days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Reserve Committee

This committee consists of one member from each Local, appointed by the Local President and one Component appointed member. Each Local Component Committee member, in turn, heads up the Local Reserve Committee, under the direction of the Local President.

The first project on the Committee’s agenda is to receive training on the Netline awarding system in order to have the ability to use this system to track violations of award assignment and illegal changes to reserve members’ schedules.

The second project will be the development a “Reserve 101” seminar to teach members about reserve rules. Once developed, this seminar will be available at each Local to offer as needed – when new hires join the family or when layoffs force more senior members on reserve and they need a refresher on the rules.

In conjunction with the new component website, the Committee will participate in an online chat forum for Reserve. We will also further develop the concept of AM/PM reserve, monitor Call in to Reserve conversion rates and ensure that each base creates and maintains the overseas assignment list provided for under article B8.19.

Reserve has undergone many changes this year, due to the implementation of bidding for reserve days in PBS. Gone are the pre-set block patterns which made it easy to predict if you could hold a day off. Unstacking, previously only applicable to regular block holders, is now a reality for reserve block holders as well. We recognize the hardship this has created for those members at the very bottom of the list, whose chances of receiving the days off they bid for are greatly diminished. Unstacking proved especially challenging with the October block month, with many junior members on vacation – unstacking (especially on Thanksgiving) reached far up the reserve seniority list.

Reserve is not what it used to be and our support for our Members on reserve must be more proactive. It is our hope that this new committee will be an invaluable tool not only in the preservation of reserve rights under the Collective Agreement, but also be the driving change for improvements in reserve during the next round of bargaining in 2011. This committee will provide reserve members with a voice and encourage the participation of an often-disenfranchised group in the Union. While we do not pretend that this new Reserve Committee will be able to solve all these problems, we hope to create a forum for new and creative solutions to be discussed and developed.

We encourage anyone interested in participating in this important initiative to make your interest known to your Local.

Reserve Committee

Jesse Matthews

Related News

Pension Committee

Your pension committee advocates, educates and communicates on pension matters important to you.

Your pension plan is one of the most valuable assets you will acquire during your working career. For most members the Company pension will form the most significant portion of their retirement income. It is important that we work to protect, preserve and enhance this asset.

Our pension plans are governed by Federal rules and regulation. OSFI (Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions) is the federal agency that overseas federally regulated pensions. Our pension plans are subject to the rules and regulations established through OSFI and also by certain federal taxation laws.

There are separate workplace pension plans for CUPE members originally hired at Air Canada Mainline and those originally hired at Air Canada Rouge. CUPE members who transitioned to AC Mainline through the merger with Canadian Airlines International Ltd (CAIL) are members of the AC Mainline Plan (see note below). CUPE members who transfer between AC Mainline and AC Rouge and vice versa continue to participate in their original pension plan. Members who transfer will continue to accumulate qualifying service and allowable service in their original pension plan as if they were still working there.

Note: CAIL CUPE members who were age 55 or over and who were not in the CAIL pension plan on October 1, 2002, were not required to join the pension plan, following the merger with Air Canada. For all other members who were not members of the CAIL pension plan, membership became mandatory as of January 1, 2007.

The pension benefit provided for members hired at AC Mainline on or after November 7, 2011and the pension benefit for members originally hired at AC Rouge are the same. The CUPE hybrid pension plan provisions apply to these members. The hybrid plans have a mix of defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) components. Under the DB component, you accumulate a pension throughout your career at Air Canada Mainline and Rouge that is calculated based on a predetermined formula. Under the DC component, yours’ and Air Canada’s contributions, accumulate with investment returns – the account balance when you retire provides you with retirement income, in addition to what you receive from the DB component of your pension.

All other members of the AC Mainline Pension Plan (ie; those hired before Nov 7, 2011) participate and are covered by a defined benefit (DB) pension. A defined benefit plan (DB Plan) means that the pension you accumulate throughout your career at Air Canada is calculated based on a predetermined formula.

Members can find a summary of the details of their pension plan provisions, in the “Members’ Portal” on this CUPE website or on the AC aeronet under the “HR Connex” tab. On the AC aeronet once you sign in: > click on the HR Connex tab > under “Retirement” > click on “HR Connex Pension.” Under the “Knowledge Centre” tab (tile) you will find a very readable summary of your pension plan provisions. This site also has other very useful and informative information about your pension. For AC Mainline Plan members there is also a pension calculator where you can “Project Your Retirement Income”. If you want to find your Average Annual Compensation (best 3 years) and the time period it is based on, click on “Calculation Details” after you have done a pension projection. The pension projection tool is not yet available for Rouge Plan members but it is a feature that will be added in the future.

You can reach out to your pension committee representatives on any pension related matters. We encourage you to initially contact HR Connex Pensions, now the AC Employee Care Team 1-833-847-EMPL (3675) with any specific questions regarding your pension as they have access to your file and should be able to address most issues.



  • Marc Roumy


  • Henly Larden
  • Caroline Lozeau Gélinas

Related News

PBS Committee

The Joint and Local PBS Committees provide support for the membership in regards to the PBS system. Our goal is to ensure that the system is reliable and that our members have the information and skills that they require to utilize PBS to the best benefit of their seniority.

