days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Wage Rate & Meal Allowance Increases for 2019

As per Article 5 of the Collective Agreement, effective April 1, 2019, these are the new rates of pay:   Flight Attendant: Years of Service Rate of Pay 0-12 months $27.19 13-18 months $28.46 19-24 months $29.68 25-30 months $30.93 31-36 months $33.21 37-42 months $38.94 43-48 months $41.29 49-54 months $42.63 55-60 months $44.09 …

English Courses for Cabin Crew In-Class & Virtual

Your Bilingual Committee is  pleased to announce that the linguistic department will be offering specialized English In-class and Virtual classes. These workshops are geared to Cabin Crew whose English is not their mother tongue and who would like to learn and improve on the technical airline vocabulary and expressions used onboard with passengers, as well …

Crew Rest Unit Failure Reporting Procedures – March 2019

(This applies to Air Canada Mainline only) In our December 2018 bulletin entitled “Crew Rest Unit (CRU) Failure”, we provided information regarding CRU failure, reporting and compensation.  If you missed that bulletin, please click HERE. The Company and the Union have come to an agreement on the procedure for submitting CRU Failure Reports (ACF623B) when …

Your Bargaining Committee Served Air Canada With Notice to Bargain

Today your Air Canada Component of CUPE Bargaining Committee served Air Canada with Notice to Bargain pursuant to subsection 49(1) of the Canada Labour Code, in relation to the Collective Agreement which is set to expire on March 31, 2019. This Notice to Bargain affects both Mainline and Rouge members.  Information about this bargaining process …


This is to advise that nominations took place, at the YYZ Local 4092 special membership meeting which was held on March 1, 2019, to fill the one vacant Local 4092 Trustee position, as well as the recently added position of alternate Trustee. The following members were nominated: Kelly Hughes Luis Felippe Marin Garcia Jessica Maisonneuve The position of …