days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Update – CHQ-22-13 – In-charge (SD) Classification – Application of Wage Scale

As a follow up to the bulletin we issued on February 16, 2022, regarding this grievance (click HERE to view the bulletin), the Union would like to advise you that it has appealed the grievance to the last step of the grievance process, which is Arbitration.  The Union has been actively lobbying for a settlement on an ongoing basis (at Level 2 and at mediation). Despite this fact, we were not able to reach a resolution.

The Union believes the company is in violation of Article 5.06.01 by not recognizing our Rouge colleagues with 5 years of completed service, who have flown through to mainline, for the purposes of SD pay.  They should be paid Level II SD pay.

5.06.01 Where a Flight Attendant moves into the In-Charge classification, s/he will be placed in LEVEL I of the Purser wage scale, as applicable with the following exception:

EXCEPTION: Flight Attendants with more than five (5) years of completed service will be placed in Level II.

Once a date has been confirmed for arbitration, we will communicate it to you.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

Support for Iranian Women

These past few months have given rise to a very profound issue which is impacting women in Iran and around the world. There have been numerous protests which were triggered in mid-September by the death of a young Iranian Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini who was in the custody of the “morality police” for allegedly violating Iran’s strict rules requiring women to cover their hair with a hijab, or headscarf. The first protests took place after Mahsa Amini’s death. Women have been seen removing their headscarves in solidarity.

This protest and demonstrations are unprecedented and represent the most organized and long lasting that the country has seen. The most remarkable thing about them is that women and girls have taken a leading role. They do this despite incredible risk and endangerment to themselves and their families.

Each step that women take forward is a step forward for all women. The protests are now expanding. School girls have taken up the cause. There is no end it sight. Violence towards these protestors continues.

We write this bulletin to you today to ask that you show your support in small and in large ways. Educate your daughters, sisters, aunts, and mothers about what is going on. This is an historic moment in history. We honour and respect a woman’s right to choose for herself.  Let us not forget the sacrifices that many women continue to make around the world to have respect and to be treated as equals.  Get involved. Attend a protest near you.

In Solidarity,

Cassandra Shum
Chair, Component Women’s Committee

Book-off away from home base application to WIP

It has been confirmed that when a member books-off mid cycle and communicates with Med Aire all the information is shared with AC OHS clinics with the exception of testing or diagnostic documents which should be given to you, the member.

Members who have booked off away from base may request the copy of the Med Aire correspondence via their respective OHS clinic, (below).

This information may be used to assist with WIP applications if you are off for 7+ days. If you continue to be off upon your return to home base you should consult your personal physician. The information provided by Med Aire does not negate the requirement to complete the WIP application but may assist in the adjudication of your claim.

Members should email OHS to request the following information:

In the email subject line:
Request for Med Aire correspondence

Indicate that you are requesting all correspondence received from Med Aire.

Include the following information in your email and be sure to use your Air Canada employee account. Only.

· Your name and employee number
· Date of the book-off
· Reason for the book-off
· Whether or not a Physician was provided to you / date
· Clearance to travel provided/(date)

*The information will be provided by the OHS manager and sent to your AC work email address. OHS will not utilize another email nor send to a third party.

As a reminder, when applying for workers compensation you are required to simultaneously / also submit a WIP application.

If you are booking-off and it is workers compensation claim please indicate to Med Aire that it is a compensation claim. Questions regarding workers compensation should be directed to your Local office.







A reminder OCC HEALTH has regular hours of operation Monday – Friday and is closed on Stat holidays.

YYZ / YYC     



On Behalf of The Board of Trust,

Patricia Eberley
Chair/Administrative Consultant

Manion, Wilkins & Associates
Plan Administration
626-21 Four Seasons Place
Etobicoke, Ontario
M9B 0A6

Switchboard: 416-234-5044
Toll Free Line:  1-800-663-7849
Fax: 416-234-0127
Contact Centre: 1-866-532-8999

Support For Education Workers

Our Union sisters and brothers in CUPE’s Ontario School Boards Council of Unions (OSBCU) are having their right to bargain essentially removed by an unprecedented action of the Conservative government.  They have invoked the notwithstanding clause and are thereby overriding the protections of a fundamental right to bargain.  We ask that all our members stand in solidarity with those who are having their right to bargain stripped. We must remember that it is only a matter of time until we are able to bargain openly and our steadfast support of all workers in this position can only strengthen our collective resolve. We ask that you wear your CUPE pin to support and encourage the OSBCU in their fight. They are some of the lowest paid workers in the Education system and as we are acutely aware, the cost of living has skyrocketed.   In small ways we can slowly build momentum and show governments and corporations that it is they who are standing on our shoulders and should show gratitude and respect for our contributions.

In solidarity,