to respond to the recall notice will result in your name being removed from the seniority list.

Do I have to accept a position back to my home base?  Can I decline the recall coming back to where I was laid off from?

As per Article 17.16.04 the following is applicable:

17.16.04  If the employee is notified of a permanent assignment at the point of layoff, s/he must accept, and report for duty within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date notice was sent. An acceptance of permanent assignment at other than the point of layoff shall be optional for the individual concerned; however, should s/he accept, s/he shall report for duty within twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date of registered postmark. This time limit may be extended by Air Canada or Air Canada Rouge, as applicable, under extenuating circumstances.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for clarity on the process or any concerns that you may have.

Reporting Follow Up Bulletin

The Union needs your feedback about passenger mask compliance!

The Union is busy discussing the clear problems you have been raising about mask compliance and service issues onboard with the respective government agencies as well as management.

In order to best illustrate the problem and help us advocate on your behalf we are sharing the following link that will take you to a convenient form where you can advise the Union about mask-related problems onboard.

Remember this does NOT get sent to the company so you must still file all required reports.

Member Resources – AC Component – See forms section > Mask Compliance Form

Follow-up about reporting:

On July 19, 2021 the Union issued a bulletin about reporting (you can consult it HERE). Based on your feedback, we have created the following Q & A:

Q1:         The FAM says to complete an H&S Complaint eReport “if you believe on reasonable grounds that there has been a contravention of the Canada Labour Code Part II.” What does this mean? (FAM
A1:         Employers are held to a high standard for safety. This is covered by a general duty clause in the law which states that “…every employer shall ensure that the health and safety at work of every person employed by the employer is protected.” (CLC Part II s124)

Simply put, anything that could negatively affect workplace safety and/or create a potential hazard is something that the company should address, and that should be reported using this report.

Q2:         When I select a health and safety complaint eReport, it suggests first discussing it with a manager. Is this mandatory? What if I wrote about it on Yammer?
A2:         The Canada Labour Code Part II (Code) states that a Health and Safety complaint can be filed verbally or in writing to the employer– it doesn’t specify any type of report. If you raise a complaint verbally or on Yammer then THAT is your complaint and the company must begin attempting to resolve it with you as of that point in time.

However, YOUR UNION strongly suggests documenting a verbal complaint or a Yammer post using a health and safety complaint e-report since this is the dedicated channel for these issues.  This ensures that things are documented, tracked in the H&S database and that you get proper follow-up. YOUR UNION Health and Safety representatives are also able to see your complaint as it is being responded to in the system.

To document a previously reported (verbal, Yammer, other) complaint:
1. The H&S Complaint eReport asks “Did you try to resolve the concern with your supervisor”.
2. Select YES
3. State when and with whom in your report.

If management is unable to resolve the issue with you or it has been more than 30 days, you can refer your complaint to the joint committee for investigation.

Q3:         When I click “submit” I get an “unknown error” message.
A3:         We have flagged this issue to the company. In the meanwhile, there is a fix that you only need to do once:

1. In the report window, click the “set department” button in the bottom right
2. Search for “in-flight”
3. Select “in-flight department”
4. Click submit.

Q4:         I got a response from my manager but want to refer the complaint to the health and safety committee. How do I do that?
A4:         Just below the box with the manager’s response it says, “click the following link to submit your answer”.

1. Click the link.
2. Select whether the complaint is resolved or not. Selecting that it is not resolved will automatically place the complaint on the workplace health and safety committee’s agenda.
3. The system will ask why it isn’t resolved, briefly state why.

Q5:         My in-charge or captain said they’d file a report. Do I still have to do one?
A5:         Yes. It is everyone’s responsibility to file reports – including disruptive passenger security e-reports. That’s why they’re included in our ART each year. You only need to jot down the basic facts. Someone can always follow up for more information, but they can’t do anything about an issue that hasn’t been reported at all.

Q6:         The Disruptive Passenger Security eReport asks for details I don’t have. Can I still file one?
A6:         Yes. Just input the information that you do know. For mask compliance the most important information is flight, date, seat number, brief description, name of the passenger (if you happen to know it). For a group of persons, itemize them all in the comment box.

CHQ-21-01 – WIP/PAS

On January 12, 2021 the Union advised you of the filing of CHQ-21-01,  Click HERE to view the grievance form.

For over 40 years, the Company provided up to 14 days of paid sick-time.  Without notice to the Union or the WIP Board, the Company unilaterally revised the amount of paid sick days from 14 days to 7 days and now requires medical clearance from the Company’s OHS in order to return to work from a sickness-related absence that exceeds 7 days.  The Company issued an update on ePub.

The Union did not consent to the Company’s unilateral change of a long-established practice. As the Union strongly disagreed with this unilateral change in practice the matter was moved to Arbitration in an expedited fashion. Chief Arbitrator Kaplan issued his award and a copy can be accessed by clicking HERE.

Unfortunately the grievance was dismissed. This is not the news, or award we wanted.  The Union is examining our next steps, and will keep you posted.