days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

The Weekly Dispatch – Personal Leave Federal Code

If you require a personal leave of absence, you are entitled to it and the following information will help to understand what uses it can be requested for.


Qualifying conditions

The qualifying conditions that an employee must meet to be eligible for personal leave are contained within section 206.6 of the Code. The reasons for which an employee can take personal leave under section 206.6 of the Code are the following:

  • carrying out responsibilities related to the health or care of any of their family members
  • carrying out responsibilities related to the education of any of their family members who are under 18 years of age
  • addressing any urgent matter concerning themselves or their family members
  • attending their citizenship ceremony under the Citizenship Act, and
  • any other reason prescribed by regulation

The employee must have completed 3 consecutive months of continuous employment with the employer to be entitled to the first 3 days of the leave with pay. An employer cannot impose their own qualifying conditions on employees before employees can take personal leave. Please speak to your local office if you are unsure if your circumstances qualify.

Sick Leave

At a recent Executive meeting, your ACCEX discussed the continued practices of the employer in relation to the use of contractually provided sick leave entitlements. Members have reported to us that they have been impacted and have been asked for a medical note to substantiate an absence.

The Canada Labour code does allow employers to make requests for substantiation in some circumstances, but it is certainly not a carte blanche and open-ended management right. As we are all acutely aware, the medical system in Canada is under strain. Access to physicians is limited and our hard-earned sick time should be used to rest and recover and not to be chasing increasingly rare doctor’s appointments. During the holiday season there will be an influx of seasonal colds and flu.

We have filed grievances on these sick leave policy changes. If you have evidence of unreasonable behaviour on the part of the employer, please reach out to your local office with your examples and for support.

In the interim:

1. If Air Canada requests a note from a medical practitioner, you have the option of utilizing the Maple app for a virtual appointment as you see fit. This is a benefit provided for the members and we suggest that if you have not taken advantage of it, to do so.

2. When booking back on, please make sure to do so when you are fit to return to work.

3. Please note that as per company policy a Continuous Absence is an absence in which an employee books off – books on, followed by another book off without a scheduled duty in between. If you want to make sure that the absence is not treated as continuous, you will need to advise them that the 2 book-offs were for different or separate illnesses. It may be your preference to ensure that your absences are properly represented. If your book-off was for the same illness there is no need to advise them.

4. Please ensure to book off more than 4 hours prior to departure if circumstances allow.

NOTE: Medical certificates can now be provided by health care practitioners, not only physicians.

Part III of the Canada Labour Code defines a health care practitioner as a person lawfully entitled, under the laws of a province, to provide health services in the place in which they provide those services.

We want to wish all members a safe and healthy holiday season. You do much of the heaving lifting and bringing families together during one of the busiest times of year. Your contributions are valuable.

In Unity,

Canada’s flight attendants launch “12 Days of Unpaid Work” series to kick off busy holiday travel season

The union representing flight attendants across Canada has launched a “12 Days of Unpaid Work” series in advance of the busy holiday travel season, to highlight the myriad ways flight attendants are forced to work for free for major airlines.

You can view the series here.

“All we want for Christmas this year is pay for time worked,” said Wesley Lesosky, President of the Airline Division of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), which represents 18,500 flight attendants at ten airlines in Canada. “Airline executives across Canada need to know that forcing overworked flight attendants to work unpaid for almost a full work-week every month is a one-way ticket to the naughty list.”

The series is part of CUPE’s Airline Division’s Unpaid Work Won’t Fly campaign, a joint effort of ten airline groups to combat the abuse of unpaid work in the airline sector which sees the average flight attendant work 35 hours per month unpaid.

As a general rule, flight attendants are only compensated while the aircraft is in motion – which means countless duties ranging from pre-flight safety checks to boarding, to deplaning, to customs and security are not paid. Learn more at

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

The Weekly Dispatch – Benefits Committee

Your Benefits Committee is proud to be helping you navigate the hurdles and hoops when submitting a benefits claim. If you have an interest in benefits, Locals 4091, 4092, 4095, and 4098 currently have vacant positions on the committee. If you are interested in getting involved, please send an email to

Component Officers’ Election – 2024

Version française ci-dessous

The Air Canada Component Officers’ Election will commence at 09:00 EST on January 8, 2024 and will close at 12:00 EST on January 19, 2024.

