CUPE Workshops In June

The Component Education Committee would like to announce upcoming CUPE workshops that will be held on June 14 and 15, 2018 in the Pyramid Room at Terminal 3 of the Toronto Pearson Airport.  Click HERE for directions to the Pyramid Room.
Social Media
Jun 14, 2018 (9:00am-4:00pm) (25 spaces available)
“Say it, forget it.  Write it, regret it”.  Facebook, Twitter, YouTube… What are the guidelines for using social media?
Also, how can social media benefit your local? How are groups using social media for activism? How to deal with people’s resistance?  Explore questions like these and get lots of hands-on practice in CUPE’s Social Media workshop.
Duty to Accommodate
Jun 15, 2018 (9:00am-4:00pm) (25 spaces available)
Learn about the rights and responsibilities of both employers and unions under the Duty to Accommodate. In this workshop you will:
• explore case law, key concepts and the prohibited grounds of discrimination under human rights law;
• learn to make the case for accommodating workers and how to help union representatives and employers come up with appropriate accommodations for members;
• Look at how we can break down stereotypes and stigma to support the accommodation process for those who need it.
Language of Instruction – English
Please note the dates of the courses and bid accordingly.
Lunch for both days will be provided so please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions at the time of registration.  To register, email
Deadline to register will be June 1, 2018.
Please note that this workshop may be cancelled due to low registration or for other reasons.
In solidarity,
Victoria Primavera
Chairperson, Component Education Committee

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