days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Trustee Report & Secretary-Treasurer Response 2014-2015

Trustee Audit Report Dear Members, In May 2017, three Component Trustees, Andrea de Verteuil, Joyce Nakanishi and Marc Roumy were elected to audit the financial affairs of our Union, the Air Canada Component of CUPE (ACC). This audit report was prepared by only two Component Trustees, Andrea de Verteuil and Joyce Nakanishi. Unless expressly stated …

Onboard Crew Rest Flash Bulletin – February 2019

*This bulletin applies to Mainline Cabin Crew*   This bulletin is a reminder to all cabin crew of their contractual onboard crew rest for B5, B14, LOU18, LOU22A/B flights. The negotiated crew rest times are as following: B5 flights: 1:00 hour of rest (flying time 8:01-11:29 hours gate to gate) B14 flights: 2:00 hours of …

Our First Full Week In Office

Your three Component Officers are pleased to report on our first full week in office. We are so proud to be representing the membership and are working hard to prepare for a productive and meaningful two years. We have been bringing ourselves up to speed on many important issues. A few of the things we …

Training in YUL – Hotel Charges

We have reached out to the Crew Administration team and confirmed the following: 1. If a member does not want to supply a credit card to the hotel, that is acceptable. 2. If you do not put a credit card down, you are not able to charge food and beverages to your room. If you …

Notice: Bylaw Amendment Referendum Vote

As per section B.12.5 of the Air Canada Component of CUPE Bylaws, and section B.5.1(c) of the CUPE Constitution, we are providing you with sixty (60) days’ notice that a Referendum vote to amend the Air Canada Component of CUPE Bylaws will be taking place.  The Referendum vote will begin on Monday, April 8, 2019 …