The Joint PBS Committee works with the Company and the PBS software supplier in ensuring that PBS is functional and available to the membership.  In addition to providing support for the Local PBS Committees, they ensure that new features and system development is completed and tested for adherence with the specifications of the software and compliance with the Collective Agreement.  The Joint PBS Committee also provides information, on a national scale, to the membership for PBS issues and new features.

The Local PBS Committees are the local interface for PBS and are available and accessible to the membership for PBS questions and bidding assistance.  They participate in the monthly PBS activities such as Pairing Review, Bidding Assistance, Awards Process and Contesting.  Your Local PBS Committee is aware of the specific nuances at your base.  They are there to answer your questions on PBS as well as provide assistance and support for new features.  Our bidding strategies change depending on what we want, or what is going on in our daily lives.  Local PBS Committee members are available at the Communication Centres during the bidding period to guide you through the system,  help you with your questions and assist you to best manage your bidding strategy.

Committee members

Joint Committee Co-Chairs:

Marie-Eve Simard
Mary Mulholland

– – – –

If you have questions or need assistance with PBS, you can reach your Local PBS Committee at the following e-mail addresses:






New Aircraft Committee

The CUPE New Aircraft Committee reviews aircraft designs from a health and safety perspective. Two aircraft are being reviewed: B787-800-223 passenger and B787-900-256 passenger models.

We are waiting for a chance to tear suppliers products apart and test ergonomics in YUL. Previous hands-on testing for galley equipment took place in January 2008.

Requests for Proposals (RFP’s) have been evaluated from vendors for B787-800-900 series aircraft for the following systems:

  • Bun warmers
  • Galley Waste Disposal Units
  • Ovens
  • Coffee Makers
  • Trash Compactors
  • Lavatory units

Our meetings with AC are irregular, usually a conference call. No activity yet over the summer. A report was made to CUPE AC Component Executives (ACCEX) in June 2009.

The Bottom Line:

Air Canada posted their latest financial results 07 August 2009. Employees have been advised that 37 Boeing 787 Dreamliners remain on order, with the first delivery scheduled for the second half of 2013. The aircraft purchase agreement was amended in July to include options to purchase 13 additional aircraft, with purchase rights for ten more.  Air Canada and Boeing have agreed to amend commercial terms and delivery dates to help finances.


revision date: August 2009


Nathan Jones
Travis Petersen

Related News

New Aircraft Committee

The CUPE New Aircraft Committee reviews aircraft designs from a health and safety perspective. Two aircraft are being reviewed: B787-800-223 passenger and B787-900-256 passenger models.

Read More »

737MAX Aircraft

Dear members, As the 737MAX deliveries continue, many of you have had the experience of operating this new aircraft. There is always a “teething” period

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Hotel Committee

The mandate of the Hotel Committee is to ensure that you are both safe and comfortable while on layover.

Your CUPE Hotel Committee is comprised of a Component Hotel Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and currently nine Local Hotel Representatives spread across the YVR, YYC, YUL, and YYZ bases.

Periodically, when Air Canada flies to a new destination or a hotel contract expires, a “contract” goes out for bid and hotels that are interested in housing crew will respond.  Once the Company receives these “bids”, site inspections are scheduled in order to establish a layover property.  These inspections are attended by Air Canada Strategic Purchasing, CUPE and ACPA.  The Hotel Committee Chairperson will select a Local Hotel Representative to perform the hotel inspections, which will be completed according to specific safety and security criteria.  Some of the criteria that the Hotel Representative will be looking for is to ensure that essential requirements, such as non-smoking rooms, rooms away from vending machines and work closets, and rooms that are not on the first floor, can be met.   Once all of the site inspections are finished, the Hotel Representative compiles a list of which properties are deemed acceptable, ranking in order of preference, and provides this along with a comprehensive report on each property to both the Hotel Committee Chairperson and the Component President.

Though Air Canada Strategic Purchasing makes the final decision on the hotel selection process, contractually, they are required to consult with the Union and respect CUPE’s ranking of properties when making a final selection.

Once a hotel is selected, your feedback is essential in ensuring that our rights to safe and comfortable accommodations are upheld.  Should you have an issue with either a layover property or the transportation provided when on layover, please submit a hotel and transportation report.  While the reporting system has changed to CrewCare, you can still access the form on the portal through Globe by clicking on: Globe > Tools and References > Crew Scheduling and Planning > CrewCare.

The report will be submitted to the Company and a copy forwarded to the Hotel Committee Chairperson.  The Company is then responsible for ensuring that each complaint is addressed with the hotel or transportation company involved and that every Member receives a response.  The Component Hotel Committee Chairperson tracks these reports to ensure that the Company performs the appropriate follow up.

Should you have any questions or comments about the Hotel Committee, please feel free to contact us at

Committee members

Melinda Allen
Karen Pritchard

YVR Reps
Daniel Dudar
Reagan Goulding

YYC Reps
Janice Patience
Beth Valenzuela

YYZ Reps
Francesca Di Iulio
Maya Heble
Iris Oren
Chandra Wang

YUL Reps
Sandra Jodoin-Battaglieri
Marie Chantale Labreche
Sophie Legault

Rouge Reps
Kimberly Vasconcelos Duarte
Joanne Rowe
Jaquelyn Saracuse