days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Local 4092 Vice President Election – Vote Opened Today


The Local 4092 Vice President Election began today at 09:00 EDT and will close at 12:00 EDT on April 18, 2023.

The candidates running for the two (2) vacant Local 4092 Vice President positions are:

Alison MacDonald
Meaghan Mroczek – Porato
Robert Hatfield

IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: You should have received a letter, by regular mail, directly from Simply Voting. This letter will contain a new Elector ID and Password, along with detailed instructions on how to vote online and by telephone. This same information was also emailed to you earlier this morning.

If you have not received either the letter from Simply Voting by regular mail, or the email this morning from Simply Voting, please email us at Please include ALL of the following information: your full name, your employee number, your telephone number, your mailing address, and your email address.

You have the option of voting by web, or by phone, as per Component Bylaws. You will need your new Elector ID and Password to access the system.

Once you have submitted your vote, the Simply Voting system will issue a printable electronic receipt. If you are voting by phone, you can only access your electronic receipt by logging into the Simply Voting system online.

If you are experiencing difficulties registering your vote, please e-mail or call 1-877-411-3552, extension 254 or (416) 798-3399, extension 254. Please provide us with your name, employee number, phone number, e-mail address, and postal code. We will respond as quickly as possible during business hours (weekdays 9:00am – 4:00pm EDT), however, please allow us 1 business day to respond.

We ask that everyone click HERE to review the Election Guidelines. These guidelines pertain not only to the candidates, but to the entire membership.

In Solidarity,

Your Component Tabulating Committee

CHQ-22-73, Letter of Understanding 61: A330 & A321XLR Crew Rest Seats

We are pleased to advise that CUPE and Air Canada have resolved grievance CHQ-22-73 with a settlement in the form of a new Letter of Understanding (LOU) 61.

This LOU resolves all issues relating to CHQ-22-73 and will be incorporated into the Collective Agreement at a later date. This LOU will provide for dedicated crew seats on the Airbus A330 (effective with the June 2023 block month) & the Airbus A321 XLR aircraft (once it commences operating) that don’t have crew bunks. This LOU will apply similarly to LOU 51 which provided for dedicated crew seats on the Boeing 767.  The terms of LOU 61 are as follows:

“On all A330 and A321XLR non-crew bunk equipped aircraft operating flights which have a scheduled block to block flight time of greater than 7:30 hours but less than 11:30 hours, the Company will dedicate a bank of economy class seats for crew rest purposes. The location of these seats will be determined by the Company.

Cabin Personnel may sleep in the bank of dedicated economy class seats for a maximum of one (1) hour per crew member. The use of these seats to sleep shall not in any way interfere with cabin service.

No more than two (2) Cabin Personnel may sleep at any one time. The Company shall use best efforts to install a curtain for privacy which, if installed, must be used by Cabin Personnel when the seats are in use. Signs or makeshift curtains are not permitted.

Letters of Understanding 27 and 28 shall not apply when dedicated crew rest seats have been provided in accordance with the foregoing.”

This settlement is the result of discussions between the parties in which the Union asserted their continued focus on working conditions and rest for crew members.

Grievance CHQ-22-73 was related to the number of narrow-body aircraft operated at Air Canada Rouge. The Union assessed this grievance internally and with legal counsel. We also evaluated what was first negotiated relating to scope language. As such the Union was able to provide Air Canada clarity that so long as the cap of 50 aircraft maximum is maintained that the Union will not dispute changes to the number of narrowbody aircraft operated at Rouge.  The scope provisions provide for a maximum of 25 widebody aircraft at Rouge, which is the Union’s main concern with scope protection. It is the widebody that we focused on and so long as they do not increase that or the maximum of 50 aircraft, we were able to agree to this settlement.

There was no change to the scope language, only clarity afforded to both sides, ensuring future growth at Air Canada Rouge will follow the current scope language.

In solidarity,


REMINDER – Stress Assess Survey

If you haven’t already out the Stress Assess survey, this is an urgent reminder. Your input is both valued and needed for the survey to be a success.  To get a representative picture of how people are feeling about the workplace we are aiming for at least a 30% response rate.  We currently have a 17.5% response rate.  For this reason, we want to strongly urge you to participate.  The survey can be accessed at the following link and should take about 20 minutes to complete.

CLICK HERE to access the survey in English.

CLICK HERE to access the survey in French.

Your answers will be kept in confidence and only the group results will be reported.  The goal is to identify the main concerns so that we can consider ways to strengthen the psychosocial climate in our workplace. Participation is completely voluntary, but the more who participate the stronger the validity of the results.

If you have any concerns or questions about the survey, please email and we’ll be happy to discuss them with you.

Thank you for supporting our efforts as a union to promote positive initiatives supporting mental health in the workplace.

In solidarity,

Your Air Canada Component of CUPE Occupational Health and Safety Committee

REMINDER – Stress Assess Survey

The Union has partnered with the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) ( to launch the Stress Assess Survey, which is based on the internationally recognized Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire.

If you’ve already filled out the survey, we want to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time and putting in the effort to do so.

If you haven’t yet filled it out, please do! Your input is both valued and needed for the survey to be a success. Don’t be put off by the length! It takes about 20 minutes to complete but is multiple-choice and easy to read. It will generate detailed data about our membership that will help the Union better represent you in the months and years ahead. It’s a well-placed investment of your time!

CLICK HERE to access the survey in English.

CLICK HERE to access the survey in French.

Your answers will be kept in confidence and only the group results will be reported. The goal is to identify the main concerns so that we can consider ways to strengthen the psychosocial climate in our workplace. Participation is completely voluntary, but we’re aiming for at least a 30% turnout and the more who participate the stronger the validity of the results.

If you have any concerns or questions about the survey, please email and we’ll be pleased to discuss them with you.

Thank you for considering this opportunity and for supporting the Union’s efforts to address mental health in the workplace!

In solidarity,

Your Air Canada Component of CUPE Occupational Health and Safety Committee