days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Unreasonable Service Level Increases – New Grievance Filed

As a follow up to our last bulletin issued about workload increases on November 15, 2019 (click HERE to view), and after receiving reports from concerned members about the recent announcements of further increased service levels, the Union has filed a policy grievance (click HERE to view).

We are at work first and foremost to ensure the safety of passengers and crew. Any time our workload is increased without a corresponding increase in crew complement, our ability to safely complete our tasks is invariably affected.  Because we all take pride in the service we provide, there is a natural tendency to try to get the job done despite the challenging conditions.

We would like to remind you that the extra effort should never come at the expense of our safety responsibilities. Many an accident/incident investigation has concluded that the crew member should have “exercised more caution” when carrying out his or her duties. The fact is that if you are rushing your duties and injure yourself or someone else, you will be held accountable. Service guidelines should never be ignored, but safety must always come first.

Remember to work at a comfortable pace, always take your full contractual crew rest entitlements, and make sure to eat and stay hydrated.

If any portions of service cannot be completed, the Service Director should be filing the required report.

We need your assistance in gathering evidence for our recently filed grievance. Please send your detailed statements to and also remember to always fill out health and safety complaints (H&S Concern forms/e-reports) if you notice any safety concerns as a result of these new service increases.

In solidarity,

Updated Contract Guide

In the interest of  keeping you informed, and ensuring that you have the tools that you need, we are providing you with an updated copy of the Contract Guide, which we hope will serve as a resource for you as we enter into the winter months.

See the Contract Guide in English HERE and in French HERE.

You may wish to download a copy of this guide to your mobile phone, so that it becomes a handy tool that you do not need WiFi to access.

In solidarity,

LOU 51 – 767 Crew Seats January 2020 Block Month

(This applies to Air Canada Mainline only)
For the block month of January 2020, the following flights fall under LOU 51 and are scheduled for a B767 aircraft. They will have 2 (two) dedicated crew rest seats when operating on B767 non-crew bunk equipped aircraft:

 – AC825 AMS-YYZ

The following flights are not scheduled to operate with a B767 aircraft for the month of January 2020 but have in the past. If there is an aircraft substitution and they are scheduled with a B767 aircraft the provisions of LOU 51 would apply:

 – AC809 CMN-YUL

What if these flights operate on A330 or B777/787 aircrafts?
LOU 51 is specific to the 767 (non-crew bunk) aircraft, and not applicable to the A330 or B777/787.  The A330 aircraft has the comfort jumpseats, and the B777/787 has crew bunks that may be used for crew rest/break purposes. 

***Please note that TAP A330 aircraft are not equipped with high comfort jumpseats and curtains.  Crew may take their rest in “last sold seats” if available as per LOU 28.  The Component has filed a grievance on this matter, CHQ-19-34 (Click HERE to view the bulletin and click HERE to view the grievance)  If you do operate on a TAP A330, and are not afforded crew rest, please send in a copy of the PIL, showing loads, date, FIN and routing so we can forward it to the Component.

In Solidarity,

Component Crew Rest Committee

Notice of Upcoming Election Component Trustee Position 3-Year Term

In accordance with Appendix “B” of the Air Canada Component Bylaws, anyone wishing to be nominated for the available Component Trustee position should adhere to the following information:

– Members who wish to be nominated for the available Component Trustee position shall file nomination papers and a completed Oath of Nomination form (Article B.6.1)

– Candidates shall disclose their full name and intended position clearly on the nomination papers prior to soliciting signatures. (Article B.6.2)

– Nomination forms, as provided by the Component Tabulating Committee, must have at least fifty (50) signatures from eligible voters on the Membership List. (Article B.6.3)

– The Oath of Nomination form (Appendix “F”) must be completed in its entirety in order to be accepted by the Tabulating Committee. (Article B.6.4)

NOTE: For interested candidates, a complete instruction package with Nomination Sheets and the Oath of Nomination will be available on the Air Canada Component website, as well as by request from your Local office, or by clicking HERE. It is recommended that you read the complete instruction package.

DEADLINE:  Completed original Nomination Sheets and the Oath of Nomination must be received no later than, January 20, 2020 at 16:00 EST at the following address:

M9W 1E8

Nomination Sheets and the Oath of Nomination received after January 20, 2020 at 16:00 EST will NOT be accepted. The Tabulating Committee recommends sending your documentation by registered mail to ensure timely delivery and receipt.

In Solidarity,

Your Component Tabulating Committee

Flow Through

Thinking of Flowing Through to Mainline or Rouge?

Here are some comparisons we feel you should consider. Please note that this a simplistic comparison and we encourage you to reach out to your Local Union office if you have any further questions.

What will my pay rate be?
*** Though the Union receives the most concerns regarding this issue for members flowing over, this is not something we can address until the expiration of the current collective agreement in 2025 as it was agreed to by the Company and the Union during the 2015 Collective Agreement.  Your leadership at all levels are equally concerned about this, and the larger scale effect it is having on the membership as more members flow from Rouge to Mainline. ***

If you are transferring from Mainline to Rouge, your pay rate on the Rouge pay scale will be based on your years of service at Mainline.

If you are transferring from Rouge to Mainline, your pay rate will be placed on the Mainline pay scale at the closest dollar rate without earning less.  You will be then be frozen at that wage step until you accrue the equivalent years of service at mainline.  In essence, for pay purposes you start at Mainline with NO service and won’t move up the wage scale until you’ve accrued the required Mainline service. However, you still receive 2% wage increases each April 1st. Click HERE to access a handy document that explains the wage rate in more detail.

How does parking work?
At Mainline the Company pays for your parking. Note that if there is a monetary cost to your parking spot, it is considered a taxable benefit.

At Rouge, parking can cost up to $130 per month and is not covered.

What are my minimum days off?
At Mainline, as a regular block holder you are entitled to 12 days off per block month.  As a reserve block holder, you are entitled to 13 days off per block month.

At Rouge, you are entitled to 10 days off per block month.

What the scheduled flight time limitation?
At Mainline, the scheduled flight time limitation is 80 hours per month. The Company may designate four months per year as 85-hour block months. You may volunteer up to 100 hours.

At Rouge, the scheduled flight time limitation is 95 hours per month. You may volunteer to increase your hours with no upper limit.

Are there duty overtime premiums?
At Mainline, if you choose to stay on duty beyond your maximum duty day, you are entitled to a 50% premium on all flight credits involved in that duty period.

At Rouge, there is no premium and you are required to stay on duty for up to 17 hours.

How does Reassignment work?
At Mainline, if you are subject to Reassignment, you will receive credit for the greater of your scheduled flight sequence or the actual credits to which you are reassigned.

At Rouge, if you are subject to Reassignment, you will be given another assignment or placed on 24-hour ready reserve with no pay protection for your original pairing.

What about draft?
At Mainline, if you are drafted, you will receive a 50% premium for the drafted flights.  In addition, you will be pay protected for the any flights missed as a result of the draft.

At Rouge, you will receive a 50% premium for the drafted flights on scheduled days off only.

If I have to stay on duty after my duty period was to end, can I claim for post duty credit?
At Mainline, the Service Director can submit a pay claim for the crew to ensure they are compensated for remaining on duty.

At Rouge, there is no process for claiming post-duty credit. You are simply not compensated.

If I choose to attend voluntary training or a voluntary focus group will I be compensated?
At Mainline, you would receive ground credits for the time.

At Rouge, you will not be compensated.

Overall, the differences in working conditions are quite stark.  The Air Canada Component of CUPE will continue to fight to improve the conditions our Rouge members face. Many of the bargaining proposals for Rouge address these issues.

In solidarity,