days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Policy Grievances

Abuse of Management Rights (PBS and Language Assignment)

Dear Members,

The Union has filed Policy Grievance, CHQ-19-54 (Click HERE to view).

This Policy Grievance is regarding the Company’s failure to respect seniority rights ​of those with languages.  Currently, the Company’s language requirements are unreasonable and as a result it is causing rampant unstacking ​on our language qualified cabin crew members.

The Union knows how hard our members work, and we expect the Company to abide by its obligations to respect the seniority of all cabin personnel including those with languages.

B3.02, Pairing Changes Prior to Bid Deadline

Dear Members,

The Union has filed Policy Grievance, CHQ-19-55 (Click HERE to view).

This Policy Grievance is regarding the Company’s failure to respect the bid deadline by not providing reasonable notice ​when making revisions to pairings.  For the October 2019 block month, Air Canada published revisions approximately 10 hours prior to the bid deadline.

The Union knows how hard our members work, and we expect the Company to abide by its obligations to publish revisions in a timely fashion.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

Vacation Entitlements

The Union has filed Policy Grievance, CHQ-rouge-19-67 (Click HERE to view).

This Policy Grievance is regarding the Company’s failure to abide by the vacation entitlements provided for in the Canada Labour Code.  The grievance is classified as a violation to vacation.  Currently, the Company allots our Rouge members with vacations based on five-day weeks, instead of the standard seven-day week.

The Union knows how hard our members work, and we expect the Company to abide by its obligations to provide proper rest from work.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

OBSM Program & Preferential Treatment

The Union has filed Policy Grievance, CHQ-19-53 (Click HERE to view).

This Policy Grievance is regarding the Company’s preferential and divisive treatment of certain employees through the administration of the On Board Service Manager (OBSM) program.  The grievance is classified as interference with the administration of the Union and the representation of employees.  The Union is always proud to see our members shine, but we believe that providing preferential treatment does much more harm than good.

This preferential treatment also includes what we perceive to be a worrisome precedent through which our members are given points or non-payroll compensation for performing work.  The Union is steadfast in its view that our members ought to be paid for their work. Overall, these practices are acting to create division within our ranks.  We believe that we are stronger together.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

WIP – Top Up Reminder – Reduced Block Program 2019 – 2020

The Reduced Block Program commences with the October 2019 Block Month. For members who are participating in the Reduced Block Program who wish to Top-Up their earnings in the event that they are unable to return to full duties at the end of the RBP due to an unforeseen disability, please contact Manion Contact Centre for applicable rates at 1-866-532-8999. This must be done within 45 days of the commencement of the RBP.

Members participating in the Reduced Block Program have the option to top-up their WIP insurable earnings at a flat rate of 35 hours per month in the event that you become disabled during the RBP period. This will ensure that the month following the conclusion of your RBP, and if you continue to be disabled, your top-up would then take effect and your earnings would be calculated using the following example:

Book Off – March 2020 – earnings based on Dec 2019/Jan/Feb/2020 flying pay.
Dec flying hours – 38
Jan flying hours – 36
Feb flying hours – 34

For the three months, December, January and February, your 3 month average flying hours would be equal to 36 hours. You would be paid 36 hours through to the termination of your RBP in 2020, inclusive as long as you continue to meet the definition of totally disabled from your own occupation as a Flight Attendant. If you remain disabled and continue to qualify for benefits beyond the termination of the RBP, and if you opted to top-up, based on the calculation below, your disability payments would go from 36 hours to 71 hours per month.

The top up for the RBP is 35 hours, and is based on your hourly rate x 2.30% plus the Employer’s cost of 1.07% as well as applicable taxes.

On Behalf of The Board of Trust,

Stephen Morash
Administrative Consultant

HEARING NOTICE: CHQ-16-16 Change of policy for employees in receipt of LTD Benefits

For those of you who have been following this case we wanted to let you know that there will be more hearing days scheduled. The two hearing dates are November 6th & 7th, 2019. The hearing will take place at Atchison & Denman Court Reporting & Mediation Services, which is located at 170 Attwell Drive, Suite 300, in Etobicoke, Ontario.

We look forward to seeing you there. If it is your intention to attend please write to This will help us to accommodate the number of attendees. If you will be attending please arrive by 9:30 am so that we can get everyone settled before the hearing begins.