The candidates running for Component positions are:

Air Canada Component President

Wesley Lesosky
Raymond Nakon
Isa Stahl
Air Canada Component Vice-President

Shifa Begmohamed
Robert Hatfield
Theresa Mitchell
Nadine Perrin
Karim Sheir

Air Canada Component Secretary-Treasurer

Lorna Holmes
Guillaume Leduc
Ingrid Watson

Enclosed in this package are the candidates’ resumes and ballot statements, which can be viewed by clicking on each of the candidates’ names above.

IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: You will receive a letter by email, and by regular mail for those that did not opt out of physical mailings, directly from Simply Voting prior to the vote opening. This letter will contain a new Elector ID and Password, along with detailed instructions on how to vote online and by telephone.

You have the option of voting by web, or by phone, as per Component Bylaws. You will need your new Elector ID and Password to access the system.

Once you have submitted your vote, the Simply Voting system will issue a printable electronic receipt. If you are voting by phone, you can only access your electronic receipt by logging into the Simply Voting system online.

If you are experiencing difficulties registering your vote, please e-mail or call 1-877-411-3552, extension 254 or (416) 798-3399, extension 254. Please provide us with your name, employee number, phone number, e-mail address, and postal code. We will respond as quickly as possible during business hours (weekdays 9:00am – 4:00pm EST), however, please allow us 1 business day to respond.

In Solidarity,

Your Component Tabulating Committee

– – – –

Élection 2024 des officiers de la Composante

Le vote en vue de l’élection des dirigeants de la Composante d’Air Canada débutera à 9 h (HNE) le 8 janvier 2024 et il prendra fin à 12 h (HNE) le 19 janvier 2024.

Les candidates et les candidats aux postes de direction de la Composante sont:

Président(e) de la Composante d’Air Canada

Wesley Lesosky
Raymond Nakon
Isa Stahl

Vice Président(e) de la Composante d’Air Canada

Shifa Begmohamed
Robert Hatfield
Theresa Mitchell
Nadine Perrin
Karim Sheir

Secrétaire-Trésorièr(e) de la Composante d’Air Canada

Lorna Holmes
Guillaume Leduc
Ingrid Watson

Joints à cette trousse, vous trouverez les CV et les déclarations des candidats. Il est possible de les consulter en cliquant sur le nom de chacun des candidats.

IMPORTANT, SVP LISEZ ATTENTIVEMENT: Vous recevrez une lettre par courriel, et par courier régulier pour ceux qui n’ont pas désactiver les envois physiques, directement de Simply Voting avant l’ouverture des votes. Cette lettre comprendra une nouvelle identité d’électeur et un mot de passe, ainsi que des instructions détaillées sur comment voter en ligne et par téléphone. Cette même information vous sera acheminée par courriel.

Vous avez l’option de voter par le web ou par téléphone, tel que selon les statuts de la Composante. Il vous faudra votre nouvelle identité d’électeur et votre mot de passe pour accéder au système.

Lorsque vous aurez soumis votre vote, le système ‘Simply Voting’ émettra un reçu électronique imprimable. Si vous votez par téléphone, vous ne pourrez accéder à votre reçu électronique qu’en vous inscrivant au système Simply Voting en ligne.

Si vous éprouvez des difficultés à enregistrer votre vote, svp envoyez un courriel à ou téléphoner 1-877-411-3552, extension 254 or (416) 798-3399, extension 254. SVP fournissez-nous votre nom, numéro d’employé, numéro de téléphone, adresse courriel et code postal. Nous vous répondrons aussi rapidement que possible pendant les heures d’ouverture (en semaine de 9:00am – 4:00pm HSE), toutefois svp accordez-nous une journée complète pour vous répondre.

En toute solidarité,

Votre comité de scrutin de la Composante