days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Education Committee

The Education Committee Shall:

  1. Work with ACCEX to present and offer education to the members. For clarity, ‘the members at large’, in this context, includes all CUPE Air Canada Component and affiliated Local Officers.
  1. Report to the quarterly Regular ACCEX meetings in writing.
  1. Ensure the proper functioning of the Component Committee.
  1. Manage the approved Committee budget in cooperation/collaboration with the Component Secretary-Treasurer, in accordance with the Component Bylaws.
  1. Education provided should be used to strengthen and advance the good of the Union. The Committee will be mandated to consider requests with these principles in mind.
  1. The ongoing justification of any participation in courses funded by the Education Committee will be based on continued active service to membership.
  1. Courses may be offered to members who demonstrate a willingness to apply the skills and knowledge to the members at large in direct and demonstrable relation to the affairs of the Union. The reasonable expectation is that these courses are applicable to current Officer, Committee or ACC Volunteer work.
  1. The funds in this Committee budget are to be used for general administration of the Committee and towards courses that are offered to the membership as described in point 7.
  1. All costs for course registration that are approved by the Committee Chair will be paid through the Component Education Committee budget. However, flight releases for those who wish to attend any course(s), and any accommodations will not.
  1. Ensure proper expenses are actioned for members taking educational courses and have them pre-determined via bulletin or email communication as per the Component Expense Policy.
  1. Draft membership bulletin information, if required, for submission to the Component President based on Education, Educational Courses and other benefits for the members.
  1. Promote the Union policy of having a minimum of two CUPE representatives whenever meeting with the employer on official union business.
  1. Confirm all verbal communications with the Company in writing. All written Committee communications should be copied to the Component President.
  1. Immediately, upon completion of course, impart and provide access to all printed and electronic publications (including but not limited to any information provided on disc or memory stick, or sent through email) to the Committee Chair for distribution and cataloguing.

To reach the Education Committee email

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