days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Happy Labour Day!

This Labour Day we would like to take the time to reflect on how far we have come in the past year. The trials and tribulations that our members have faced cannot be understated.

Employment insecurity, health and safety concerns, constantly adapting to the ever-changing workplace and personal challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and so much more.  We are sure that each and every one of our members have a story to tell about how this has affected them.

These struggles are unique to be sure, but we do not have to look far to see that our brothers and sisters working shoulder to shoulder with us are united in the same struggle.  We will get through this together.  Canada and its workers have a long history of struggling against difficult working conditions and so too do we have a history of prevailing over injustice.

We raise our hats to all workers on the frontlines of the battle against COVID-19. Whether they be migrant workers, nurses, doctors, long term care workers, police, paramedics, grocery clerks and so many more to mention, we will remember their contributions.

On this very important day we want you to know that we hear you, we hear your struggles, and we will find the way through this using all of the resources available to us. We look forward to the day when COVID-19 is a word from the past.

In solidarity,

As A Matter Of Fact – Tip Of The Week – Get Educated About Your Pension

We know that you may be at different places in your career. Regardless of where that might be, we feel that it is important to be educated about your pension.  We encourage you to make a plan and don’t wait too long to start that plan. It is never too early to think about it. Your Union has an amazing resource in your Pension Committee.

The link to your Pension Committee and information can be found at:

Website: > Resources > Pension

Mobile App:
Resources > Pension

Component Officers Webinar – Recall to Air Canada Rouge

Dear Members,

Following our bulletin last week regarding the recall process to Air Canada Rouge, we wanted to provide some further information to assist all members.

As a reminder Mainline Cabin Personnel do not need to accept a recall to Air Canada Rouge. They may remain on layoff status and wait for a recall to Mainline.  We have created a flow-chart to represent the recall process and provide a visual tool for mainline cabin personal in all scenarios:

Please CLICK HERE for a PDF copy of the chart.

In addition, we will be hosting our next Component Officers Webinar on Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 15:00 EDT, 13:00 MDT, 12:00 PDT.  The webinar will once again be hosted on Zoom and can be accessed through a computer, tablet, or smart phone. There will also be an audio-only option available through telephone dial-in.

The webinar is open to all members; however, the topic of this webinar will be geared towards the recall process to Air Canada Rouge.

As most questions have already been answered, prior to replying with your questions, we would suggest you review the following attachments:

LOU 55 (CLICK HERE) – This is the specific working condition as ratified in 2015 by the membership that establish duty days, flying credits, credits, premiums, reserve structure, vacation entitlement, sick time and more.

Article 17.04 (CLICK HERE) – This is the language specific to Air Canada members accepting at Air Canada Rouge, as well as how it works when there is an offer at Air Canada Mainline for you to return to either your “Point of Layoff”, home base, or another base within the Mainline bases

Article 17.16 (CLICK HERE) – This is the recall notice applicable language.

If you are interested in joining the webinar, please register in advance via the following link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

There will be an ability to ask questions during the webinar, but we also ask that you send your questions in advance to us at to ensure we are able to capture the main points you want discussed.

At this time, we want to reiterate that we are not aware of the number of recalls or training dates. The moment we have this information it will be shared with all members.  We understand that there are many questions. We see this as an opportunity for all to have a better understanding of the Collective Agreement language relating to recalls. We encourage you to reach out directly with your questions. We can then provide accurate and in depth answers for you on the transition to Rouge if that is something you are considering.

Conronavirus Update 26

Dear Members,

In a recent bulletin from your Component President and Health and Safety Committee (see link here) we requested stories from you about your experiences with being denied health, dental, medical and other basic services due to your profession and/or having travelled in the previous 14 days. We received timely and well written responses from many of you. We reviewed all of this feedback and had a lengthy conversation with the Public Health Agency of Canada and a quarantine officer from the Government of Canada.

They listened to our concerns and real-life examples and also understood how difficult this has been for so many of our members. You have taken on the important and very challenging role as an essential services worker yet at the same time are having a stigma attached to your profession. PHAC took away two important tasks from our call:

  • We discussed the 3-digit exemption code for the ArriveCan app, and if more needs to be done to raise awareness about this new process both amongst aircrew but also CBSA officers. They will follow up with the quarantine office to see if there is something that can be done to alleviate the problem of nuisance emails and calls when you return home from work outside the country.


  • One idea discussed on the call is that guidance be issued by the PHAC to the various professional associations that oversee disciplines such as dentistry, physiotherapy etc. They will explore internally within the PHAC what can be done to ensure that our members aren’t denied essential services – particularly at acute care centres like hospitals as a starting point.

Following the call, we were tasked with a follow up to the membership. In this instance we are requesting your feedback and examples in which your own health care provider/health care practitioner found a solution to providing treatment for you while balancing their concerns.  We believe that this may help your Union and the PHAC to find creative ways to tackle this problem.

The reality is that there are many individual workers within the Health Care sector in Canada who are simply making decisions based on their own fears and/or following guidance about exposure to those who have travelled outside of the country.   We are sending a call out to find how others who treat and care for you or members of your family who have found a workaround for these concerns. If you have a story of unique and creative ways that your health care and medical practitioners have found to treat you or your family, we want to hear about it. We hope that this information can provide some insight into what can be achieved so that our members are not left to fend for themselves in these difficult times when seeking medical care.

It was agreed that we would hold a follow-up call over the coming two weeks and it would be good to show up with some constructive ideas straight from our members. Please send your experiences to


As A Matter Of Fact – Tip Of The Week – Block Rule Violations and Globe Notifications

The Collective Agreement is the document that governs the rules between the Company and the Union.  If you feel that your rights under the Collective Agreement are being violated, you have a right to contact the appropriate Department/Committee for clarity. If there is a violation in relation to the block rules (Pages 169- 207 of the Collective Agreement) you should reach out to Crew Scheduling and if you are having issues with PBS (i.e. Article B2, B3, B4) we recommend that you reach out to your Local Union PBS Representative.

If you are contacting Crew Scheduling, we strongly suggest that you write down the time and date of the call and who you spoke with at Crew Scheduling. Please provide this information and the phone number you called from which allows your Local Union Representative to follow up if there are any concerns and/or grievances that might be filed.

REMINDER regarding notification:  Globe is not considered an official notification tool sanctioned by the Union. In our opinion a direct conversation with a crew scheduler is the only way that you can you be notified of a change.