days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

The Weekly Dispatch – Why Unions Matter

There are times when some may ask themselves what does my Union do and why does it even matter. What am I getting for my Union dues? The reality is that Unions matter very much. In the past present and future your Union has fought and will fight for good salaries, pensions, and health care benefits to name just a few. This gives everyone the economic security to live out their life’s dreams, to send kids to college or university, to invest in their communities and to have a secure retirement. Having a Union assures you of a voice and a seat at the table. In the absence of Unions, the world would be ruled by Corporations, and they would continue to weaken the gains that have been made and they would do so unchecked. We encourage you to drop in and see your Union representatives to really see what they do and to create a personal connection. In the end, the Union is only as strong as the support it is given.

CLC Medical Leave and RDOs

Dear Mainline Members,

The Canada Labour Code (CLC) was recently amended to require federally regulated employers, including Air Canada, to provide employees with ten (10) days of paid sick leave per calendar year (pro-rated for partial years of service).

While the Collective Agreement already requires Air Canada to provide twelve (12) “paid” sick days per year, the Union has identified a problem regarding the use of sick days on regular days off (RDOs). In particular, if a member is unable to work due to sickness on an RDO, Air Canada deducts a day from the member’s paid sick day bank but does not provide any payment to them. As a result, members may lose several of their CLC sick days without being paid for them. The Union has filed a policy grievance alleging that this practice violates the new paid sick day requirements in the CLC.  Click HERE to view the grievance form.

To help prepare for the hearing of the grievance, the Union is seeking examples from members who have been unable to work due to sickness on an RDO and had a day deducted from their paid sick day bank without payment.

We are asking members to please let us know if this happened to you in 2022, 2023, and/or 2024. If so, please send an email to ensuring the policy grievance number “CHQ-24-18” is in the subject line, with the following information:

  1. The date(s) on which you took sick leave on scheduled RDOs in 2022, 2023, and/or 2024.
  2. The number of days in your sick leave bank at the beginning of the relevant calendar year(s).
  3. The number of sick days used in the relevant calendar year(s) before taking sick leave on an RDO.
  4. If available, a copy of your block schedule and sick leave records for the relevant dates.
  5. Your employee number and where you are based.

If you cannot answer all of these questions, please respond with as much information as you can – any information that you can provide will assist the Union in pursuing this grievance.

Should we determine that your evidence supports our policy grievance, we will send the information to your local union office for individual or group grievance filing to be attached to our policy grievance.

If you have any questions regarding this policy grievance and the information request, please email, and once again, please include the policy grievance number “CHQ-24-18” in the subject line.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

Local Elections – 2024 – Results

Voting in the Local Elections closed at 12:00 EDT today.

The following candidates were elected:

– – – –

LOCAL 4091

Local 4091 President:

Natasha Stea

Local 4091 Vice President:

Philippe Bonneville
Julie Dallaire-Bourget
Caroline Lozeau-Gelinas
Eric Marchand
Julie Potvin

– – – –

LOCAL 4092

Local 4092 President:

Denis Montpetit

Local 4092 Vice President:

Michelle Duhaney
Robert Hatfield
Kirk Horsman
Cynthia Kryszak
Alison MacDonald
Victoria Primavera
Laurent (Larry) Roy
Lillian Speedie

– – – –

LOCAL 4094

Local 4094 Vice President:

Stephen Galandie
Sandra Hendre
Lorna Holmes
Bernadette Jean
Alison Kjertinge
Henly Larden
Jesse Matthews
Travis Petersen

– – – –

LOCAL 4095

Local 4095 President:

Tyler McBain

Local 4095 Vice President:
Daylen Mitansky
Brittany Thomas
Heather Tilroe

If you participated in this election, you were issued an anonymous voting receipt code (accessible only online for 14 days after the vote closes). The results & breakdown will be published to the Air Canada Component of CUPE voting website for viewing, and a spreadsheet of vote data will be made available for download to track your receipt.

We thank all of the members who exercised their right to vote.

In Solidarity,

Your Component Tabulating Committee

Payroll Issues

The Union was made aware of a bulletin that was sent out from Crew Planning, attached here.

We have had numerous discussions with the Company in identifying an array of issues including vacation reconciliation and vacation money that is owed to members. The understanding going forward was that the Company would be working to reconcile vacation and stat entitlements throughout the vacation year and adjusting them on an ongoing basis. This will be done to ensure members are made aware of any overpayments in a timely manner and are not placed in the unnecessary position of owing money.

