days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Settlement of CHQ-rouge-18-12 – UDOs and Unforeseeable Circumstances

In 2018 the Union filed grievance CHQ-rouge-18-12 – UDOs and Unforeseeable Circumstances, based on Air Canada Rouge forcing Cabin Personnel to work into their Untouchable Days Off in the event of flight delays.  In July 2020 the Union and the Company mediated a Memorandum of Settlement prior to this grievance being heard at arbitration. We didn’t communicate the outcome of this mediation at that time as Rouge was non-operational, so we apologize for the delayed notice.

Effective the date of this Memorandum of Settlement:
• If more than three and one-half (3:30) hours before scheduled departure, a flight is forecasted to encroach on a flight attendant’s UDO the flight attendant will be given the option of not operating the pairing.
• Cabin Personnel will not be awarded a UDO the day following a pairing that is scheduled to end at or after 22:30.

If a flight is forecasted to encroach on a UDO more than 3:30 hours before scheduled departure, crew scheduling will contact the flight attendant to provide the following options:
(a) operating the pairing and accepting the encroachment on their UDO; or
(b) not operating the pairing, subject to the provision in this MOS.

Should a crew member choose to not operate the pairing, they will be reassigned in accordance with article L55.15.07.

To review this MOS in its entirety, please click HERE.

In solidarity,

Updated Reserve Handbook

We would like to take this time to welcome everyone back to flying after considerable time away. It is truly wonderful to see so many familiar faces once again! A warm welcome also to all of the members who have recently completed flow through to mainline.

For many of our members it is either their first time flying on reserve at mainline or it has been a long time since last doing so. After consulting with the membership at large we have updated the Reserve Handbook to provide answers for some of the more common inquiries that we have received in recent days.  Click HERE to view the updated handbook.

One of the most notable parts of the update relates to differentiating between the two main types of releases and Leaves of Absence (LOAs), including how each one of the three affects scheduling and pay. This is clarified in the Reserve Handbook on Pages 4 and 5 under Call-In “C” Days, Ready Reserve “R” Days, and Minimum Monthly Guarantee (MMG). We hope going forward that this will remove any doubt, but please feel free to reach out as always if any further clarification is needed.

Your Component Reserve Committee can be reached at for all of your reserve-related questions. It is our honour and privilege to be of service to you and enrich your understanding; please let us know how we can help and how we can continue to improve in assisting all of our reserve members.

In solidarity,

Jesse Matthews & Annie Robichaud
Co-Chairs, Component Reserve Committee

Settlement of CHQ-18-72, CHQ-19-24 and Related Grievances – Deferred Salary Plan

The Union filed policy grievances CHQ-18-72 and CHQ-19-24 and other individual grievances about Air Canada’s failure to offer all six (6) Deferred Salary Program options. This included our assertions that there was a failure to publish the Deferred Salary Program award list on the employee portal. On November 29, 2021, these grievances were scheduled for arbitration before Arbitrator Kaplan.  The Union is happy to report that the Union and the Company were able to come to a settlement on these matters.  We reached a go forward resolution that will now secure certainty with regards to all six (6) options of the Deferred Salary Program being offered and awarded. There is a minimum number of DSP’s that must be awarded every year. In addition, the Deferred Salary Program award list will be published and provided to the membership.  Please see link to the settlement HERE.

In solidarity,

WIP Administrative Consultant Replacement

Effective December 1, 2021, Patricia Eberley will replace the current Administrative Consultant, Stephen Morash. Ms. Eberley will be working with Mr. Morash transitioning into her new role effective December 1, 2021 and she will continue her role as the Chairperson of the Board of Trust.

Patricia was appointed to the Board in September 2014 and assumed the position of Chairperson of the Board of Trust shortly thereafter. She comes with excellent leadership and communication skills, as well as a good sense of the business side and management of Trust Fund business and funds.

Effective December 1, 2021, please direct all emails to, and cc until December 31. 2021.

On Behalf of The Board of Trust,

Stephen Morash
Administrative Consultant

Manion, Wilkins & Associates
Plan Administration
626-21 Four Seasons Place
Etobicoke, Ontario
M9B 0A6

Switchboard: 416-234-5044
Toll Free Line:  1-800-663-7849
Fax: 416-234-0127
Contact Centre: 1-866-532-8999