days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Coronavirus Update 8

Over the weekend the Union was made aware that there is a new announcement that is to be made to all inbound passengers.  This announcement is applicable to passengers and crew:

“Good [morning/afternoon/evening]
Upon arrival, the Government of Canada requires you to disclose your recent travel history and any possible symptoms, including fever, coughing, vomiting, sore throat or difficulty breathing, to a Border Services Officer when prompted. If you, or someone who you’ve come into contact with, has travelled to China in the past 14 days, you may be required to undergo secondary inspection prior to immigration clearance. Thank you.”

Please note, If any crew members have visited mainland China in the last 14 days and are sick or display flu like symptoms, they should contact crew scheduling to disclose this information and follow book-off procedures.  It is equally important to note that some countries are requesting their announcement, we would recommend you to refer to the Globe package as changes could arise at anytime.

This is applicable to both Mainline and Rouge, and if there are any concerns with the above, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Union office.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

Coronavirus Update 7

The Union was just advised that Hong Kong has also implemented a 14 day quarantine to anyone that arrives and has been in China over the last 14 days.  Crew scheduling has reviewed schedules and is actively contacting members that would knowingly fall into this parameter.  If you have visited China in the last 14 days personally, please ensure you advise crew scheduling.

We would also like to remind members that it is strongly advisable if you are sick with flu like symptoms to ensure you follow ePub and your Collective Agreement for booking off sick.

The company has issued the following:

China Coronavirus Employee Call #2

In response to employee feedback, Air Canada will be holding a second conference call for employees regarding the China Coronavirus on Monday, February 10.

The call will be hosted by Sam Elfassy, VP, Safety, Air Canada and Dr. Jim Chung, Chief Medical Officer, Air Canada. They will also be joined by infectious disease specialist and CEO of Bluedot, Dr. Kamran Khan. Together they will provide an overview of what we know about the virus and describe Air Canada’s preventive measures to date. Employees will also have the opportunity to ask their own questions.

Date: Monday, February 10
Time: 12:30 p.m. EST

You will find a link below containing the list of dial-in numbers, which must be followed by the participant’s passcode: 6951767#

·  Toll-free dial-in number (Canada/US): 1-800-806-5484
·  International dial-in numbers:
·  Participant passcode: 6951767#

Please note that an automated system will request your employee number and name before connecting you to the conference.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

2020 – 2021 Annual Vacation Bidding Schedule

** For Rouge members only **

The 2020 – 2021 Annual Vacation bid opens on February 17, 2020. A detailed schedule is outlined below.

As a reminder, there are three (3) separate bid periods which will be open for seven (7) days each. Prior to bidding, kindly review:

  • L.O.U. 55 Section 10 – General Holidays and Annual Vacation of the Air Canada/CUPE Collective Agreement;
  • The “Vacation Bidding Guideline” document available via ACAeronet under My rouge > In-Flight Service > Vacation Bidding and Award Information.

Crew members are required to bid for their 2020-2021 Annual Vacation online, accessible via the Portal under My rouge > In-Flight Service > Vacation Bidding and Award Information.

Paper bids will not be accepted.

2020 – 2021 Vacation Bidding Dates

Round 1 bidding open: February 17, 2020 at 0900 EST
Round 1 bidding close: February 24, 2020 at 0900 EST
Round 1 Award publish: by February 25, 2020 at 0900 EST

Round 2 bidding open: February 25, 2020 at 0900 EST
Round 2 bidding close: March 3, 2020 at 0900 EST
Round 2 Award publish: by March 4, 2020 at 0900 EST

Round 3 bidding open: March 4, 2020 at 0900 EST
Round 3 bidding close: March 11, 2020 at 0900 EST
Round 3 Award publish: by March 31, 2020 at 0900 EST

Should you have any additional questions, do not hesitate to contact your local Crew Planning representative or Local Union office.

In solidarity,

Vacation Bidding and Retirement

**This applies to Mainline Only**

As of May 1, 2003, Air Canada changed the vacation system to a current year vacation. All Air Canada employees now earn and take their vacation in the same vacation year, May 1 to April 30. Retirements always commence on the first day of a calendar month.

If you retire during the upcoming Vacation Year then your vacation annual entitlement will be prorated. All proration due to absences will occur within the vacation year of the absence. Crew Planning has a proration chart that they use to determine the actual number of vacation days you are entitled to.

If you want to be paid out for the vacation you earn and are entitled to, you should bid all your vacation after your retirement date. If you want to take some vacation during the vacation year that you are retiring in, prior to your retirement date and do not want to have to repay the Company for any excess vacation days taken, then prior to your retirement date you need to bid only the number of days you are entitled to or less.