Since our original discussions with the Company, we have learned of further pay issues which we have flagged. We remind members about the importance of checking their pay monthly. Some of the issues reported recently were and ongoing ones:

  1. Missing Cleaning Allowance
  2. Incorrect Wage Rate
  3. Flow Through Wage Rate decreases
  4. Retirement Vacation Reconciliations and final pay not issued
  5. Missing Expenses
  6. Early Check In (post duty) not paid out
  7. Special Dinner retro payments
  8. Where members will see US Custom delay payments on pay statement
  9. Service Date changes, unbeknownst to member affecting pay progression

We are also aware that the regular vacation reconciliation for our members who have reached the 5-year mark was previously to be paid. We have been assured that this is now set to be paid on their April cheque. We will continue to follow up to ensure that our members are properly paid this amount. We are also aware that this is extremely frustrating, and it feels like you have had the run around over the last 11 months. We have shared this with the employer and have been advised there are changes coming that will expedite this pay.

In addition to the challenges that many are facing with inaccuracies and unnecessary claw backs to vacation we have had multiple reports highlighting pay claim delays. We strongly advise you to check your “Pay Claims” today, and if any are pending, follow up, with a copy to

We want to advise, clearly to the members, that we have had conversations with the Company, we have shared the frustrations with them, and we are awaiting replies to outstanding issues.  However, with the new issues creeping up, we have serious concerns that need to be understood, we need to understand the process and need solid assurances that pay will be a priority going forward, as it is clear, this is not the case for our group.

Time and time again, we have made it abundantly clear that we work for the Company and there is an expectation that you will be properly paid. In return for your hard work, you expect to be remunerated in a timely and accurate way. You put in enough free work.  At a bare minimum you want to be paid for all hours worked and your expenses paid out as per the contract. This is a fair request. The fact that this has taken so long to sort out and the impact it has had on our members, already working paycheck to paycheck, is simply unacceptable.

Overall, this seems to us to be just another reminder of how much work performed is unpaid. Simply put, UNPAID WORK WON’T FLY.

The Union is requesting all members, Mainline and Rouge, to please copy on any continuing pay issues you have flagged to the company. This will allow us to get a true picture of the challenges you are facing that are not being addressed through the regular claims you submit. We will also be working on an initiative for members to have easier access on verifying pay and expenses.  We feel that it is time we take a closer look and see how much unpaid work still exists and pay statement assistance will help with that task. We will have more on this to follow.

Please reach out to with any feedback, questions, concerns, or comments.

In solidarity,

Manulife Transition April 1, 2024

This applies to AC Mainline only

Many of you may know that Air Canada has made the decision to change providers for health, dental, life insurance (including accidental death and dismemberment insurance) and the Defined Contribution (DC) portion of the hybrid pension plan, if applicable, for Canada based employees. As of April 1, 2024, Manulife will be the provider.

It is important that you take the time to enroll in this new plan so that you are set up to submit your claims in a timely way. To make the best use of your entitlements we recommend that you educate yourself about this process and the tools available to you through the Manulife portal.

Action required: Set up your Manulife ID

On April 1, 2024, your benefits will move to Manulife. To ensure a smooth transition, you’ll need to set up your Manulife ID.

Manulife ID is a single, secure username and password combination for accessing all your Air Canada services with Manulife.

To set up your Manulife ID directly on the Manulife website, please visit

  • If you already have a Manulife ID, select Sign in.
  • Select Register now to create your Manulife ID.
    • Additional information, including a step-by-step video and FAQ, is available here.

After creating your Manulife ID, you’ll need to connect (link) your group benefits account to it. This only needs to be done once.

  • Enter your plan contract number (788000), member certificate number (your employee ID without the letters AC and the leading zeroes), name, date of birth and email.
  • Example: If your employee ID starts with a zero (AC012345), please delete the zero to create your number (12345) and connect your benefits.
  • If your employee ID starts with two zeros (AC001234), please delete both zeros to create your number (1234) and connect your benefits.
  • Select Connect.

Download the Manulife app

  • Manulife makes it easy for you to manage your benefits when it’s most convenient for you. With their plan member site and mobile app, you’ll be able to find all the information you need. The app is available for Apple and Android devices through the App store and Google Play.

Note: If you complete your registration on the Manulife Mobile App, you will get an error message. Because our plan hasn’t technically started with Manulife yet, their system doesn’t recognize you. Rest assured your account has been created regardless. This will be resolved once Manulife becomes our provider on April 1, 2024.

Make sure to visit the Aeronet page for information and FAQs related to this initiative.

For information login to:
Aeronet > Share Point > HRConnex > Benefits: Manulife prior to April 1st to make sure you are enrolled. *Note that the benefits will not be active until April 1st

By logging in through HR Connex, you will find a ‘live chat’ function for immediate assistance on all your benefits queries (available during business hours) as well as a step-by-step guide to assist with downloading and setting up the app on your mobile device.

It is our expectation that the experience provided must meet or exceed what was provided by Claim Secure. We hope that this process runs well, and that Manulife will have user-friendly options that make the process of claiming for benefits easier for all of our members.

In solidarity,