days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Pension Committee Update – April 2023

Increase your best 3 years of earnings (AAC)

Even though members are no longer required or allowed to contribute to the pension plan after 35 years of allowable service, they can still increase their Average Annual Compensation (AAC), which is the average of their best consecutive 36 months of pensionable earnings.

How does one continue increasing their best 36 consecutive months?  By simply choosing to work more hours; to increase one’s pensionable earnings.

This can be done up until one retires or turns 71 years of age.  (Active members begin receiving pension payments in the year they turn 71 years of age.)

Pension details and information are in the Employee Booklet, which can be found on the Alight website by following these links: HR Connex > Retirement > HR Connex Pension > Quick Links > Plan Information.

If you require further information regarding the Defined Benefit (DB) pension plan, an Alight representative is there to help you, by simply calling 1-855-538-7799.

Are you a member of the Hybrid pension plan? 

If yes, then take advantage to boost your contributions!

Members of the Hybrid pension plan, (i.e. all members at Mainline and Rouge hired after November 7, 2011), can increase their pension contributions in the Defined Contribution (DC) component of their pension plan.  The maximum contribution rate depends on your years of service.  Members cannot increase pension contributions in their Defined Benefit (DB) component.

A member who contributes $100 into their DC component, are matched at 100% by the company.  Therefore, a member who contributes $100 will have a total contribution of $200 deposited into their DC account at Manulife.

By taking advantage of this matching, members benefit by compounding their money.  The more money one puts early in one’s career, the greater the benefit over time.

For more information about increasing your DC pension contributions at Manulife, click HERE.

Safe travels.

Your Component Pension Committee:

Marc Roumy (Chairperson)
Henly Larden (Member)
Caroline Lozeau Gelinas (Member)
Vacant (Rouge Member)

Did you know?
As stated above, Hybrid members with 2 years or less of service will see their DC pension contributions matched at 100% by the company.  This increases to 137.5% for members between 2 and 5 years of service and 175% for members over 5 years of service.

Something worth noting as an interesting fact is that the amount the company matches in the DC component comes from the surplus of the DB component of the pension plan.

Health & Safety – In-Touch – Spring 2023

Stress Assess results:

At 4,576 complete responses, almost 50% of our membership responded to the survey!!!!

Our member engagement is incredible, and we are excited to be entering this new era of engagement with stakeholders to create change for the better in all areas of our workplace.

Once researchers at our partner organization, Ontario Health Clinics for Ontario Workers, have completed an analysis of written comments, a bulletin will be issued with results and the next steps. As a sneak peek the top three psychosocial areas of concern, based on preliminary data are: recognition, social support from supervisors, and quality of leadership.

If you would like a copy of the resources listed at the end of the survey, please email

Thank you to everyone who participated!

Health and Safety Week 2023: May 1-5 activities:

Monday: Oven safety

Tuesday: Safety reporting

Wednesday: Meet your health and safety committee

Thursday: Pristine Condition

Friday: Emergency Management

Come join both your union and management representatives for related activities in the comm centres!

We would like to meet you:

As a commitment to you we are spending time at the gates where we are meeting crews, doing workplace inspections, and answering general health and safety questions. We look forward to seeing you!
Stronger together. We are the union.

In solidarity,

Your Air Canada Component of CUPE Health and Safety Committee

Unpaid Work Won’t Fly Campaign Update

Your Union Executive wants to take some time to thank YOU, the membership for your incredible support for the Airline Division Campaign. It was truly inspirational to see our colleagues from other airlines join shoulder to shoulder with us to raise awareness for this very important issue.

There were hundreds that joined at all bases to kick this campaign off!

The turnout was so gratifying, and it was great to see so many colleagues old and new.  We are truly on the path to great things. We know that every journey starts with one step, and each respective airline local is on their own journey to bargaining but it helps to have so many supportive and engaged colleagues with us in spirit and solidarity. We will succeed with our collective initiative. We have patience, courage and perseverance and will celebrate the day that all of us are paid for the work we do.

As the Campaign grows, we will grow in numbers as well, we need to educate the public and the government on this initiative of free work. You will see more come from the Airline Division soon. Thank you again for all YOU did in making this day a HUGE success!

In solidarity,

Changes to the Wage Indemnity Plan

Effective May 1st, there will be changes to the Wage indemnity Plan.

The CUPE AC Wage Indemnity Plan Board of Trustees, wishes to inform the members that their Contribution of 4.3% will be reduced by .5% effective for the May block month (May 1, 2023).  A 3.8% contribution calculation will be used on the May 2023 payroll, remitted to Manion for June of 2023. Members will see the deduction on their June 17, 2023, pay summary.

The Board will be incorporating, effective May 1, 2023, an extension of an additional 11 weeks to the EI sick insurance carve out, for a total of 26 weeks. This means, the plan will be 15 weeks of STD 1, then 26 weeks EI sick insurance carve out, and then 35 weeks of STD 2. The Board will also be instituting the below clause that may cover members who are ineligible for EI disability due to insufficient insurable hours. This will take effect for any new WIP disability claims commencing May 1, 2023, or later.

Clause: EI Ineligibility due to Insufficient Insurable Hours
If you are Totally Disabled but do not satisfy the El eligibility requirements due to hours, you may be eligible for disability benefits from this Plan for a maximum of twenty-six (26) weeks at 55% of your pre-disability weekly earnings, subject to the maximum payable by EI, provided you submit proof that you are not eligible due to insufficient insurable hours. You must submit your EI denial letter with your claim for WIP benefits to Manion.

Please note: Overpayment of benefits
If a participant has received an overpayment of disability benefits, s/he is responsible for repayment of the overpaid amount within 6-months of the date s/he is notified of the overpayment, or within a longer period if so agreed to by SSQ. If the participant fails to do so, further disability benefits payable to the participant from the current and any future claim will be reduced until the overpayment is recovered. If there are no further benefits to withhold, SSQ has the right to recover overpayments by any other available legal means, including the use of a collection agency.

If your date of disability is prior to May 1st and you are presently on the plan at any stage you will follow the old plan policy of 15 weeks STD 1, then 15 weeks EI sick insurance carve out, and 46 weeks STD 2.

Manion will be operating with a new phone system. If you are inquiring into a new claim you will call the general line if you have been appointed a Disability Claims Manager you will be able to leave messages directly on your Disability Manager’s line.

Continuation of Coverage During Absence From Work
Prepayment of premiums is not required for an absence from the payroll of 15 calendar days or less. Prepayment of premiums is required for an absence from the payroll of 16 or more calendar days for one of the following reasons. You must prepay the required premium in full within 30 days in order to be eligible for benefit consideration following the end of any of these periods:

(1) Leave of absence granted (such as personal, educational, maternity, child care, bereavement, or jury duty) other than inability to meet medical standards (IMMS): your coverage may be continued for a maximum duration of up to 24 months.

If you have elected to keep your coverage in force and you become totally disabled during the 24-month period, the elimination period will commence on the date you are scheduled to return to work.

On Behalf of your AC CUPE Wage Indemnity Board of Trust,

Patricia Eberley
Administrative Consultant

Manion, Wilkins & Associates Ltd. (MANION)
Plan Administration
21 Four Seasons Place, Suite 500
Etobicoke, Ontario
M9B 0A6

For Claims Inquiries: 416-234-3513 Toll Free: 1-800-663-7849
For Prepayment of Premiums: 416-234-3511 Toll Free: 1-866-532-8999
FAX: 416-234-0127