You can do an approximate calculation of the number of vacation days you will be entitled to, that you have earned prior to your planned retirement date and you can determine the number of Statutory holidays you should be entitled to as well. If you add these two together then you will have an idea of what your actual total entitlement is and you can bid so that you do not exceed your entitlement. If you wish to confirm what your actual vacation entitlement is you can contact Crew Planning and they will advise you.

YUL and YYZ:
YYC and YVR:

A quick approximate proration calculation can be done as follows: divide your normal total vacation annual entitlement by 12 (the total number of months in a vacation year) to get the value for a single month. You then multiply this times the number of months from May 1 to your retirement date. This gives you an approximation of the number of vacation days you will be entitled to. Note: If you anticipate being on a Reduced Block (RBP) you only earn 60% of your vacation entitlement for each month on a RBP so this will reduce your entitlement for those months accordingly. If you anticipate being on a reduced block and do not want to overbid vacation days prior to your retirement, you should definitely check your entitlement with Crew Planning.

Example 1: September 1 Retirement
Normal Vacation Annual Entitlement 35 days divided by 12 months = 2.91 days, approximately 3 days per month. Retiring September 1 is 4 months from May 1 (May/June/July/August).
4 X 2.91 = 11.64 vacation days, which rounded up is 12 days.
The Statutory holidays you are entitled to, are the ones occurring during the Vacation year that occur in months you are on the payroll. So in this case that would be 2, Victoria Day in May and Canada Day in July. In this example your total approximate Annual and Statutory Entitlement would be 14 days (12 + 2).

Example 2: February 1 Retirement
Normal Vacation Annual Entitlement 35 days divided by 12 months = 2.91days, approximately 3 days per month. Retiring February 1 is 9 months from May 1 (May 1 to January 31)
9 X 2.91 = 26.19 vacation days, which rounded down is 26 days. In this case you would be entitled to 8 statutory holidays, those occurring between May 1 and January 31.

In this example your total approximate Annual and Statutory Entitlement would be 34 days (26 + 8).

Vacation entitlements are based on your service date or adjusted service date with Air Canada. For bidding purposes, you will be allotted full annual and statutory vacation based on the assumption that you will be an active employee for the upcoming vacation year. For those, with currently approved absences, you will be awarded a reduced entitlement based on those absences.

A discrepancy report is run monthly, monitoring all absences and reductions are made. If you have submitted to retire and Crew Planning is aware of this and knows that you have been awarded more days than you are entitled to prior to your retirement date they will reduce your vacation prior to the block awards. If the advice of your retirement is received by them following the block awards in a vacation month, they will reduce the vacation with an “unavailable no fault”, post awards. It is all a matter of timing.

If Crew Planning does not know about your retirement and is unable to adjust (reduce your award) and you end up taking more vacation than you are entitled to before you retire, then you will have to repay this amount when you retire. If there is an over payment of vacation it will be recovered by the Company on your final pay.

Hopefully this is useful for those who are considering retirement in the upcoming vacation year (May 1 to April 30) and allows you to plan your vacation bidding accordingly.

In Solidarity,

Your Component Pension Committee

Annual Vacation Bidding Is Open

**This applies to Mainline Only**

Dear Members,

The FIRST ROUND IS OPEN NOW.  There are four (4) separate bid periods: Rounds 1 and 2 will remain open for fourteen (14) days.  Rounds 3 and 4 will be open for seven (7) days.

1st Round 14 Days

2nd Round 14 Days

3rd Round 7 Days

4th Round 7 Days

Bill C-86 has legislated some changes to vacation entitlements. Employees who have 10 completed years to 14 years of service by April 30th and have less than 4 weeks of vacation will have an additional week of vacation in this bid.

If you would like to verify your vacation entitlement you can contact the “Employee Care Team” Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (ET) at 1-833- 847-EMPL (3675) or via email to

Company Vacation Bidding Bulletins below:

Click HERE To view ‘2020/21 Annual Vacation Bidding Schedule’
Click HERE To view ‘May 1, 2020 – April 30, 2021 Vacation and Statutory Holiday Bidding ‘
Click HERE” To view ‘Vacation Entitlement Reduction Guidelines’
Click HERE To view ‘Proration of 2020/2021 Vacation Entitlement’

Here are the ‘Present’ block months.
Remember that the start/end date of these months can and WILL change!!

To Bid for Your Vacation:
In-Flight Service > Crew Scheduling & Planning > eForms > log in > Vacation Bidding

Here is an example of how your finished bid may look:

**Be sure to submit enough choices**

In solidarity,