days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

MOA’s Reached Regarding YYZ Metering

The Union is pleased to report that we have worked with the company and have signed a Memorandum of Agreement with both Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge in regards to the metering issues you are all facing in Toronto.

The points to note in the MOA’s are:

  • Effective immediately (May 17th), ground duty pay claims related to the metering process in Toronto will be paid at 100% of your hourly rate of pay.
  • If the wait time at the gate exceeds one hour after the scheduled end of your duty period, your duty day end-time will be adjusted and will be considered for the purpose of determining proper crew rest.

Click Here for a copy of the Mainline MOA

Click Here for a copy of the Rouge MOA

The Union is pleased that both Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge have recognized the valuable time each of you are spending on board with our passengers, and that a duty period extension will assist with many reports of crews feeling fatigued.  The Union received countless reports on the metering issues, and thus we were able to paint the picture to the employer on what was required to move forward in regards to pay, as well as a safety first approach to duty periods.

Please continue to report and file health and safety concerns if you experience issues with excessive heat/cold, issues with blocked exits, or any unruly passengers.

In solidarity,

International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia

Here is a message from CUPE National to mark International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia:

Two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, trans and intersex people are subjected to harassment and discrimination too often. Most of the time, the discrimination that 2SLGBTQ+ people in Canada face happens at work. Workplace harassment, violence and discrimination are especially severe for 2SLGBTQ+ workers who are also Indigenous, Black or racialized.

CUPE’s own research shows that even in the absence of overt violence or harassment, heteronormativity (the assumption that everyone is heterosexual) often shows up at work. This bias can be seen in many ways including in casual conversations, employee records, health benefits forms, employer memos, invitations to social functions and so on.

Cisnormativity, the assumption that everyone identifies with the gender designated at birth, also shapes our workplaces. The gender binary of “woman/female” and “man/male” is built into communications, infrastructure like washrooms and changerooms, and other systems. Many trans and non-binary workers also face frequent misgendering and other forms of harassment from co-workers and managers.

But 2SLGBTQ+ workers and our allies fight to make our work and public services safer for all. CUPE members know that homophobia, transphobia and biphobia have no place in our workplaces or communities. Today and every day, CUPE stands with 2SLGBTQ+ workers to end violence, harassment, and discrimination in all their forms.

Take Action!

In solidarity,

Calling Crew Scheduling Versus Globe Notification Acknowledgement

The Union has issued bulletins in the past regarding Globe notifications and how they should NOT be utilized to “acknowledge” an assignment or reassignment, whether you are a regular blockholder or reserve blockholder.

“REMINDER Regarding Notification: Globe is not considered an official notification tool sanctioned by the Union. In our opinion a direct conversation with a crew scheduler is the only way that you can be definitively notified of a change.”

On February 8, 2022, the Union became aware that the Company issued a bulletin entitled “Assignment Notifications Updated in globe Information System” which stated exactly the opposite!  Crew Scheduling prefers that you click on “acknowledged” instead of having crew members contact them. The Union asked the Company to retract or correct their bulletin, but they refused.  Our Collective Agreement is very clear regarding the requirement to make a call to crew scheduling and confirm the assignment.  Please reference the following Collective Agreement articles (B6.03.01.02, B6.03.02.02, B8.13, B8.25.01, B10.01, B10.03.01) and Click Here to review the bulletin sent on Block Rule Violations and Globe Notifications.

Acknowledging your assignment via Globe notification should be avoided at all costs as the protections for you when doing so are not there.  When you call crew scheduling, the conversations are recorded and if there is ever a misunderstanding or dispute, the Union can request the taped conversation to review what was said.  If a grievance is filed, the taped conversation is crucial evidence needed to strengthen your case in the hopes of a successful resolution.

Also, the Union is aware that at times, errors can be made whereby an assignment is sent to a crew member that is not yet final.  If a member acknowledges the assignment, and it is later changed, it could result in missing your final pairing, being late, or showing up to something you were no longer required for, and we want to avoid any of these scenarios. An additional point to understand about this process is that there are two save options in Netline when changing/building pairings. Occasionally schedulers will click the Finish/Save and Notify button instead of the Finish/Save button while working on a pairing that is still not complete. This sends a notification and allows the member to see the pairing in globe mobile and acknowledge the changes, despite it being an error.  This is one of the problems that we identify with using Globe to acknowledge changes.

Please remember the Union is here to protect you and your rights and to ensure that the Collective Agreement is followed. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please contact your Local Union office for assistance.

In solidarity,

Call for Nominations – Vacancy – 1 Component Trustee Position

There is one (1) vacant Component Trustee position for the remainder of the term ending on January 31, 2023.  In accordance with the Air Canada Component Bylaws, the call for nominations for this position is being issued.

Members who desire to be nominated for the position of Component Trustee, shall file nomination papers, to be received by the Chairperson of the Component Tabulating Committee no later than June 16, 2022 at 16:00 EDT.

Candidates shall disclose their full name and intended position (Component Trustee) clearly on the nomination papers prior to soliciting signatures.

Nomination forms, as provided by the Component Tabulating Committee, must have at least 50 signatures from eligible voters on the “Membership List”.

* IMPORTANT: Due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic, and on an exceptional basis, the Component Tabulating Committee will accept electronic signatures on nomination forms for the vacant Component Trustee position.  An electronic signature must be the member’s actual signature and not simply the member’s name typed onto the nomination form. This will allow for members not actively in the workplace to nominate a candidate for a delegate position. The nomination form must be filled out in its entirety by the candidate, signed off and dated prior to scanning for electronically received signatures. We are doing this to ensure all members have an opportunity to run, as well as ensure all members have an opportunity to collect signatures, with the COVID pandemic in place, many of you are not able to access your work sites or Union offices due to not having a RAIC.

NOTE: For interested candidates, a complete instruction package with nomination sheets will be available on the Air Canada Component website, as well as by request from your Local office, or by clicking HERE. It is recommended that you read the complete instruction package.

DEADLINE:  Completed original nomination sheets must be received no later than, June 16, 2022 at 16:00 EDT at the following address:


Nomination sheets received after June 16, 2022 at 16:00 EDT will NOT be accepted. The Tabulating Committee recommends sending your documentation by registered mail to ensure timely delivery and receipt.

In Solidarity,

Your Component Tabulating Committee

YYZ Issue “Metering”

The Union has been in discussions with both Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge in regards to the “metering” issues in Toronto.  We have sought immediate ground duty credits for Rouge members, duty period to be applicable to these delays, and no loss of pay if a member has their minimum rest delayed due to this.  We appreciate Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge do not manage Customs and Immigration; however, they are our employer, and they are the ones that need to move this issue forward and have it addressed.  The Company has been actively engaged with your Union on this and we will be meeting early next week.  It is a matter of time before we see an escalation in unruly passengers and further health and safety concerns.  The reports coming in are telling of what you are dealing with, and no one is ok with it.  Please continue to send reports in through the following link Metering Complaint – AC Component.

In solidarity,